
Influence Of Drugs On Society

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Drugs Influence on Society Drugs have become a big problem in today’s society especially in today’s youth. It has caused so many deaths and violence within the community that it is well known what drugs are in society and the effects of it. Even though many people know the effects and outcomes of drugs they still continue to use it and sometimes never realize their life is hitting rock bottom. Some people use drugs as a doorway to get away from stress, and or to be socially acknowledged in which then leads them to get hooked causing them to sidetrack into more crime since some need the drug so bad it makes them have to commit a crime to be able to buy the drug they need. Drug users report greater involvement with crime and are more likely for nonusers to have criminal records, persons with criminal records are much more likely to be drug users more than others, and crime rise when drugs rise (Chiaken and Chiaken, 1990). In the youth drug is used mainly to be sociable, in other words be cool with their peers and sometimes are subject to peer pressure by other youth. The lack of experience and knowledge makes it easier for teens to think nothing will happen to them even if they try it once but fail to realize that it only takes once to get hooked and be under the wrath of drugs for a long time and or for a lifetime. Some youth not only use drugs to be trendy, they also get comfortable in it because of traumatic events in their life that drives them to try drugs and use it as a

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