
India Business Quiz

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------------------------------------------------- India Business Quiz : Questions with Answers 1. "We have learned that if we provide people with an occasion & an excuse to shop, they will come" are the Golden words of whom? Ans: Kishore Bayani (The Chairman of Future Group) 2. What is the Title of Auto Biography of JRD TATA? Ans: Beyond the Last Blue Mountain 3. What is the Title of Auto Biography of Krishna Kumar Birla? Ans: Brushes with History 4. "It happened in India" is the Auto Biography of whom? Ans: Kishore Bayani (The Chairman of Future Group) 5. "The End of Ecconomic Man" is the famous book written by whom? Ans: Peter F Drucker 6. "Imagining India" recently published book authored by? Ans: Nandan M Neelakeni 7. …show more content…

IMF stands for International Machinery Fund International Monetary Fund Indian Machinery Fund Indian Monetary Fund3. SEC means.. Securities & Exchange Commission Stock Exchange Commission Script Exchange Commission Special Exchange Commission4. NSE stands for National Stock Exchange National Script Exchange Network of Stock Exchange Non Stock Exchange5. NYSE is is acronym for New York Stock Exchange New York Scripts Exchange New York Special Exchange National York Securities Exchange6. NSDL stands for Network of Securities Depository Limited Network of Stocks Directory Listing National Stock Directory Limited National Securities Depository Limited7. ADR stands for All Depositary Receipt Asian Depositary Receipt African Depositary Receipt American Depositary Receipts8. In the context of Mutual Funds, SIP stands for.. Systematic Investment Plan Scheduled Interest Plan Specific Insurance Plan Special Income Plan9. In the context of Mutual Funds, ELSS means Endowment Linked Savings Scheme Equity Linked Savings Scheme Established Line Savings Scheme Entrepreneur Line Savings Scheme10. AMFI stands for Association of Mutual Funds in India Arbitrated Mutual Funds India Arbitrated Monetary Funds India Associated Mega Finance of India | 1. Financial Statements are reports on

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