India has been known for many things but recently it has had a shortage in natural resources. Mining is one of the shortage and finding a place to mine goods. The resources that help people be employed. The amount of mining that could be brought in.
When you think of India you think of all the different cultures that are involved in India. India has a great history and is known for the vacationing and any sort of dreams you want to imagine. India also helps with making natural resources brought to the United States and to other places. We sometimes take the places that gives us the resources we need. When did the problems start? How is affecting the surrounding areas? When we think of all the problems that the
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The illegal mining has also made matters worse. They lost around 1.86 trillion which is about 100,000 crore. After this happened they had cases brought on all of them including Jindinal Steel & Power and Hindalco and some other companies (businesstoday in). The shortage in this problem has left supervisors to work and be in charge of themselves (Human Rights Watch). “The mining can cause immense damage when a government doesn’t supervise it all”, said Meenakshi Ganguly, who is a director the South Asia Human Rights Watch. India’s government has failed to make sure that over 2,600 operations have been ensured. The problem seems to be in the southern part in a town called Goa which is where all the illegal mining is happening to my understanding. How is it affecting the surrounding areas? Mining is resulting in erosion all around, which can create in sinkholes which can be problems for cars and peoples. Another problem is it can cause water contamination which can harm animals and people. Bad mining can cause fire which can burn for decades which can cause pollution. The inhalation from the coal dust can cause black lung disease (BOLOji). Thousands of mine accidents every year which is crazy. Why would a person want to work in such a dangerous place? I guess they want to work where they feel like they belong and they can have a career and they can make sure they can get
It impacts the water resources, the land, the agriculture. The company that owns this mine, BHP Billiton and their suppliers (Kempe engineering and so on) are very cautious about the impact they have on the land around and within the mine. To help keep this clean and as healthy as possible, BHP have waste management teams that transport the waste to a storage facility where the waste is no longer harmful, a rather large pollution and radiation problem is prominent however, Kempe engineering provide waste management and radiation monitoring and equipment to help lower the risks. A team of Indigenous workers have a company set up near Roxby Downs that consult with BHP and monitor, tend and clean up the land. There are also nightlife walks available in Roxby where the volunteers help spread awareness and keep the natives safe and healthy and educate others of the
The mining has become a controversial topic due to the mass publicity regarding the potential danger of nuclear power and uranium mining, not to mention the objections by some Indigenous groups. The controversy is significant
A number of actions and technologies are being made and used by mining productions to make less environmental impacts of mining, these are talked about below.
Sadly, many men have lost their jobs and become miners. Mining is a job with a steady income; however, it brings home lung diseases and medical bills. Mining used to be this great thing everybody wanted as a job down in Appalachia. Mining effects are much greater than any other job. “Estimates suggest such accidents kill about 12,000 people a year” (“The Dangers of Mining”). In Inez, Kentucky, with a population of only 750, 6% is jobless. More jobs in the mines are becoming more of a hassle, due to the government worrying about working conditions. Siliceous, Coal Workers’ Pneumoconiosis (CWP), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) are all side effects of coal mining and big concerns to higher officials. ("Mining Impacts"). The median household in Appalachia central is 51% lower than national average, and it is lowering by the months. The environment surrounding these counties is either polluted with smoke from the mines or has litter everywhere. Polluted areas causes species to not come back, or to even die off. In a food chain, if one thing disappears, it messes with the whole system. Working in factories and not needing a college education works out great for half the
Things like mining too far into a wall that connects to an older mine, thus increasing the danger of a collapse, is common. Other practices include shoddy dams that contain the slurry, a mixture of water and fine particles of coal, which do not always meet structural regulations that can and have broken and flood nearby communities (Light and Light, 2006). There are other environmental issues that are associated with coal mining. Acid mine drainage is the result of sulfide minerals being exposed to oxygen. This produces sulfuric acid and can dissolve heavy metals from the waste rock, making it bioavailable. Without proper treatment, this will poison the water systems near that mine and will seep into the streams, creeks, and even ground and well water. The water turns orange and is impossible for anything to live off of the water or in it (Kirsch, 2014). Another issue of coal mining is airborne coal dust, which can result in Black Lung disease. This is caused by inhaling too much coal dust and is common in miners, but with surface mining becoming more prevalent, more coal dust is being released into the air and drifting down to the communities. More children and elderly people are having respiratory problems that many believe are because of
Metal mining is the process of extracting ore or minerals underneath of the earth. Mining produces economic gains for countries that have plenty of metallic ore deposits, however the mining industry has a record of causing environmental disasters by releasing heavy metals such as (lead, lithium, cadmium) and other chemicals. Also mining has increased air pollution, loss of habitat for many species and the impact on the human health can be devastating.
Have you ever thought about how your able to use a TV or lamp? There are people who have to work in mines or around dangerous machinery just so we can have that privilege. Thousands of miners and other people have been killed because of coal mining. Coal mining has brought some good thought taxes and jobs created. The most important effects of coal mining on the state of West Virginia are thousands of jobs being created, coal affecting West Virginia economically, and coal being used for energy.
The families that live near the mine also face being diagnosed with dangerous side effects. Since the ground becomes polluted with the chemicals, most homes in the surrounding area don’t have running water because the aquifers are polluted by said chemicals that originate from the mine. And the air becomes toxic also, toxic levels of arsenic, fluorine, mercury, and selenium is emitted by coal fires, entering the air and the food chain of those living nearby. These pollutants affect the water also, making it dangerous to any living life form. It causes deformities and creates birth defects if ingested into the body (Breitenender 2). And to an extent, causes death if the water is drunk regularly. It can go unnoticed also if people don’t check their water. And if a person is unfortunate enough to live near these areas, then he likely has no running water due to the pollution of his local aquifer. People are deprived of a vital source to live and they travel far to get water. And these areas are arid which means water is a necessary
Coal releases dozens of hazardous substances that can be harmful to human health. These are just four of the many things that coal releases: Mercury, particulate matter, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur dioxide. Every one of these act on the nervous system to cause loss of intellectual capacity. Exposure to coal dust can lead to black lung disease, or pneumoconiosis, which took the lives of 10,000 miners worldwide over the last decade. Black lung disease is similar to diseases you can get from smoking tobacco for a long period of time. This disease is most common with coal miners, because they are constantly exposed to the dangers coal causes. Coal affects not only the human respiratory system, but also the cardiovascular and nervous system. This
Leonardo da Vinci portrays the philosophy of humanism through the apostle Andreas’ expression of the human emotion of denial, which is illustrated through his hands and posture. Andreas is the fourth apostle to Jesus’ right, and he is raising both hands while leaning away. When Jesus tells the apostles that one of them will betray him, Leonardo paints Andreas with the reaction of denial. His raised hands portray his desire to ensure that no blame is placed on him. He’s putting his hands up as a way to ward off any accusations, which conveys his denial of any guilt others may suspect he has.
Minerals can affect society in many ways for example; Surface mining destroys vegetation across large areas, increasing erosion. Open-pit mining uses huge quantities of water. Acid mine drainage is pollution caused when dissolved toxic materials wash from mines into nearby lakes and streams. Minerals is approximately 80 percent of mined ore consists of impurities that become wastes after processing. These wastes, called tailings, are usually left in giant piles on the ground or in ponds near the processing plants (Figure 12.9). The tailings contain toxic materials such as cyanide, mercury, and sulfuric acid. Left
India has the 2nd largest population followed by the 7th largest land area. It is believed to be over 4000 years old. They border the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. It is a vast country with rich natural resources and history. India was civilized by 500 B.C. They had a golden period under the Gupta Empire during 320 A.D. and 500 A.D. The British started ruling after Bahadur Shah II. India got their independence on August 15th, 1947.India’s population is more than 1.3 billion people as of 2016. Their multiple religions and cultures make India very culturally diverse. Climate varies from tropical monsoons in the south to sweltering suns in the north. Deserts are strewn
With that being said here are some environmental impacts of coal you may not know about. The air pollutants cause acid rain, smog ,respiratory illnesses, cancers and toxins in the environment. Coal miners can get respiratory illnesses from the coal dust while mining. If an abandoned coal mine catches fire it puts tons of mercury into the atmosphere, this happens every year and is responsible for three percent of carbon dioxide emissions globally. The second largest contributor to
The Green Revolution has reduced genetic diversity at two levels. First, it replaced mixtures and rotations of crops like wheat, maize, millets, pulses and oil seeds which monocultures of wheat and rice. Second, the introduced wheat and rice varieties came from a very narrow genetic base. On this narrow and alien genetic base the food supplies of millions are precariously perched.
In our days, mining for resources is inevitable. The resources we need are valuable in everyday life. Such resources mined up are coal, copper, gold, silver, and sand. However, mining poses environmental risks that can degrade the quality of soil and water, which can end up effecting us humans if not taken care of and many of the damages are irreversible once they have occurred.