“AHH!” I screamed. I was at Lazer Tag with my friends when I had suddenly fallen on the ramp. A little kid was chasing me down the ramp and I was running back trying to make sure that he didn’t shoot me. That’s when suddenly I had misplaced my foot and fell down at least 3 feet and landed on my wrist. “AGH”, I tried so hard not to cry but tears raced down my face faster than Usain Bolt. Before I even knew it, a bunch of people crowds around like it was a crime scene. I then left the area with a group of concerned people by my side. That’s when my mom chimes in, “ARE YOU OKAY!?” my mom yelled with concern. “Yes I’m fine can we just go home?” I sniffled as I tried to hold back my tears. The employees offered me some type of pill and …show more content…
I tried to tune her out by watching T.v. but that couldn’t stop her. A few minutes after my mom’s rant the doctor came. He asked what happened and a few other questions then sent me off with another nurse to get an x-ray of my wrist. She leads me to a room with one small light shining against a table with a big camera connected to the ceiling with one little chair beside it. I sat in the chair and then placed my wrist sideways on the table. I tried to be gentle as possible. The nurse took some snapshots then took me back to the room again. The doctor then came in with a long bandage and a splint to wrap around my arm. While wrapping my arm the nurse explained what had happened to my wrist. “Um, well, it seems you have fractured 2 bones in your wrist, just wear this and you will be just fine.” After hearing that information I felt devastated knowing that my birthday party was tomorrow. After hearing the depressing news, we gave our thanks and left. When we left, my mom didn’t say a single word along the way. Which meant I was going to have a long talk about the hospital bill when we get home. Ever since that happened, I will never go to Lazer Tag
I woke up startled and didn’t know where I was. I had an IV in my arm and my parents were staring at me. The doctor came in
I came to a halt. My hands were bloodied and bruised. I finally let out the tears, and it wasn’t because of the pain I inflicted on my hands. It was realisation of losing my friend. Maybe we would have been more than that, even- if he was alive. I heaved, I whimpered, I couldn’t breathe. I yelled in agony, my fists didn’t hurt like how my heart
“It’s clearly broken. It probably was a bad sprain, but with the pressure of the cuff, it made it into a broken wrist. I’m going to have to put this in a cast, but I need all my
I fell. This felt like I didn’t have a wrist. But I got back up really carefully and went up to the lounge to my dad and sister. Ah, Ah, Dad I think I broke my wrist. No you didn’t. It was swelling up, It hurt so bad I couldn’t even believe this was happening.
Have you ever felt the pain and misery of breaking a bone or maybe two. Well, I have I broke my wrists snowboarding in 6th grade and I had many challenges along with it. After I felt the terrible, unbearable, pain of breaking two bones. After breaking my wrists the rest of the day was terrible. I couldn't eat supper that night and I also couldn't sleep.
I’m looking at my pink cast thinking to myself, how could this have happened to me? It was freshman year, football season had just started, and we were off to our second game of the season. Shirley Field was where it happened, and it’ll be an experience i’ll never forget. It was just another game, nothing new, but little did I know what would happen later.
Next, they put me in a different room upstairs to take some x-rays, they figured out that I had 2 fractures (so practically broken!) They put an enormous cast on my arm that went all the way down to my elbow and I had to wear that for 2 weeks or something like that. After a while of having it on, my arm got numb and I couldn’t feel my hand! When we got traveled back after the 2 weeks they gave me another cast. The difference was that it was smaller and only went down to my wrist also my 2 fingers (pinky and ring) were at a 90 degree angle. They told me “Wear that one for another
She decided to give me some tests unrelated to the injury to begin my session with her. It was everything from strength determination (I was in the LOWEST 99% tile) to flexibility (In the highest of the 99% tile). After these findings she pulled my mom aside and talked about a disorder she believed I could have. There is no cure, nor any medical treatment that can help. In my case, it means I am extremely injury prone and I will simply have to get used to living with aches and pains. There was a genetics doctor I could go to if I wanted to be officially diagnosed, but my mom decided against it since it wouldn’t offer any medical
Before realizing what was happening, a nurse was trying to put an IV in my arm. The needle compared to my little arm looked huge and too long to go in my arm. I refused to let them touch me and tried to run to my mom. When they had a hard time succeeding at putting my IV in, they decided to get help from my mom. She calmly told me to lay down and to watch her, while they put the needle in. It was hard to ignore the pain pulsing through my arm and all the commotion happening all around me. I looked at my mom and saw the tears that were falling down her face as they held me down. When they were done, there was an IV and a cast on my arm, so that I would not be able to pull the IV out. Then they wheeled me into another room where my mom held and comforted me, while we waited to hear the results.
While they were trying to figure out what happened my mom started to bandage me
Once we got to the hospital I had noticed that I still had my shorts and jersey on from the game. On top of that the bag of ice had a hole in the side and was leaking all over me and the hospital waiting room. Next to me an elderly couple was more than confused how I broke wrist after I explained I played soccer. Forty minutes later, I was finally getting a x-ray done and they did confirm it was broken. In result of the swelling I had to wait to cast and they temporarily gave me an arm
“I’m not okay!” I screamed as I began to feel the pain. I cried a terrible screech until my grandpa tried to calm me
The weird part: I didn`t cry. I just remember screaming as loudly as I possibly could as my friends rushed to me and called my parents. I heard gasps, as people tried not to stare at my instantly bruised elbow turning purple and blue. As I was rushed into an ambulance, I could see the worry in my parents sorry eyes, and didn’t know what to do. Once we arrived at the intimidating hospital, with people on gearnies being rolled around all over the first floor, the doctor came to me after what felt like a year. They rolled me to a dark, secluded room where they x-rayed my elbow. I was rolled back and put on medicine that relieved the pain, and put me to sleep, which after all three doses, still barely worked.
Honestly , it was my first time going to the Accident and Emergency department i was scared and worried about what will happen to my wrist and how will my parents react .While my teacher was doing all the registration i sat there in state of shock . It was really a blessing having my best friend by my side comforting me and constantly telling me everything will be alright . I was then called to do some X-RAYS before consulting the doctor . My parents finally came and just right it was my turn to consult the doctor , my mother then went in together with me . The doctor was then examining my X-RAYS that i took before consulting him . My heart was beating very very fast as I am a right hander and i need my right hand to do many things . Finally the doctor spoke , he said that there was no obvious or major fractures shown in my X-RAYS but i have to put an temporary cast on my hand. He then referred me to a specialist at KK Children Bone Specialist to ensure there was no hairline fracture or any small minor fractures .
My brother and his friends were in awe of my misshapen wrist. The teachers ran after me and continued to walk me to the nurse. I don’t really think my brother heard what I said all he could see was that I was hurt. When we got to the nurse, I sat down with