If you have ever had the flu, you know how contagious it can be. You would generally try to stay in bed and keep your sickness contained. The measles is extremely contagious, if single person contracts the disease, 90% of the people who are close to them, who are not immune, will also become infected with the measles. People of the United should get the measles vaccination because of how high the contagion rate is. If an outbreak were to break out over half the people you know would become infected! How does the measles affect you and your loved ones? First, I will explain the disease in depth, then I will tell you why you should get the vaccination, and finally I will tell you how to get the vaccination. What is the measles? The measles
Do you believe in vaccination? When was the last time you were vaccinated? I think all people should be vaccinated. Vaccines are very effective and safe. Vaccinations protects people you care about, including family members, friends, and grandparents. If children are too young to be vaccinated or to people with weakened immune cells, such as transplant recipients and people with cancer. Long-term complications and even death can occur for these vulnerable people if they are exposed to they diseases.
As many are aware, the measles was a huge threat to children before people developed a successful vaccine for this disease. Before vaccines, “an average of 500,000 annual” cases of the measles got reported each year in the United States; since 2000, when vaccines became popular, there have been about “62 cases per year” (Omer). As one can see, the amount of cases of the measles decreased since the measles vaccine. This data shows how vaccinating children decreases the chances of contracting a dangerous disease like the measles.
Many scientists all around have heard of a virus before, but not as infectious as the zika virus. This virus can ruin a little infant. But one truism statement about this virus, which freaks out scientists, is that it is carried by mosquitos. Terrible isn't it? If I were you, I would think to myself what will make this virus restrain itself? Well in order to stop it the best solution is to splat the mosquitos; because well let's face it, mom's little children that have been born wouldn't want to have a small head and a big body. Lots of people came back with this virus but the devastated citizens didn't notice this virus coming to
Well you probably will most likely clean your cuts and scrapes with cool water. Then, you will use a soft washcloth to clean the surrounding skin around the wounds. Lastly, you will put a bandage or two on the wounds to prevent an infection.
Some anti-vaxxers claim that they don’t need to vaccinate their children because “measles isn’t really that bad” (Ross, np). Measles is a respiratory disease within the lungs and breathing tubes that results in fever and rash, and it is very contagious (CDC, np). Measles causes cough, runny nose, rash, diarrhea, and ear infection (CDC, np).
Imagine traveling to the “Happiest Place on Earth”, Disneyland, with your family. While you are there a person that has not been vaccinated is walking around with the measles virus in their system. While that person shows no signs or symptoms of the measles, they are infecting others that haven’t been vaccinated, due to young age or other purposes. Now what turned out to be many people’s family vacations is now a life-threatening situation for some. This type of outbreak actually occurred during December of 2014, where 40 Californians were exposed to the measles at Disneyland and 91 additional cases of the outbreak strain also occurred from the people exposed affecting others (Blumberg et al, 2015). Outbreaks likes this can potentially be
When a majority of a community is vaccinated against a contagious disease such as measles, most members of that community are also protected because there is little chance of an outbreak occurring. This also protects those who are not eligible to receive these vaccinations such as young infants, pregnant women, and those who aren’t able to receive vaccinations due to health reasons. Herd immunity protects you, your mother and father, your aunts and uncles, grandmothers and grandfathers, sons and daughters, your friends, and your neighbors.
I am writing to you today to stress the importance of people having themselves and their children properly vaccinated against various communicable diseases. Being properly vaccinated helps a person protect themselves, protect those around them, and can help wipe out dangerous diseases. Some people think it is not important to be vaccinated against certain diseases because the disease does not seem to exist anymore. The reason for this is because the vaccine is doing its job. Being vaccinated against diseases like small pox, measles, or meningitis helps a person protect themselves against contracting the disease.
Today we think that parents need to be in charge of everything that their child does. In their personal life, they dictate what their child can and cannot do. In their medical life, they try to dictate what medications their child can and cannot take. If the government was able to step in and help, then maybe the medicines that their child really needs to take, they will be allowed to take. Sometimes, all of the choices shouldn’t be left to the parents, because even though they feel like they have the child’s best interest at heart they really don't when it comes to decisions on medical issues.
First Sentence and AGD: According to Barbara Loe Fisher, President of the National Vaccine Information Center, “Today, 1 child in 6 is learning disabled. In 1976, it was 1 child in 30. Today, 1 child in 9 has asthma. In 1980, it was 1 child in 27. Today, 1 child in 50 develops autism. In the 1990s, it was 1 child in 555 (Fisher). Also, Henry Bearn writes that “It is perhaps not generally appreciated that in the United States diabetes…has increased about 300 percent over the last fifteen years” (Coulter). What has caused this major increase in health issues in our modern society?
There is persistent problem of measles outbreaks occurring in the U.S. Although some numbers of outbreaks may seam low, each outbreak of measles can infect several people because it is such an infectious disease. Some symptoms are visible approximately 10-12 days after infection (WHO, 2015). The symptoms range from fevers, dehydration, diarrhea, and rashes or even on rare occasions in the U.S., death (Watkins, 2014). Measles rarely kills in the U.S., but it has done so in 2003 and in one case in 2015 (CDC, 2015). In 2011, 17 measles breakouts and 222 measles cases occurred across 31 U.S. states and the main problem that stemmed from all of these is from either unvaccinated people got infected or from people who did
Purpose: The purpose of this speech is to inform my audience on the importance of vaccinating their children. My central idea is that current education is too lax, we need to better educate our new parents on the importance of vaccinations.
So far in the year of 2016 alone there have been fifty-four people from sixteen states who reportedly contracted measles. This is down drastically from 2015 where 189 people from twenty-four states were reported with measles (U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services). This is largely due to an outbreak at Disneyland which spread throughout the country. With all of the vaccinations available one would think this would be an uncommon occurrence, unfortunately it isn 't as uncommon as it should be. There are many reasons people don 't vaccinate their children. Some people believe it can cause autism or physical complications, others don 't vaccinate their children because of religious beliefs, and some believe that the vaccinations hold no real purpose and will do nothing for children. There is a staggering amount of research supporting vaccinations and more people need to know the benefits of vaccinating their children.
Throughout history, the introduction of vaccinations in societies around the world have significantly reduced the threat of deadly viruses. Despite the many benefits of immunizations, some parents refuse to vaccinate their children due to the health risks associated with them. In order to increase vaccination rates, healthcare officials have implemented immunization mandates and extreme educational sessions that exemplify the dangers of preventable viruses. However, these impositions ultimately have adverse effects; many parents turn to anti-vaccination protests and remain determined on not permitting immunizations. Vaccination requirements and severe informational meetings are forms of coercion and force, which limits parents’ freedom to
In order for a child to start pre-k and/or kindergarten at a normal public school in the United States, children are required by law to receive a specific list of documented vaccinations before they are allowed to start the long journey of their school careers. I feel as though this should not be mandated but rather a choice of the parent. The amount of immunizations that are currently required by law are continuously growing. However, the last time I checked, there were no cases of polio or small pox in any neighborhood I have ever been to. Also, the last time I checked, my child is my own and not property of my state. This ever-growing problem should be a choice of my own and not something my child necessarily has to go through before dealing with the stresses of school. According to the CDC, twelve different vaccinations are required for our children. While some of these vaccines are still prevalent on diseases our children may encounter, not all are still prominent in our society. Some vaccines even do more damage than helping our child. Today’s society has changed in many ways than that of previous generations, and I do not mean by the leaps and bounds of advancement in technology and medicine, but by the all mighty dollar. Society needs to realize that we have rights, and those rights should include how we as parents see fit to raise our children, not how someone else tells you to raise them! I am not saying that vaccinations are all irrelevant and horrible