Have you ever wondered what causes things to happen? Ask the ancient greeks and they will tell you about the hundreds of gods that control our world. Ancient greeks believed that there are gods for everything in the world. Take Poseidon for example, the god of sea, earthquakes, and storms. Poseidon is the god that causes storms, waves, and even hurricanes. Let's look at some family, history, physical appearance, celebrations, and some amazing facts about Poseidon.
Poseidon had a huge and interesting family. Poseidon's parents, Cronus and Rhea, raised Poseidon as a child. Poseidon also had five siblings, three sisters and two brothers, who also were gods and grew up with him. Poseidon’s siblings were Hades, Demeter, Hestia, Hera, and Zeus. Poseidon had a wife, Amphitrite, and seven children. Also, Poseidon's children's names are Theseus, Triton, Polyphemus, Belus, Agenor, Neleus, and Atlas, who also grew up to become gods of their own. All in all, Poseidon had a really interesting family.
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Poseidon was one of the six children of his parents, Cronus and Rhea, and he was the second son of Cronus and Rhea. Also, Poseidon was swallowed by his father because he didn’t want anymore children. Also, Poseidon lived in three different places, earth sea and mount olympus. Poseidon is the god of sea, storms, and earthquakes. Poseidon has five different symbols, the horse the trident the bull the sea foam and the dolphin. That is why Poseidon had a super interesting
Poseidon is the brother of the Gods Zeus and Hades. Poseidon’s weapon is a trident. He is second to Zeus. Poseidon is also called Neptune. Poseidon is married to Amphitrite. He also has a son and two daughters. Poseidon tried to stop Odysseus from getting back to Ithaca because Odysseus blinded his son the cyclops Polyphemus. Poseidon is a patron of the Phaeacians, who ultimately helped Odysseus return to Ithaca. Poseidon trapped Odysseus and his men after the Trojan war when they were going back to Ithaca in a lee with big storms and high winds. Eventually Odysseus did get free and returned to Ithaca. (Graves
Poseidon was married to a sea nymph Amphitrite and they had 7 children their names were Theseus, Triton (Amphitrite produced a triton which is half-human and half-fish), Polyphemus, Belus, Ahenor, Neleus and Atlas. He was also farther of Charybdis who was a sea monster who attacked ships.
On the other hand, Poseidon would not be a good marine biologist because he may mess up the food for one animal and give it to another animal, causing both animals to die. And he is so reckless when he does something that could affect the animals to get hurt and he would not even care because he has no heart.
Poseidon is important to ancient Greek history because he supported the Greeks against the Trojans during the Trojan war.
would care a lots of the water would . If you ever get him mad good lucky because if you have a ship full of people he would make you lose all your man . In a story i was reading odysseus got poseidon mad so when odysseus went to war he and when he was coming back. He took 20 years to come back to his house . he made odysseus journeys supper long so in in those 20 years he killed one of poseidon son . so when
Poseidon was the second son of Cronus and Rhea, his two brothers Zeus and Hades. Poseidon's father Cronus was prophesied to be overthrown by his sons, Demeter, Hestia, Hera, Hades and Poseidon, so in order to prevent that, he devoured all of his children when they were born. Cronus meant to eat his fifth son, Zeus but his mother wrapped a stone with a cloth and fed that to Cronus. Zeus, as a grown man, and cup bearer of Cronus, put poison in Cronus's drink which made him vomit up all of the other children(Graves,12-13), which lead to the upbringing of Poseidon.
Poseidon came into this world from his parents Cronus and Rhea. He was born along with his siblings Hestia, Hera, Demeter, and his brother Hades. Something quite interesting about this group of siblings is that their father had swallowed all of them when they were born. Now, there was yet another son in this family. His name was Zeus; However, he lucked out of being gulped down into his father's stomach.
In addition, Poseidon is the brother of Zeus, god of the sky, and Hades, god of the underworld. Also,he once desired Demeter, goddess of harvest. Finally, he is married to Amphitrite, goddess of the sea,. In the end, Poseidon had many family members and desires.
Siblings: Hera had six siblings, three sisters, Demeter, Hestia, and Chiron. Hera also had three brothers, Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon.
Poseidon Is the brother to Zeus and Hades, and married to Amphitrite, a sea goddess. Poseidon has many children “With his wife Amphitrite he fathered a half-fish son, Triton. Dalliances include Medusa, with whom he fathered Pegasus, the flying horse, and Demeter, his sister, with whom he fathered a horse, Arion.” ("Greek Sea God Poseidon." About.com Travel. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 May 2016) One story about Poseidon is that Poseidon and Athena were battling for the attention of the area around the Acropolis. So the people decided that whoever made the most useful object would have the
When Poseidon was born, his father, Cronus, ate him along with Demeter, Hestia, Hera, and Hades. His mother, Rhea, managed to save one of her children, who was named Zeus. Zeus was sent to the lonely island of Crete where he was raised by nymphs. When Zeus was fully grown, he went into disguise and gave his father a drink that had poison in it that forced him
Poseidon is the ancient Greek god who resembles the power of the untamed, the brutal, and the wild. After the defeat of the Titans, Poseidon drew straws with his brothers and got the middle straw. Therefore, he became the lord of the Sea, earthquakes, and horses. The Romans knew Poseidon as Neptune. He is also associated with clouds, which was essential to agriculture. Poseidon could create springs, floods, and even tidal waves when angered. Besides the sea, Poseidon is also connected with the earth. It is believed that his anger is
Poseidon was a very lustful being. He had many sexual partners, both immortal and mortal. The most notable one was his attempt at seducing Amphitrite, the sea nymph (Poseidon: Greek). When Poseidon saw her, he knew he immediately wanted her. However, he was said to have felt a deeper feeling for her. So when he tried to approach her to have sexual intercourse with Amphitrite, she immediately fled. Poseidon was extremely distraught by this fact. So, he enlisted the help of Dolphinus (Poseidon: Greek) to persuade her to come back and become his wife (Cavendish 2074). Amphitrite was moved by Poseidon’s words and came back to marry him and become the Queen of the Sea (Poseidon: Greek).
Poseidon met a Nereid named Amphitrite; like her sister Thetis she proved a reluctant bride, but Poseidon finally was able to win her. As husband and wife they played roles very much like those enacted by Zeus and Hera; Poseidon has a weakness for women, and Amphitrite with good cause is angry and vengeful (1). Together they bore three children, Rhode, Triton, and Benthesicyme. Triton was a merman that consisted of human above the waist and fish-shaped below the waist. He is seen many a times blowing a conch shell and can change shape at will. Poseidon had an infatuation with Scylla, daughter of Phorcys, and this angered Amphitrite. Amphitrite changed Scylla into a barking monster with six heads and twelve feet by throwing magical herbs into her bathing pool (2). Poseidon fooled around with thousands of goddesses, nymphs, and mortal women in his lifetime and also married another important goddess. Medusa is best known for her snake covered hair and her evil glaze, but she was married to Poseidon also. She was a part of the Gorgons (three sisters whose hair was writhed with serpents). When Perseus beheaded her, she was pregnant. From her dead body sprang a winged horse, Pegasus, and a son, Chrysaor. Pegasus is best known of the two but Chrysaor is known as "he of the golden sword." Chrysaor wed Callirhië and they had two offspring, one of which was Echidna. Echidna wed Typhon and had four offspring Orthus,
The Greeks believed before the gods, there was chaos. They believed that the universe created the gods, heaven and earth. 2. The first parents were Heaven and Earth, the Titans were their children, and the gods were their grandchildren. 3.