Throughout time each and every single individual of the human kind have been taught the art of individualism. Selling the idea of independence and self-sufficiency, civilization after civilization have manipulated the life of its members setting labels that serve as the stigma of the community and creating social taboos to oppress individuals as components of the greater scheme that is society. The believe of individualism, the big banner that says it is fine to be different have become the current most followed idea, the question is whether or not such individualism exist or it is nothing more than a created fantasy use to shape the existence of a race. For instance, the civilize system we live in today, denies individuals of many things …show more content…
First preformed in 1988, “Sure Thing”, takes place in a Café. The play has two characters; the readers are given an equal description of both, which is their names and approximated age. The fact that both characters are equally described, gives a constancy of role equality improvements; which is also an aspect portray throughout the entire story as both characters continue to equally change their thoughts in order to become sympathetic with each other, until they achieve the agreeing point. Furthermore, the image of women portray by Betty, the female character, is one of a more self-thinking, valuable woman. For instance when Bill gives a well, and positive opinion about Faulkner’s works and she simply says, “I think it’s pretty boring”(Ives, 1). Additionally, Betty speaks her mind out after Bill shows to be interested in her; part of her response goes, “Maybe you’re only interested for the sake of making small talk long enough to ask me back to your place to listen to some music, or because you’ve just rented some great tape for your VCR, or because you’ve got some terrific unknown Django Reinhardt record, only all you’ll really want to do is f*** — which you won’t do very well”(Ives, 2). Exhibiting a woman that knows how things work, or at least wants to acknowledge that she is not stupid as he may think. Considering the work choice of the author, it also …show more content…
Both plays give the reader a unique vision of the location they are taking place. The play “Trifles” illustrates its settings in a small time kind of environment; the characters point out some aspects of farmers’ lifestyle. For instance, Mrs. Hale mentions, “There’s a great deal of work to be done on a farm. Farmers’ wives have their hands full”(Glaspell, 604). Suggesting the busyness of days at this scenario, and there was no time to get involved in their neighbors’ businesses. Gives the impression that small town people at the time were no really the social type, everyone was busy doing their work. Specially women that had to take care the house chores, they did not have time to go out have coffee with their friends and gossip about their entertained lives. While in “Sure Thing”, the readers see more of city lifestyle. Two stranger that meet at a Café, start talking and find out they been going to the same Café for a while now and never ran into each other before; as Bill says, “City life. We probably pass each other in the street every day. Right in front of this place, probably” (Ives, 2). Furthermore, the fact that Betty is in the Café reading a book by herself on a Friday night shows an independent woman, free to do as she pleased. Nevertheless, Bill founds it a bit strange “ Sort of a sad occupation for a Friday night, isn’t it? Reading here all by yourself”(Ives, 3). It is
In this deeper look into 'Trifles,' Karen goes through the plot and discusses what you should pay more attention too. She describes the symbolism in some of the objects as well as explain the scenes and their little details. Karen finds the difference between male and female perceptions of judgment to be central to the play. She explains that you need to follow the storyline of the women to help solve the case and discusses the differences between a man and a womans world in this time period. Karen shares that she believes the women are going about the case better than the men and she
I will be using Trifles and setting as topic of this paper. The setting of the new and improved version of Trifles will be in the early two-thousands in the city of Montgomery, Alabama. The cast of my play will be Jermenee Taylor as Mrs. Hale, Trey Hayes as Mr. Hale, William Elliott- court attorney Henderson, Devante king- Mr. Peters, and Mia as Mrs. Peters. This play will be produce my Dr. Hutcheon. We will have music from artist of Lil Wayne, and Kanye West, and a special soundtrack from the vantage murder music of Psycho. The original play Trifles was first performed by the Provincetown Players at the Wharf Theatre in Provincetown, Massachusetts, on August 8, 1916. It took place on the empty farmhouse of the Wright family. This play is
The dialogues between the men and women in “Trifles” are important because they help the reader understand the patriarchal society which does not allow women to have a life of their own. In their dialogue towards the women, the men ridicule women’s roles. As we see this in the beginning of the play, Mr. Hale despises the women because
The kitchen in “trifles” is a major symbol in the play. For example, “It was all messy, out of order and empty, that represents her home life and how she feels in her marriage; unhappy and empty”(recessionJuice). The county attorney in “Trifles” says that “not much of a housekeeper, would you say, ladies?”(page 5). This quote represents the state of her home.
The play seems to be produced with a somewhat humorous tone to it, while the short story is extremely dark and places a greater emphasis on the suggested abuse suffered by Mrs. Wright. In comparing the theatrical play to the short story, it appears as if Trifles was crafted with a comic tinge, meant to be viewed and enjoyed by a vast audience comprising of men and women. The dialogue is extremely clever and witty, being delivered in
Individualism in today’s society is the “belief that each person is unique, special, and a ‘basic unit of nature’.” The individualism concept puts an
The men in this story are mocking the women, because they do not expect the women to know anything of importance, and to only know their “womanly” duties, which are deemed unimportant. Another similarity between the two works are the changes that the women undergo towards the end of the plays. In “Trifles”, the women, Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale, are stuck with the choice of aiding a murderer that was in an abusive relationship, or to tell their husbands what they have found:
The title Trifles refers to domestic matters that the men consider insignificant and irelivant. Even though the men disregard these things, the trifles have a large impact on life and death in the play. While the men are searching the house, Mrs. Peters makes a comment about how Mrs. Wright was worried that the jars might be broken. Then Mr. Peters, the sheriff, makes the condescending statement, “Held for murder and worryin’ about her preserves” (Glaspell 604). Mr. Hale agrees in saying that “Well, women are used to worrying over trifles” (Glaspell 604).
The play Trifles takes place in a rural area and centers around a woman, Mrs. Wright, who has been accused of killing her husband by strangling him. The act starts off in Mr. and Mrs. Wright’s home on a cold, winter morning the day after Mr. Wright’s body was discovered by the neighbor; the county attorney, the sheriff and his wife and the neighboring farmer and his wife are all inside the
Betty: They don't have such interesting conversations as men. There has never been a woman composer of genius. They don't have a sense of humor. They spoil things for themselves with their emotions. I can't say I do like women very much, no.
Charlotte Brontë a famous author said that,”Prejudices, it is well known, are most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilised by education: they grow there, firm as weeds among stones.” This illustrates how prejudice is a tough feeling to remove and once it is set it will never be removed. Education is the only way to combat it. It is Harper Lee’s essential message in the book To Kill a Mockingbird. In a small town in Maycomb, Alabama encompassed by prejudice two children Jem and Scout telling their tale. The main affair in this book concerns their father, Atticus who is a well respected legislative representative and lawyer. He is representing an honest black man by the name of Tom Robinson who has been accused of raping a white girl. Her name is Mayella Ewell who is part of one the poorest and most prideful families of the town. Arthur Radley is also another main subject in the town. Local children fear him because of myths and false stories about him. Scout narrates this entire story and offers her insight on events in the town. The book To Kill a Mockingbird portrays that prejudice is something that is engraved in the mind not born with, often it leads to pain and anguish, but through empathy and awareness the cycle of prejudice can be broken.