

Better Essays

1. Our Level of Influence is not Static Maxwell and Dornan commence by addressing several fallacies related to becoming a person of influence. One myth the author attempts to dispel is that past performance always determines future success. They assert that an individual’s “level of influence is not static” (1997, Introduction, sec. “Positive Influencers Add Value”, para. 2). One need not assume their impact with others in the past dictates their influence with them tomorrow. Paul describes a similar sentiment in Romans 12, God assures Paul that, human weaknesses or failures are never a limitation upon God’s ability (verse 9). Furthermore, these limitations that may otherwise disqualify me, actually, can serve to magnify God’s strength as …show more content…

There is a modern parable about character where an administrative assistant refuses to lie on behalf of her boss. In response to the boss’ reprimand, she reminds him that, while she will never lie for him, he can rest assured that she will, also, never lie to him. Early in ministry, I was asked to take responsibility for registration at a large conference for Chi Alpha. Everything was great, until one year, I discovered a discrepancy of over a thousand dollars. After checking and rechecking my numbers, I apologetically reported the problem to my superior. While everything was clarified the next day, it was the willingness to be responsible even before anyone knew there was a problem that has secured access to opportunities that would have remained unattainable despite all the technical aptitude I could demonstrate. 3. Enlarging People Chapter 6 addresses the concept of enlarging others with a powerful personal testimony of a former president of Lockheed Aircraft Corporation. He asserts that, if companies would concentrate on facilitating the development of their human resource, they need not concern themselves with the quality or efficiency of their product (Maxwell & Dornan, 1997, chapter 6, sec. "Enlarging Others is an Investment", para. 2). But, recognizing the

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