Following the independent learner inventory task I have developed a more enlightened method of thought for how I will approach my future studies. The questionnaire has highlighted that I am strong in terms of motivation and managing my learning, but I need to improve how I reflect on my learning and make changes based on previous learning situations. I believe that I may be too targeted at the questions on the page and focused on achieving completion rather than developing a strategy to employ for how I would better approach the studies to both achieve completion and to also benefit future tasks . Going forward for me to be a more successful learner I will have to better develop skills relating to assignment or essay structures, delivery, learning
In my self-regulated learning survey results, I learned my strong points in the way I learn and the way I prepare myself to learn. I received a high range in most categories. One high area was metacognition. Metacognition is defined as thinking about your thinking, according to DAACS. It involves being aware of your thoughts and controlling how you approach learning. I am aware of my strengths and weaknesses; therefore, I believe this analysis is true. I know how to fully make myself receptive to what I am learning. I tend to like to plan and prepare myself for what is to come. Another strong area was strategy. Strategies are the procedures people use to enhance their learning, according to DAACS. It connects with planning and knowing your
(10 points) Summary Reflection: Putting all your results and findings together, write a detailed paragraph about what all of this means about you. Include thoughts on how your learning style, your personality, your study habits, and your communication skills relate to achieving your personal, academic, and career goals.
This presentation will discuss key factors that impact planning personal study, such as strengths and weaknesses. Also, this presentation will include how to access and locate resources in the Learning Centre.
After reading the article I want to change my study habits some. My goal is to implement the strategy previously mentioned. I think self-testing myself as I read will allow for much more long term absorption of material. In addition, to increasing the skills in how I read I want to learn to create study questions for myself. When study guides are not provided it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with the idea of exams. However, we can train ourselves to recognize important information and create our own study questions to be able to answer before exam day. Self-testing and self-created study questions are going to my new approach at studying.
The aim of this essay is to give the reader an overview of the types of study skills necessary for a student to study for and attain a Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector. In it I will discuss my personal approach to study and the study skills I need to use on the programme. The essay will highlight the skills I feel are my current strengths and draw attention to the areas I need to develop. I will briefly describe and evaluate some different reflective models and in relation to these explain the type of reflective model I use and how this helps me to understand how I can improve my learning experience and my study skills in order to study more proactively.
Task 1 requires you to submit a written piece of work covering all learning outcomes (LO1s, LO2s & LO3s) with a reflective account embedded in the context of work.
Initially, learners will explore factors that affect learning, then plan and monitor their personal and professional
M1: Assess the impact of key influences on the personal learning process on own learning -
According to the learning connections inventory, a test that helps identify how you learn, I am a dynamic learner. Sequence(27) and precision(28) are both in the use first category. Confluence(22) is in use as needed. I was told to avoid technical reasoning(17) learning pattern.
I must admit that I have always looked at this type of course as being a complete waste of time. After taking the Learning Connections Inventory, I've discovered that I'm a Dynamic Learner according to the results of the questionnaire. It's totally shed some light on the how, what, when and why of my success and failures in my educational as well as personal and professional life.
What type of information a teacher is attempting to gather will determine what method of assessment will be used. If the goal of the information is to determine students place compared to other students, a norm-referenced test would be used. Norm-referenced tests can measure a student’s mastery of a variety of skills at one time, although not as accurately as a criterion-referenced test. If a teacher’s goal is to determine the student’s proficiency level of one particular skill, a criterion-referenced test would be administered. This type of test is specific to the skill that is being tested. This test results show quickly if a student has mastered or failed the particular skill being tested.
This course activity is your opportunity to define the foundation on which you’ll build improvements in study habits, keeping in mind the goals you set and your definition of success.
Personal learning styles are highly complex and unique to specific individuals. It is often difficult to pinpoint an exact learning style. Though there are different categories, we often fine tune them to our own abilities. By examining our traits and tendencies we create a clearer understanding of how we process and learn information. With careful review, I have developed a specific analysis of my learning characteristics, including an evaluation of skill levels. Based on what I have recently learned and know from experience, I have also devised a structured plan for improvement of time management and study skills.
The reflective cycle underscores in SALL also guided me to evaluate the effectiveness of each pair of method and material to review whether modifications should be made to achieve more. I also realized feedbacks from other people could allow me to identify my weaknesses and make improvements on my original goals. Undoubtedly, SALL has provided me a valuable experience to learn English in a more independent way because I am the only person to decide what to do in SALL. Nonetheless, the duration I put in SALL activities was just 15 hours, which was far too short to guarantee an improvement in IELTS writing and speaking. Therefore, I will continue to explore new methods to practice English independently to fulfill the IELTS requirement of postgraduate study. The end of SALL doesn’t mean the end of English learning; instead this marks a new beginning in my journey of learning
First off, who I am as a learner has changed over the past years. At times before, I wouldn’t take certain classes or assignments seriously and have learned my lessons when I failed. I believe having classmates at the time who weren’t as focused as I wanted to be, played a big role in my lack of understanding in classes. I understood later that if I felt learning was so important to me, I need to realize that it is my future and I needed to focus on my own. Having learner in my top 5 strengths defines me very well. Rath (2007) explains that, “The process, more than the content or the result, is especially exciting for you” (p.133). I believe this defines me as a learner because I enjoy having books in hand, opening up my notebook to write notes and learning new ways to understand the class. Regardless if the content is something I have to get in to or if I don’t do well on tests, I enjoy the process of studying and learning more even when I know I didn’t do so well; that is what motivates me. I believe as long as I keep this mindset and understand that this is my strength, I will continue to grow and further my education as much as possible. Even though I have failed a few of my last classes, I never let that stop me from continuing. Knowing that I have “failed” makes me realize I know I can do better and I try my hardest not to let it get me down. I will not get further if I don’t keep trying and as a learner I am a motivator to myself in my studies.