
Information Is Necessary For Businesses And Auditors

Decent Essays

The most current and up to date information is necessary for businesses and auditors to make informed decisions. Information can be processed by newer technology at speeds that were not available before but can now be programmed to look for trends, set alerts, and analyze values with the ability to be shared on a moment 's notice. Auditors have had barriers with software and the “lack of transparency” which exists within older audit systems, preventing the auditor from having access to real time data from within a common data repository. The Assurance Service Executive Committee (ASEC) is teaming up with outside vendors to create an Audit Data Standard granting access for auditors to have information in real time with transparency and fulfilling goals of “semi automated to fully automated audit tools.” New steps presented will help reduce the dependence on data systems which rely on processing systems that do not exchange data or interact with other computer data processing systems. Applications and modulars can be tailored to interact with each other while performing multiple tasks and help increase reliability by reducing any errors within the data for a more detailed audit.

The Audit Data Standard’s purpose is to help provide users with information as it happens in real time without delays; and, with the new ADS system there is now opportunity to sync modulars/applications with current needs for the environment. Auditors are forced to wait on requested data in order

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