Information Literacy
Google search
Individuals and organizations use information on a daily basis to make decisions. Knowing how to collect, understand and use it is a key skill to acquire. Sources of information include public libraries, information and knowledge management community and websites.
To understand this topic, I searched for the term Information literacy on Google. There were about 18,800,000 results (0.50 seconds). Most of these results were from academic institutions and libraries. There was also results from Wikipedia. My choice of website was the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), an American Library Association (ALA) ( division. American Library
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This article provides more information compared to the ALA website. The author also cites articles from other renowned scholars like Marton, F. & Booth, S. (1997). Learning and awareness. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum and Assoc.
MCU database
The Library of the Marine Corps database did not yield any results for my query. There seems to be no article on information literacy on the website. Although It was an efficient and straight forward way to search the database, the search proved futile as no article brought significant results. I searched the database for the two key words, literacy and information but only information yielded results although they did not relate to the topic.
Another database (Chartered Institute of Library Information Professionals)
This database yielded significant results when I searched for the two key words. CILIP is a key stakeholder and participant in information literacy across a range of issues incorporating all sectors of the profession and therefore provides more information and links on the topic. The site shows links to the benefits and explains the importance and the
Information Competence is something that students need to demonstrate in this course. According to the Association of College and Research Libraries Standards, an “information literate” student can identify the need for information, access and evaluate information, and use information effectively and ethically to a accomplish a specific purpose.
Literacy is being able to read and write; having said this it would be safe to say literacy means learning from books. However, think about the evolution of literacy and the different ways in which children and people learn and retrieve information; this definition could also include interaction with the digital text. There is a wide range as to what counts as literacy such as blogging, social networking, emailing, digital storytelling, online chatting and even shopping online just to name a few. Not everyone will agree with what is now counted as literacy, but if students are not enlightened on the many aspects of what could make them valuable assets in the future; that would be negligent. In Rich’s article digital literacy is being discussed which is the topic this response will focus on. Learning is not restricted only to the classroom. Digital literacy can be beneficial with
Literacy is not only knowing how to read and write. I believe it is much more than that. Being literate is more or less being knowledgeable in a specific area. That being said, it is hard to understand anything without first knowing how to read and write and that is why it's so important. I do not believe anyone knows their purpose in life if they are not literate in some area of life.
Becoming literate opens the doors to more educational and employment opportunities. In our increasingly complex and rapidly changing technological world, it is essential that individuals
Information literacy has influenced scholarship, practice, and leadership no matter what area or discipline. Credible literacy information is available at the public or private libraries;
Information literacy is knowing when and why you need information, where to find it, and how to evaluate, use and communicate it in an ethical manner. Information literacy means to be able to search online and to be patient and persistent researchers and to be able to retrieve information in a variety of formats, identify patterns within an array of sources, and dive deeply into source material. The skills that are required to be information literate call for an understanding of a need for information, the resources available, how to find information, the need to evaluate results, how to work with or exploit results, ethics and responsibility of use, how to communicate or share your findings, and how to manage your findings. Improving your information skills help you in
Findings: It is identified that 87% of the 75 lessons learned reported from Ibero-American universities for their information literacy programs are also identified in other contexts (65 lessons). These similarities give an account of the possibilities of collaborative learning and benchmarking that INFOLIT programs can take advantage of, if there is more networking, more common participation in sharing their experiences, and from the same, with the appropriate adaptations in the contextual, technological and idiomatic (differences), develop exchanges regarding: contents, didactics, learning objects and evaluation.
Information literacy occurs most often during the research process. Information literacy is a process that includes several steps or pieces. Information literacy compares to literacy in other forms such as media literacy or literacy of literature. Information literacy requires that the researcher or the person making the inquiry knows what kind of information is
The more active style of learning, the more alert the students will be (Detlor et al., 2012; Maitaouthong et al., 2010; Yu et al., 2010). If the students are aware of what they are doing and why they are doing it, there is a greater chance that the students will understand the importance of this information (Maitaouthing et al., 2010). This is important because information literacy is used all throughout their college careers (undergraduate and graduate) and within the professional field. Without effective informational literacy instruction students may never gain the skills that they need in order to perform the proper
Information literacy to me is basically being literate in gathering information, in today’s method of gaining information is at a much rapped pace as oppose to methods used even just a decade ago. When I was growing up there were no cell phones, MapQuest, laptops, tablets etc. Yes computers were used, but mostly in an office setting, this change came about in a very short time span, technology has come a long way. We have evolved into having information literacy right at our finger tips, we know what is happening around the world in a matter of seconds, whereas years ago you need to rely on second hand account. Other areas of change with information literacy is traveling, years ago you needed to go to an travel agency to book a trip,
Information Literacy as defined by the Association of College & Research Libraries is a set of abilities that individuals require to “recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate and use the information effectively”. In today’s society information literacy is has become increasingly vital in a world that is rapidly changing by technology and information resources. Due to abundance of information choices in the workplace, personal lives and academic studies information literacy has become a basis for lifelong learning.
Information literacy skills are used for academic purposes, such as research papers and group presentations. They are used on the job—the ability to find, evaluate, use and share information is an essential skill. They are also used in consumer decisions, such as which car or vacuum cleaner to purchase, are critical. Last but not least, they are used by informed citizens in participating fully in a democratic society through voting (Kenney, 2007).
The sources used will be cited as per APA to demonstrate information literacy. The main sources of information will be the course textbooks as well as circulars and scholarly articles from a number of resources. Other reliable sources of information will also be used. A suitable approach demonstrating information literacy will be used to explore and analyse the data.
“ Information Literacy Standards for Student Learning provides a conceptual framework and broad guidelines for describing the information-literate student. The standards consist of
1. Based on the Wikipedia article, information literacy is important because it is important to analyze information correctly, by using effective and useful ways to collect and use the information on hand. That is why MCTC requires this course to be taken. It is good to use all the resources in the school and to know which ones to use.