Throughout history, society has expanded and thrived around the idea of new innovation, discovery of unexplored areas, and the invention of products that would revolutionize the world for centuries to come. These innovations would be used for centuries before another would finally be made to take its place. However, ever since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, with the introduction of novelties such as television and the Internet, the world has begun to drift in a different direction: one based around constant access to all information. This desire for new information led to a widespread desire for novelty, which businesses were able to use to their advantage, successfully conning millions of people out of billions of dollars each year. …show more content…
Going back to smartphones, one can see in the media how society laughs at older citizens or those with an experience to older methods and products for not knowing how to operate a phone; on the contrary, this dilemma is no joke. I personally have had to assist my grandmother countless times with operating a new smartphone or computer, or setting up Wi-Fi at a house. I have also had the pleasure of laughing with my friends at helping our older relatives with issues such as these. This means that a rapid development revolving around novelty has excluded a portion of members of society from ever being able to function efficiently. Having said that, while not everyone knows how to operate a smartphone and all of its applications, almost everyone knows how to operate a normal phone, or possibly even an older flip phone, alongside with their basic applications, which means that the basic idea behind the phone is still usable. This could apply to the various other areas where certain individuals would be uneducated on a certain skill. If society were to base ideas off of their usability, there would be no need for a lack of education of a skill, as there would be a much more gradual learning …show more content…
If one relies on something that has been proven to be reliable, there would be a higher chance of longevity of that idea. For example, if society decides to consistently devote all of their spending into one reliable brand and model of car, multiple things can be noticed because of it. First, there will be fewer accidents and issues on the road due to a smaller likelihood of the car malfunctioning. Second, there would be a much larger demographic of people who could actually drive the car. Third, there would be more money towards the company, which would provide the company more resources and money to perform minor enhancements to make the car even more reliable. This would add to its overall safety and reliability, while also gradually expanding the possibilities that it can have. This method only applies to cars alone. Imagine its application on almost every aspect of society, and how radically different society would become because of it. Putting our faith in the reliable rather than the new would result in this changed and simpler
Although the industrial revolution led to more advanced discoveries and inventions, it was more damaging than constructive because factories and coal mines were built that required laborers to work for long hours, in dangerous conditions, and at a young age. 1. People often worked 12-14 hours, but if the factory was busy, they could have to work for up to 18 hours. 2. They were forced to work in the dark because they didn’t have access to candles.
When inventors invented machines to make everyday life quicker in England. It was between 1760 and 1840 and brought the city’s jobs and greater trade. The Industrial revolution had a positive impact on there on people lives. It had a positive impact on people’s lives by changes to society, daily life and transportation.
The Industrial Revolution was blessing because there were more jobs, increased wages, unlimited innovations, and new inventions. According to a biography by Andrew Carnegie in April 23, 1896 he said, “here i entered a new world… This brought me into notice, and finally I became an operator, and received the enormous recompense of twenty five dollars per month!...”. This quote proves that the Industrial Revolution was a blessing because Andrew shows his emotion how he thought “he entered a whole new world” by getting a new and better job and he also got a pay raise. Additionally, in a text by Andrew Ure in 1835, Andrews work as consulting chemist helped a lot because it improved the machines employers used in factories and made workmen have
The Industrial Revolution lasted between the eighteenth and ninetieth century. During this time, there was a constant growth, varying from growth in transportation, mining, machinery, technology and so much more. Europe was one of the first countries to have the opportunity to experience such growths. Europe was altered by the advent of the Revolution because it brought on improvements for the European middle class citizens. Being that most of Europe’s population was mostly the working class, farmers for example; now had machinery to plow lands, making the work much more effective. Europe’s upper class also profited from the Revolution. Being they were already wealthy and well known, they were able to invest in the improvements, which in turn
The industrial revolution was a period of tremendous growth and prosperity through the modernization and creation of factories. The advancements were monumental for economic growth, but negatively affected its workers. Workers were forced to work tremendously long hours with many safety hazards. Although, the working conditions have overall improved since the eighteen hundreds issues still arise. For example, the first document I read discussed a fatal fire in Bangladesh.
Was the Industrial Revolution really a good thing for everybody? Manchester, which is a prominent city in England underwent a massive industrial revolution leading to the significant rise of the population. The population rose from a small 18,000 to an astounding 300,000. The cause of this was due to the influx of unemployed workers who were seeking a job. But with the large amount of people coming in, someone had to provide houses and food to these people.
The 19th century sparked a revolution in medical, scientific, technological advancements, because of this the lives of European workers changed. With such a rapid change in such a short period of time, the governments could not keep up with what the people wanted. As work centralized around crowded cities and the population of cities exploded, the living conditions became unsanitary and workplace inhumane. Many of the people looked toward the government for legislative action to be taken, others opposed that, as it did not go with the ‘laissez-faire’ ideology. While millions of people were left in poverty, some decided a revolution was the only solution.
The industrial revolution was a success during the 19th century. Many new things were made and manufactured. There were both positive and negative effects of the industrial revolution there were less people dying but still some which brought up the population which meant more jobs but the working conditions weren't great.
The Industrial Revolution was a period that changed the course of human history in many ways. People often think of the positive outcomes rather than the negative consequences, for example, the creation of a more efficient manufacturing process that resulted in more products and profits. However, the industrial revolution also paved ways for humans to increase the amount of pollution being put into the atmosphere immensely. Evidence of this is seen in various graphs of Carbon Dioxide, Methane, and Nitrous Oxide. In these graphs, there is a notable spike in these levels starting around the mid 1800s, which is also around the time the Industrial Revolution started to take off and spread around the world. In the data of CO2 emissions, Carbon Dioxide was about 280 ppm (parts per million) in the pre-industrial time period, since then CO2 levels have increased rapidly resulting in around 407 ppm, which is the highest level humans have ever experienced. This being said, the whole human race needs to be self-conscious of what get exposed to Earth’s atmosphere.
The Industrial Revolution started in the early 19th century. It brought about a wide array of changes, both social and political. Before the invention of machine and the factory system people had to make everything by hand which meant people would make anything they could by hand and buy things they couldn’t make from people who specialized in making the particular thing they needed. The groups of people who specialized in making something were called Guilds and they would take on younger kids and teach them the craft. Working in a guild required skill and were often smaller exclusive groups of people which meant that most people lived out in the country as farmers. But then factories filled with machines started up and suddenly there was a
The Industrial Revolution was a predominantly negative period in history, greatly affecting the lives of the poor working-class. Starting in 1750, rapid urbanization occurred, resulting in the higher and middle-class benefiting; but only because they were rich before it began. The working-class, however, became even more unfortunate as the era went on and were forced to become factory workers or miners. These men, women and children all faced harsh environmental factors, including the new technology of advanced machines and a shift in their family lifestyle.
The Industrial Revolution was a revolution in every sense of the word, as it altered almost every aspect of live in the nineteenth century including technology, government, communication, environment and eventually society as a whole.1 Although industrialisation created many positives for modern society, for people in Britain up to the end of the nineteenth century it had many significantly negative consequences. With the long term advances made for society came the then current development of overcrowding cities abundant with pollution, health problems and poor living conditions for the working class. These poor conditions continued into the work place with young children exploited as workers as young as the age of four or five.2 There were consequences of the Industrial Revolution for people outside of the core of Britain. India, being the periphery in the model were exploited for their raw materials which were exported to Britain.
The Industrial Revolution in Europe changed Europe to this day. This began in the United Kingdom in the 1700s and expanded to Western Europe in the 1800s. During the Industrial Revolution, this provided new technology, a surplus of food, trading and different ways of producing goods for countries. The women and children in Europe had to work hard and work in the mills. They did this to give enough money for their family to live on. Politics also changed during the Industrial Revolution. Thus, the Industrial Revolution affected many people and to discover new technology and ways of thriving life.
America has been expanding and growing since its birth out of Great Britain. The Industrial Revolution has been an influence in the American life since it first in the 1700s. “Most families did not have enough to sell at the market- they had just enough for their own needs.” Up until the factories started booming and employment rates skyrocketed, people really couldn’t become wealthy and live a decent life. As the ways of farming grew the English at the time began to use up more and more land efficiently. “Unusable swamplands could be drained and used for crops.” That’s absolutely amazing that in this era they could turn swamps into areas to raise more crops so they can naturally make more money at the markets and become a bit wealthier. Farming is one of the most important lively hoods of mankind; no matter what argument anyone tries to make. If we didn’t have farming and agricultural production we wouldn’t have all the different sorts of food products we do, nor would they be as abundant. Life would be like it was before the Industrial Revolution came about and most of us would still be growing our own food and barely scraping by in life. With all this agricultural expansion of the time population in England start expanding drastically as well. Thanks to population growth people started to worry more about new inventions and producing stuff for us to make our day to day lives easier than we could have ever before. With all the technological advancements leading up to
The Industrial Revolution set people away from farms and small villages and moved them to cities and towns because of the job opportunities that arose in the cities. The Industrial Revolution not only helped people move along in the late 1700s and early 1800s but also it has made the people what they are today. During the Industrial Revolution, the movement from an agrarian society to an industrial one reshaped the roles of families, widen the gap between classes, and led to the developments in communication, transportation, and other scientific fields that completely changed humanity.