
Individual Cultural Communication: Study of Indian Culture

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Introduction Introduction Indian population seems to be based on two groups, which are genetically dissimilar from each another. This is because they tend to be from other Asians, according to the main DNA survey conducted concerning the Indian heritage to present times. Nowadays, though, most Indians are known to be genetic hotchpotch of both lineages. This is despite the crowded nations known stratified social structure. India comprises of one-sixth of worldwide population, nevertheless the South Asian country seem to be under-represented in relation to genome-wide research concerning human genetic variation. Researchers showed that majority of Indian populations are generally, genetic admixtures of two primeval and genetically divergent grouping. Each contributed approximately 40-60% of the DNA to many modern populations. Indian cultural ancestry Indian offers varied as well as fascinating culture. In most instances, they are often unwilling to discuss some elements, which are considered taboo in their culture. Indian has a long historical tradition of acceptance, and has been capable of accommodating immense variety of culture, religion as well as social levels. India is known to be grounded to tradition at heart. Even between young Indians, there are different ways and procedures of performing things distinctly. This deals with fashion, attitudes about work, gender roles, life and family (Uddin 2009). There are issues that are regarded as taboos in the Indian

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