
Indian Tradition Of Indi An Important Part Of Indian Culture For Much Of It 's History

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Gold has been an important part of India culture for much of it’s history. It has had major influences Indian Hindu weddings. Gold has been apart of Indian weddings for much of India’s history. During this time, the meaning of gold and what it symbolizes in the weddings as changed greatly throughout India’s long history. Today, gold is used to show status both in the community and the household. It also symbolizes purity in the wedding, which reinforces the social status of the bride. Gold wishes luck upon the couple so they will have a good marriage, which is essential to social status in India. Since India has had such a long history with gold, many still believe that gold in weddings is used for “traditional” purposes. It is still a wide-held belief that gold is used in the wedding ceremony as a form of a dowry that the bride’s family is giving to the groom’s family. Culture is constantly changing and the use of gold in India weddings an example of the constant flux of culture. While gold is used in the ceremony for many reasons, it representing a dowry is just not one of them. While dowries are still around in India today, the way the are handled and what is used to pay them has changed from the “traditional” dowries, which were primarily completely made out of gold. Rather gold is used in the wedding ceremony to show to the status, not only of each individual but as their new status as a married couple, thus presenting them and their newly combined statuses to society.

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