
Influences In Frankenstein

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We are all mortal beings who experience life and it is our choice whether we make the best of it or not. We can choose to allow our emotions to control us or not. However, there are many influences that can allow us to go into either deep depression or ultimate bliss. In Frankenstein, Mary Shelley uses a creature and its creator and gives examples to show how cultural, physical and geographical surroundings can shape a person. She conveys a story line in the novel that shows a reader how life should be dealt with by using the creatures behavior as a model of a normal individual. The examples she uses contributes to the work as a whole by giving us a view of life from one perspective.

Victor Frankenstein has created a horrendous creature that he is not proud to call his creation after it has been brought to life. On page 36, he says “when those muscles and joints were rendered capable of motion, it became such a thing as even Dante could not have conceived”, showing that he could not bear to see the creature in its alive state. This alone began the animosity towards the monster he created. Victor allowed his …show more content…

He says “ My rage was without bounds; I sprang on him, impelled by all the feelings which can arm one being against the existence of another.” showing that he could not stand to even look upon the creature. He uses his physical mentality to express his emotional anger. All of his actions can show how a human ties every aspect of life together to express our feelings. Because of the acts of the creature, Frankenstein let his own creation have control over his emotions. Likewise, we let our own emotions make a decision on how we feel about certain situations. He could have handled the situation differently and complied with the creatures wishes. However, he chose to attack him in that moment and therefore, the creature went on to committing other dreadful

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