
Informative Essay On The Relationship Between Arielle And Jericho

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Arielle and Jericho are best friends; they’re trying to figure out what college they want to go to after they graduate. It’s their last year at Hogwarts School, and Arielle has Straight A’s but her best friend Jericho is struggling with a couple of subjects. Jericho is not really good at math or English, he would ask Arielle for help but he wants to figure it out on his own. Because he knows when he get to college Arielle will not be there to help him or do it for him. Arielle texted Jericho and told him to meet her at her locker when the bell ring she has some good news to tell him. Jericho sits in class waiting for the bell to ring thinking about what Arielle has to tell him. Five minutes go by and the bell rings Jericho runs out of the classroom and rushes to Arielle …show more content…

Jericho said congratulation and that he was proud of her, but on the inside, he was really sad because he knew he wouldn’t get to see her that much because Peoria was really far from New York. He lied and told her he had to be home by 3:30 to watch his little sister and that he would text her later at night. Jericho took the bus home, he walked in the house and said hey to his mom and sister and went upstairs to his room and shut the door. What’s wrong with him Dana said to her mom, I don’t know let me go upstairs and see what’s wrong with him. November walks upstairs and knocks on Jericho door, he says come in, he turns around and sees that it’s his mother. Do you need me to do something for you, no November said I was just worrying what’s wrong with you it seems like you have something on your mind do you want to talk about it. Jericho looks at her while Arielle got attempted in DePaul College and I’m sad because that’s far from here. That’s great she got in to DePaul College that’s a great school, I’m proud of her said November but don’t be sad Jericho you will be able to see her when they have summer

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