The Industrial Revolution had positive and negative effects, but the positive effects out-shined the negatives ones. The purpose of the industrial revolution was to advance the manufacturing rate of items. The industrial revolution made items produce easier, and also faster.
The Positives that the industrial revolution produced were that the economies were strengthened by factories being built. Cities were starting to rapidly grow and more jobs were being created. People who were looking for jobs did not have to worry about being very skilled because inside the factories their were machines doing the work, and they only had to supervise the machines. The machines also produced items faster than by human hands.
The industrial revolution did
Two positive effects of the Industrial Revolution is that it created factories and it commercialized agriculture. Factories greatly benefitted the Industrial Revolution because it created business practices that still exist today such as the assembly line and working hours. The assembly line was a way to boost productivity by dividing one whole task into smaller tasks among men. The assembly line greatly boosted the economy by making products faster, was less expensive and created many more jobs. Another positive effect of the Industrial Revolution was the commercialization of agriculture. This was a huge benefit because it allowed for land to be sold as a marketable item and produce enough food for populations. Document 1 proves this point
The positive impacts in Industrial Revolution were plants such textile factory, exports and import goods in the late 1800s and we had world’s largest supply of industrial power (Document 3). Cheaper Goods in Industrial Revolution improved the quality of farm products were getting imported . It greatly improved the quantity of farm products was livestock from soil.(Page 197) . For Example,
The industrial revolution transformed economies all around the world. The revolution began in the 1700’s. It increased the amount of goods produced by machines. The industrial revolution had a negative impact on the quality of life for humans. It was negative because it caused bad living conditions, child labor, and people working many hours making little to no money to barely afford to live (poverty).
A positive effect of the industrial Revolution is machines got more advanced. In document 1, machines were more advanced it made making the products easier. In document 1a cloth was produced by simple machine and in document 1b it was produced by more complex machines. In document two it discuss the four great inventions. These inventions made the creating fabrics easier.
The Industrial Revolution European society has been transformed greatly by the Industrial Revolution. Some of the changes were positive there were also negative ones. The positive changes benefitted the wealthy and the working class, while the negative affected the poor. These changes definitely affected society whether they were negative or positive. Some positive changes were an increase of jobs and a steady economy, as well as growing businesses.
Although the effects of the Industrial Revolution somewhat were negative economically since the working conditions were unsafe for factory workers there were more economical positive effects . For examples there was more product, there was an increase in demand for products which lead to more
The Industrial Revolution had both positive and negative consequences on society. Many say that the Industrial Revolution would have never happened if the Agricultural Revolution didn’t occur. The Agricultural Revolution began with the creation of new labor saving inventions and techniques to help increase farm productivity and efficiency. The British Parliament then enacted The Enclosure Act which fenced off many small, peasant owned farms, and transformed them into one big farm. This drastically increased farm output. However, this threw many small farmers out of work and it was these farmers who became the major workforce for the textile factories. In the factories, the workers would make .While some might argue that Industrialization had primarily positive consequences for society because of economic growth and the higher standard of living, it was actually a negative thing for society. Industrialization’s
The Industrial Revolution had many positive effects. One of them being the invention of the railroad. The railroad changed the way of transportation. It helped people get around quicker and cheaper (Document 5). Also with the Industrial Revolution the houses started getting built better and the clothes got cheaper Document 5). So with this the standard of living for the people improved. Standard of living is the
While some might argue that industrialization had primarily negative consequences for society because working conditions, it was actually a positive thing for society. Industrialization’s positive effects were more jobs and healthy people along with railroads and ships. I strongly believe that The Industrial Revolution was a positive output in life. Many people would disagree but there is no way that a person can advance in life and not have any trouble. We are now in an amazing place with protection and it is alway improving there is no way we could have gotten here without any industrial revolution or struggle in that time.
The industrial revolution had a significant impacted in the way people live from then to now. Today, everyone lives in a consumer society and a person’s lifespan significantly increased which all started with the industrial revolution. Historically, there is an argument stating whether or not industrialization had an overall greater positive or negative effect on society. While some might argue that Industrialization had primarily negative consequences for society because of the poor working conditions, it brought a positive thing for society. Industrialization’s positive effects were the amount of jobs it brought for workers, better transportation, and higher standard living.
When something new changes your life, at first you might not know if it will have a positive or negative effect. The Industrial Revolution had positive and negative effects on North America in the 1800’s. The Industrial Revolution was a time when new inventions factories started to show up around America. It started in the late 1700’s in England. Machines that wove cotton into cloth, to make easier and products cheaper.
Overall, the industrialization had a greater negative effect than positive effect on society for many reasons. The revolution had many positives that came with it, but I thought that there were just more negatives that overrode it in the long run. While some might argue that industrialization had primarily positive consequences for society because child labor laws were not being abused was actually a negative thing for society. Industrialization’s negative effects were bad working conditions, unfair working/ labor rights, and separation from life. I would stress that one of the main things that was negative for society is the water borne disease, which killed more people than the war did.
The Industrial Revolution changed the world forever. From the Industrial period, we had some good outcomes. The Revolution helped by making things faster and not as much hand made items. This led up to the invention of a machine and that helped us advance in technology. There were new advancements in medicine. It increased the wealth and power in Europe and the United States. While
One negative effect of the Industrial Revolution was the poor working conditions in factories which were a big problem during the Industrial Revolution. Many people worked in factories, which had very tight spaces and poor lighting. Many
The Industrial Revolution had many positive and negative impacts on society. The positive include cheaper clothes, more job opportunities, and improvement in transportation. And the negative would include exploitation of women and children, workers work long hours and environmental damages. These are just a few that I believe had an impact on the Industrial Revolution.