
Independent Contractor Essay

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Hiring a person as an independent contractor is a big decision for a business or employer to make, and several pieces of the position that need to be mapped out over hiring an employee. Orientation, or training, would not be the same for a contractor as it would a regular employee and the onboarding process will be minimized with benefit and payroll information being lessened. Many times independent contractors are short time assignments, or project based, so many all aspects of the company would not need to be known, as it would need to be known by a regular employee. Employers have less control over the manner that an independent contractor performs their assignments. Contracted assignments are listed out with general overview, and …show more content…

The contractors are expected to cover their assigned territories and meet or exceed their monthly sales quotas. Training for the contractor is not controlled by the employer. If the contractor would like to increase knowledge, get additional product or field experience, it will be at the contractor’s expense and not of the employer. With all of the company’s sales depending on the ten independent contractors, integration on certain services is needed by the company. The services that are subject to control are sales, monthly sales quotas are listed for each of the territories and each contractor will need to make or exceed their monthly sales quotas. If the quota is not reached, a written report by the contractor is expected, per the contract, to explain the failed goal. The rendering of services is not controlled by the company. A goal is set for the sales contractor, but the how they sell and process in which they sell by is a personal decision of the contractor. The fifth factor would be assistants, the consultant is may not hire assistants without company approval and if the assistant is approved, no cost for the hiring or staffing an assistant will be made to the company; contractor will need to cover all costs. After the first five factors are reviewed, this position analysis would still fall under an independent contractor position. The next five factors to review are continuing

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