
Informative Speech On American Presidents

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There are many presidents in the United States history. But I'm going to talk about a specific three; I'm talking about George Washington,Andrew Jackson, and Abraham Lincoln, some very popular ones. George Washington, from Virginia, was the first president ever of the United States of America, set the bar high for presidents to come. He was a great war general and president. Thanks to Washington we avoided foreign wars with Spain with the creation of the Florida boundary, established great trade partners, and didn't have to fulfill the terms of our French alliance. He was one to enforce federal laws and even created a new government. Not to mention he also started the handy precedent of fulfilling two terms of presidency and peacefully and smoothly transferred his power to the next president, though no one wanted him to leave the office due to his great achievements. …show more content…

Jackson is known as a great nationalist. He empowered people to join war and support the war during the Era of Good Feeling. Before he ran for president, he arrested Spanish officials and obtained their land against orders, which did cause us to almost enter a war against Spain, but this was too resolved by John Quincy Adams. Jackson ran as a democratic­republican after Adams' terms and won. As president, he defied court rulings and forced the Cherokee Indians to relocate, resulting in the death of four thousand of them. Jackson was a fighter and believed in the Spoils System which benefited him materialistically and support wise. Towards the end of his presidency, the Whig party was established, the country was beginning to sink into a depression, and closed factories and businesses with more economic problems , hunger, riots, and an increase in crime. He did however affect the way people looked at war, which is with us

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