
Industrial Revolution Working Class

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Throughout the years, science and technology have developed exponentially through the work of several scientists and researchers. By the 1800s, citizens craved comfort and wanted jobs to be done faster. These desires created the Industrial Revolution and the age of mass-production. This prompted new technology and faster ways to save lives. Now, citizens have internet on their phones, GPS tracking systems, and live longer. However, while the Revolution was prosperous in the long run, it deeply affected people during the 1800s. During the Industrial Revolution, people worked strenuously, the emerging middle class could afford to spend more on daily business, and quality of life at home decreased.
At the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the working class—who made up 80% of society—had little bargaining power with their new bosses. Working conditions were very tough, and sometimes tragic. Factory employers demanded a complete change of pace and discipline from the village life. Laborers worked twelve hours a day, six days a week, without vacations or holidays. There were safety hazards at the job as well due to the dangerous machinery they had to work with. Under such dangerous conditions, accidents occurred regularly. The majority of the workers also saw very little social mobility during work. But, during the …show more content…

Before, most families farmed and kept their business simple. During the Revolution, new urban industries required more of the jobs today, such as business people and teachers. The middle class could also hire servants to cook and clean the house. The new middle class had great pride for themselves and their families. Workers viewed professional success as the result of a perseverance and hard work. The Revolution was very prosperous for the middle class, but at home they were still

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