Hiring a person as an independent contractor is a big decision for a business or employer to make, and several pieces of the position that need to be mapped out over hiring an employee. Orientation, or training, would not be the same for a contractor as it would a regular employee and the onboarding process will be minimized with benefit and payroll information being lessened. Many times independent contractors are short time assignments, or project based, so many all aspects of the company would not need to be known, as it would need to be known by a regular employee. Employers have less control over the manner that an independent contractor performs their assignments. Contracted assignments are listed out with general overview, and …show more content…
The contractors are expected to cover their assigned territories and meet or exceed their monthly sales quotas. Training for the contractor is not controlled by the employer. If the contractor would like to increase knowledge, get additional product or field experience, it will be at the contractor’s expense and not of the employer. With all of the company’s sales depending on the ten independent contractors, integration on certain services is needed by the company. The services that are subject to control are sales, monthly sales quotas are listed for each of the territories and each contractor will need to make or exceed their monthly sales quotas. If the quota is not reached, a written report by the contractor is expected, per the contract, to explain the failed goal. The rendering of services is not controlled by the company. A goal is set for the sales contractor, but the how they sell and process in which they sell by is a personal decision of the contractor. The fifth factor would be assistants, the consultant is may not hire assistants without company approval and if the assistant is approved, no cost for the hiring or staffing an assistant will be made to the company; contractor will need to cover all costs. After the first five factors are reviewed, this position analysis would still fall under an independent contractor position. The next five factors to review are continuing
The courts distinguish between an employee, defined in s.248(1) of the Income Tax Act, hereafter, ITA, as the “position of an individual in the service of some other person”. An independent contractor, is someone with a “contract for service.” The case that considered an employee versus and independent contractor was Wiebe Door Service Ltd. v M.N.R. In this case, the applicant owned a door instalment business and had a number of contractors that worked for them. The contractors were responsible for their own taxes, workers compensation and unemployment insurance. However
When an independent contractor earns compensation for providing services or doing work and is classified as a self-employed individual rather than an employee, this is considered to be independent contractor income. This type of income will listed on Form 1099-MISC, which is where other types of income is listed.
New Jersey courts define an independent contractor as one who “contracts to do a piece of work according to his own methods, and without being subject to the control of his employer as to the means by which the result is to be accomplished, but only as to the result of the work.” Cappadonna v. Passaic Motors, 136 N.J.L. 299, 300, (Sup. Ct. 1947), aff'd, 137 N.J.L. 661 (1948). There are two tests used to determine whether an employee was an independent contractor: (1) the control test and (2) the relative nature of the work test.
The most important factor in determining an independent contractor versus employee status of a worker is the amount of control the employer has over the workers in performing a particular task. McCubbin by & through McCubbin v. Walker, 256 Kan. 276, 281, 866 P.2d 790 (1994). There must be a contract between the person wanting work done and the person doing the work in order to establish either an employer-employee relationship or an independent contractor relationship. Id at 282, 866 P.2d at 795.
The Texas Workforce Commission uses a 20 point comparative approach to define employment status with one sentence describing an employee and one for describing an independent contractor under each category. One of the main differences between the two are a person is an employee if the
Many people have dreams and aspirations for the future. Some want to be rich, have their dream home, be famous or travel the world. While these are all great goals and aspirations, they are not a wish of mine. My dream is to open a non-profit organization that assists in finding employment for disabled adults, specifically autistic adults. Before beginning this establishment I must have a solid vision, the mission of the non-profit, the goals I am aspiring to reach and a firm set of policies in place all while ensuring the correct management style is utilized.
It is important that you work in partnership with all of the people surrounding the individuals that you are supporting, in order to ensure the best possible support and care are provided. This will include Carers, Families, Advocates and other people who are sometimes called “Significant Others”. In order to work well in partnership, there has to be good communication therefore you will need to have good communication skills. Other people may be able to provide useful information to support you in your work, and you may be able to find useful information to support them in being part of the individual’s life. An example might be if there are
For my project, I ran Coffee-Roma, a coffee shop located in the business district of a large city. My simulation ran for 60 days. Over this timeframe, I hired 7 employees and earned gross revenues of $89,984.20. From those revenues, my net profit totaled $14,046.83. Below are the details of how I attempted to best run my business.
The American revolutionary war is one of the most riveting tales to learn about, especially to a patriotic citizen, sadly it is full of myths and exaggerations and at times outright lies. The very motive for the war has been twisted through the years to make the fight for independence a more beautiful story. In the late 1770’s several important people “found that by creating a nation, a symbol, a legal unity called the United States, they could take over land, profits, and political power from favorites of the British Empire. In the process, they could hold back a number of potential rebellions and create a consensus of popular support for the rule of a new, privileged leadership” (Zinn). This is the true motive behind the fight for independence. Year after year, the fight the “founding fathers” of this country put up against Britain is celebrated and yet the essence of the war is never discussed nor analyzed. The United States is a nation filled with blind patriotism. The inequality in wealth distribution in the United States started in the colonies and continues on today. During Colonial times “the top 5 percent of Boston 's taxpayers controlled 49% of the city 's taxable assets” (Zinn). The poor got poorer and the rich got richer. The poor would speak their grievances to no avail. In the traditional story, every single able-bodied man took up arms to fight the British who were encroaching on colonial homes and rights, but in reality, the majority
1.Do you feel that Karen is an independent contractor or an employee? What is your rationale for this decision?
Isagogics is an introductory study to the literary and external history of the Bible prior to exegesis (Lueker). With the help of isagogics, the ability to understand the passage including historical context, and what the author wants us to know can be easy. The book of 1 John is an epistle that was written by John the Apostle, who was one of the original 12 apostles. His writing style is unique compared to others because it is non-synoptic, written in the form of a letter, and he focuses mainly on his relationship with God (Blue). He wrote the letter specifically for those of Jewish descent who were the called children of Israel because John wanted to make them aware of their wrongdoings and the false teachers.
This essay will examine how to best prepare a contract administration plan. The contract administration plan will examine different methods used in preparing a plan. This essay will explain how important it is to have technical and other support of personnel, the importance of surveillance, and to determine what functions need to be delegated, identify qualified personnel as well as authorized, it is necessary for the Contracting officer to be represented in administering contract requirements. Also there will be a discussion on what is determined
Explain the key roles and responsibilities of the main contractor’s personnel during both the design phase and the operational phase of the project.
Numerous large businesses that are operating today were once started as small businesses. A new business is established to create a good or service that no other businesses have ever created or simply a product of higher quality than existing products, with the purpose of meeting customers’ needs and earning profits. Due to the technological advances at the present time, starting and operating a new business is less laborious. Nevertheless, would-be entrepreneurs should be familiar with the proper approaches to start their businesses.
In recent years, there is no denying the fact that the environment becomes unstable for many organizations today, as the organization striving to adopt this fact and adapt this situation. The reason of this phenomenon is external stakeholders affect, which including two essential factors are general and task environment, for example, economic, technological and sociocultural, it leads to the environment creates uncertainty to managers or organization (Kinicki et al. 2015, p75-79). “Organizations operate in an environment and are dependent on it for the procurement of inputs and the sale of outputs” (Eppink, 1978). It is necessary that mangers should establish a suitable appropriation when organization environmental change for their survival. In order to make business less vulnerable to organization environment change, planning is a process of make plan and helps organization face different circumstances. There is a long-running debate as to whether the managerial plans are often redundant when the environment change so quickly under the organization operates. As far as I am concerned, I completely agree with the managerial plan is not useless as soon as they made when the organisations environment changes so quickly. Plan helps organization adapt the new requirements of environmental changes. Due to the planning process, planning can increase the capacity of the whole organization which is decrease the vulnerability that brings to organization. However, with the organization