
Informative Speech About Heart Surgery

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They say the heart is the most important part of the body. Each pump is vital. The heart decides whether or not your life will continue or end. People also associate the heart with love and emotions. Others think of it scientifically. Today, I will be discussing the anatomy of the heart and heart surgery.
The heart is a hollow organ that is separated into four chambers. The top of the heart contains the left and right atrium and the bottom of the heart contains the left and right ventricle. The bottom tip of the heart is called the apex. The apex of the heart, consisting of the left ventricle, is responsible for regulating ventricular contraction and sending and receiving information signals from the heart's atrial nodes.
The main artery of the heart is the coronary artery.
There are four heart valves. They include the mitral, tricuspid, aortic, and pulmonic valve. The Pulmonic valve carries blood from the heart through …show more content…

The body has many arteries. These help to carry blood throughout the body.
A heart is very fragile and also very essential. That is why we take such great care of them and try to protect them. There are many diseases of the heart such as coronary artery disease, heart failure, congenital heart disease, and pericardial disease. We have cardio surgeons working on preventing millions of people from dying from such diseases every day.
Heart surgery is a very complex subject. Surgery is defined as the treatment of injuries or disorders of the body by incision or manipulation, especially with instruments. So as you can tell, heart surgery, is treatment of heart injuries or disorders.
MedlinePlus says that Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) is the most common type of surgery conducted in adults. In this surgery, a healthy artery or vein from the body is connected, or grafted, to a blocked coronary artery.
Doctors use heart surgery to do all of the

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