Arielle and Jericho are best friends; they’re trying to figure out what college they want to go to after they graduate. It’s their last year at Hogwarts School, and Arielle has Straight A’s but her best friend Jericho is struggling with a couple of subjects. Jericho is not really good at math or English, he would ask Arielle for help but he wants to figure it out on his own. Because he knows when he get to college Arielle will not be there to help him or do it for him. Arielle texted Jericho and told him to meet her at her locker when the bell ring she has some good news to tell him. Jericho sits in class waiting for the bell to ring thinking about what Arielle has to tell him. Five minutes go by and the bell rings Jericho runs out of the classroom and rushes to Arielle …show more content…
Jericho said congratulation and that he was proud of her, but on the inside, he was really sad because he knew he wouldn’t get to see her that much because Peoria was really far from New York. He lied and told her he had to be home by 3:30 to watch his little sister and that he would text her later at night. Jericho took the bus home, he walked in the house and said hey to his mom and sister and went upstairs to his room and shut the door. What’s wrong with him Dana said to her mom, I don’t know let me go upstairs and see what’s wrong with him. November walks upstairs and knocks on Jericho door, he says come in, he turns around and sees that it’s his mother. Do you need me to do something for you, no November said I was just worrying what’s wrong with you it seems like you have something on your mind do you want to talk about it. Jericho looks at her while Arielle got attempted in DePaul College and I’m sad because that’s far from here. That’s great she got in to DePaul College that’s a great school, I’m proud of her said November but don’t be sad Jericho you will be able to see her when they have summer
Samantha Williams, an ninth grade student at Carterville High School is having a hard time understanding math. Samantha has talked to her mom multiple times about finding a tutor until one day the band geek named James Connor agreed to help her. Samantha never really associated with James, but after a few weeks they became close friends. It is now October 31, 2012, Halloween night. While all of her friends are out partying and having fun she really needs help studying for her upcoming math test. James was going trick-or-treating with a couple of friends, but after hours of Samantha's begging he agreed to help her. James arrived at Samantha's house at 5:15p.m. They started working as soon as James showed up. When James asks Samantha for her
Hayley goes back to her house to get sweatpants. She sees her dad with Trish. Hayley gets upset with Trish and start yelling. Andy starts yelling too and Finn comes in. Andy gets more angry that a boy is with Hayley, so he grabs Finn’s collar. Hayley says she is going to Gracie’s, she packs a bag and runs. She heads for a bus station and Finn follows her. Finn convinces her to stay at his house. He makes her breakfast and Gracie and Tropher show up. They explain that the police came at the party at the quarry. Finn and Hayley tell their secrets to each other. Hayley talks about her mom, Rebecca. Finn talks about his addict sister, Chelsea. Hayley explains the whole backstory about Trish. The next morning, Hayley goes home. She gets into an argument with her dad, about how he never told her about Trish. Hayley goes to Gracie's house and Gracie is hungover. They talk about Gracie drinking and the Trish problem. Later in the week, Hayley, Finn, Gracie and Tropher talk at lunch. Hayley and Finn get into an argument about Finn not telling Hayley about his family. After their fight, there was a lockdown at school. When they were safe, Hayley gets into a fight with a kid picking on another kid. She gets punched in the face. In the nurse's office, she makes up with Finn. At home, she goes grocery shopping with Trish. I think it is important that Hayley volunteered to go shopping with Trish. Hayley
Josh, November's boyfriend, and Jericho's cousin, dies leaving November pregnant and Jericho with much pain trying to get over his tragical death. November feels sick at school one day and throws up. She then goes home with a pregnancy test and discovers she is two months pregnant. Josh leaves November pregnant November does not know if she should keep the baby November's decision brings her to numerous problems Jericho is having a hard time getting over Josh's death.
Later that night when Blake and his brother, Quinn got home, they were greeted by an unexpected guest. It was their mom’s newest boyfriend. He stood beside their mom. Him and Blake’s mom wanted to announce something together. Quinn and Blake didn’t trust this guy and were most appalled to find out that the announcement was their mom and her boyfriend, Russ’s engagement. Quinn and Blake talked about it a little later, but only got themselves into an argument over it.
In the story, "Boy's Life", Cory Mackenson is in his homeroom teacher's classroom abiding for the bell to ring. It was almost summer break they only had a few more minutes until the bell girdled. He glanced outside, in the hallway, and noticed that another teacher was letting her kids go before the bell rang and questioned why Mrs. Neville didn't let her kids out early. Moments later, the bell did ring, but she told the kids to sit down, and then walk out in an orderly fashion, one row after the other. Cory knew that she didn't want her kids to leave because she was lonesome and not really savor her summer break.
In the Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, Phoebe, despite not appearing in the book as often as other characters, serves as the confidante for Holden in order to bring out his true character and reveal his true emotions and thoughts. She brings out his emotions of depressed thoughts, guilt, happiness, and how he values authenticity.
The class is writing their stories they are writing about how awesome the experience was but not Margot. Margot was writing about her previous experience and how great it was. The teacher walked over to Margot.
Jane was doing so well during the first half of her semester of 8th grade year that her parents decided to let her skip the rest of the semester to being 9th grade. Upon entering the 9th grade, Jane was shy and conservative. Not knowing what to expect. Her first hour teacher name was Mr. Russ. He was in his late 50’s, teaching English. He was very old-fashioned and stuck in old ways of teaching. He was very discreet and you could tell when he didn’t like you. When he first met Jane, he didn’t like her just based on her personality, and bubbliness. He instantly shut her down. One month into Mr., Russ
Dana meets Alice and her mom. Dana leaves their house and gets caught by a patroller who thinks Dana is Alice’s mother’s runaway sister. The patroller tries to rape Dana when she hits him with a stick and she is sent back to her time. Dana is back with Kevin, but she is unable to tell her story because she is fatigued. Dana wakes up and tells Kevin her story about what happened this time when she left.
Meet Melinda, She's is attending her first day of 9th grade at Merryweather High, And it did not go so well. All her old friends don't talk to her. Other students laugh at her. Rachel says she hates her. Melinda really wants to tell everything to Rachel, but she can’t speak. Melinda calls her English teacher Hairwoman, because she hides behind all her hair. Melinda's doesn’t like her Social Studies teacher, she calls him Mr. Neck. Lunch went pretty bad. She didn't have anybody to sit with because all her old friends are mad at her for what she did, then a guy hits Melinda with food and then she ran out of the lunchroom. Mr. Neck makes Melinda stop, and expects an answer but since she can't speak,she gets in trouble. After that, she had Art
“Listen. Honey. Eugene doesn’t want to study with you.” She looked down at her shoes. I continued, knowing that she processed my words: “He is a smart boy. He doesn’t need help. You understand me? I am truly sorry if he told you you could come over. He cannot study with you It 's nothing personal. You understand? We won’t be in this place much longer, no need for him to get close to people--it’ll just make it harder for him later.” The girl slowly nodded her head and turned away. “Run back home now.” She stood there, unmoving.
I walked into the classroom and started setting down chairs and wiping down tables. Ms. Justine was getting excited pulling out the children’s shirt that they had tie died the day before. Ms. Alyssa liked the shirts. Lucy F. came in first and Ms. Justine said “Lucy F. what do you think should I give you your shirts now or later today?” Lucy F. said “I think you should give them now.” Ms. Justine gave Lucy F. and Lucy F.’s mother their shirts as they held them up and looked at them. Lucy F. said “It’s so pretty.” Chase came in and asked to see his shirt and then Manaf, Lucy B., and Assel all came in and asked to see their shirts. Mr. Scott went out and got the rest of the class including Lucas, Jason, Ryker, and Jacob. I asked Lucas what he had
Mrs. Ross has her fourth grade students move their desks together into groups of 2 to do a group activity. She instructs them to pair with anyone they choose. Teresa raises her hand, “I don’t want to pair with Megan again because she doesn’t do any of the work. Can I have someone else?” Megan who is soft-spoken just looks down at the floor as the class waits for the teacher’s response. Mrs. Ross asks Teresa and Megan to come with her outside and instructs the class to carry on with the activity.
Jim was in class and was having a dilemma. His friend Phil was absent, so he could not help on their project. Their teacher, Mr. William, told Jim to get on Facebook and tell Phil what he was missing. Jim and Phil were neighbors, and Jim could usually tell Phil what he missed, but memorial day weekend was coming up and Jim was heading out of town before he could talk to Phil. “Its great that the school unblocked social networking sites Jim,” said Mr. Williams “ now we can tell absentes what to do for homework so that they are not to far behind when they get back to school. On top of that, Phil can work on his part of your project, so you probably won't fail my class.” While Jim and Phil benefit from social networking in their school, had
Class ends and students exit the room but, Ardal is still gathering his things. The teacher calls to Ardal and Ardal looks at her and then lookes away. He frowned and started to walk towards the door. The teacher called back to Ardle to come to her immediately. Ardal turned around and went to the teacher and asked about his ring. She implied its