
Informative Essay On Rape Bees

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Beitsch, Rebecca. "Faced with Staggering Backlogs of Rape Kits, States Change Testing and Investigations." SIRS Issues Researcher, 22 Feb. 2016. Web. 8 Apr. 2016.
This article reports on states’ efforts to reduce their backlog of untested rape kits. Beitsch shares observations on the move to get a backlog of unexamined rape kits found in police departments across the country tested. This will change the rules for how rape cases across the country will be handled. “The push to get kits tested has also put a spotlight on victims, how they are treated by police and how to give them justice,” as said by Beitsch. SIRS is an educational website that contains many articles on real-life problems and issues. Therefore, it is a credible website. This was a strong article for this essay …show more content…

Containing various real-life stories, statistics, and facts made this the prime website for this topic. One can enter a specific zip code to have access to nearby counselors if they need help on this issue. The closest to Sioux Center, Iowa is at LeMars, Iowa. They provide phone numbers, hotline numbers, and many more areas for help making this a credible source. The only weakness is that there is no specific author to the introductory article.

Domitrz, Mike. "The TRAP of Campus Sexual Assault Stats - Date Safe." Date Safe. Date Safe Project, 22 May 2014. Web. 08 Apr. 2016.
Publisher and author Mike Domitrz raises awareness for college campus sex assaults on his website. He gives specific ways for victims to reach some sort of help to various degrees. Having many followers and winning many awards for his works makes Domitrz a reliable source. Even though this article was published in 2014, one can still take the same steps to reach help.

Newman, Allison Perri. "Sexual Assault Presentation." Sexual Assault Presentation. Mayor's Office Of Women's Advancement, 5 Dec. 2014. Web. 08 Apr.

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