
Inequality On The Basis Of Race, Class, Sex, And Resource Poor Educational System

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Inequality on the basis of race, class, sex/gender, and sexuality is maintained in a variety of ways and contexts in the education system. This institution functions through several strategies to contain these common imbalances in society. The leading issue for this division is on the basis of its individual structure within the system. For example, Jonathan Kozol demonstrates that “the divergent experiences of students in a resource-rich and resource-poor educational systems demonstrates a difference in the distribution of cultural capital” (Ore 226). For students, cultural capital is crucial to seek opportunities and succeed in the future. Therefore, those who lack this asset are often set up with more disadvantages than those who are raised in a resource-rich class; thus, contributing to the general gap between the middle and working class students. The concept of cultural capital extends to the disproportions of the racial structures. Kozol states that in addition to these economic disparities, “schools with fewer economic resources, which are often disproportionately attended by African American, Latina/o, or Native American students, are less able to provide students with what is viewed by the dominant culture as important cultural capital” (Ore 226). In this sense, the inequalities maintained in both class in race are interconnected. Students who can’t afford cultural capital (i.e., working class and/or racial minority) are set at disadvantages. Those who attend

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