There are many presidents in the United States history. But I'm going to talk about a specific three; I'm talking about George Washington,Andrew Jackson, and Abraham Lincoln, some very popular ones. George Washington, from Virginia, was the first president ever of the United States of America, set the bar high for presidents to come. He was a great war general and president. Thanks to Washington we avoided foreign wars with Spain with the creation of the Florida boundary, established great trade partners, and didn't have to fulfill the terms of our French alliance. He was one to enforce federal laws and even created a new government. Not to mention he also started the handy precedent of fulfilling two terms of presidency and peacefully and smoothly transferred his power to the next president, though no one wanted him to leave the office due to his great achievements. …show more content…
Jackson is known as a great nationalist. He empowered people to join war and support the war during the Era of Good Feeling. Before he ran for president, he arrested Spanish officials and obtained their land against orders, which did cause us to almost enter a war against Spain, but this was too resolved by John Quincy Adams. Jackson ran as a democraticrepublican after Adams' terms and won. As president, he defied court rulings and forced the Cherokee Indians to relocate, resulting in the death of four thousand of them. Jackson was a fighter and believed in the Spoils System which benefited him materialistically and support wise. Towards the end of his presidency, the Whig party was established, the country was beginning to sink into a depression, and closed factories and businesses with more economic problems , hunger, riots, and an increase in crime. He did however affect the way people looked at war, which is with us
Jackson is very important because he created or instigated the two dominant political parties we use today (democratic and republican). The beliefs in these parties switched several times in history but initially Jackson was a democrat. The major beliefs in democrats in the 1820s-1850s were the beliefs in a small national government, pro states’ rights, and a strict interpretation of the constitution. The republicans (initially known as the Whigs) essentially opposed all of Jackson’s beliefs and therefore had more or less the complete opposite beliefs of the democrats. By starting these two political parties, he started the way people would categorize political candidates throughout the rest of American history.
Andrew Jackson helped to provide for a strong protection of popular democracy and individual liberty to the United States. Andrew Jackson known as the people’s president held a strong emotion in the states right’s which advocated to the increase of executive power. President Andrew Jackson was good for his country, because he provided certain decisions that helped form America into a better place than where it was before. President Andrew Jackson showed significant positives towards the people of the United States. President Andrew Jackson’s creation of the Democratic Party still exists today. His great efforts to eliminate the Bank of the United States helped to pay off all the national debts in America.
Jackson also gave government jobs to regular people. This was called the spoils system. He appointed people to federal jobs depending on whether they had campaigned for the Democratic Party. Anyone currently in office who was not a democratic was replaced with a democrat. This was called the spoils system because it promoted a corrupt government. He also believed in rotation in office. He wanted to make it possible for more democrats to have government jobs, so he limited a person's time in office to one term. The spoils system showed how one man was no better than another and helped build a strong two-party system.
In addition, despite insisting that he was a champion of the people, he consistently attempted to increase his executive power over the other two branches of the government. He rejected Congress, the direct representation of our citizens, saying that they did not truly represent the people. He imposed unprecedented tariffs and attempted to invade states when they protested, despite previously campaigning for states’ rights. In addition, although the people on his campaign did an amazing job painting him as a simple-minded poor frontiersman, Jackson was actually one of the richest men in America at the
Andrew Jackson had a big impact on American politics. Some people think that he influenced politics in a benefiting way, while other people dislike his ideas. It was because of him that there was a so called “Jacksonian Era.” This era lasted from 1824 to 1860. During this time, Jackson was President of the United States. It was an era that “addressed the inequalities in American society.” The Jacksonian Era was a crucial period of time in American history when the role of the President and Federal Government changed. Things like the Bank War, Missouri Compromise, Gold Rush, Seneca Falls Convention, Indian Removal Policy, a change in voting requirements and the split of the Democratic Republicans changed the United States forever.
There have been forty-four U.S. Presidents over the past two hundred and twenty four years. Some were very successful. Of those few historians, Abraham Lincoln was one of the greatest presidents that ever live. He is responsible for preserving the union, freeing the slaves, and enacting various new policies. Lincoln was a president that never gave up and put his people first. He was strong, confident and believes in his principles. Some of the presidents were least successful. Of those few historians, Herbert Hoover wasn’t very successful while he was in office. He was considered to be a terrible president because an awful thing occurred on his watch. Which was the Great Depression.
Andrew Jackson is remembered for is the moving of many Native Americans towards the southern, eastern parts and he killed many many people. Andrew Jackson was in many duels and
President Andrew Jackson was influential throughout his presidency, he was the "peoples President" and made strong decisions for the quality and equality of the American people. And because of the important issues at hand, left for a lasting impression on the future of the American
Andrew Jackson was probably one of the most powerful and influential presidents during his time at the white house. He was hated, yet loved by many. Jackson was an American soldier, who gained fame as a general in the U.S and served in both houses of Congress. He was soon elected the seventh president of the United States. After Jackson took charge, he wanted immediate change as to how the government was being run. For starters, he came with a new idea of voting. Allowing the common people to vote for whom they believe was the right person for the job. Before the introduction to
Andrew Jackson’s influence on the politics of his time was remarkable. He was the only president to have an era named after him. He also changed the way this country was run and expanded the country’s borders. He changed much, but the four most important aspects of this era, in chronological order, were his victory over the British, his defeat in the presidential race of 1824, his successful presidential campaign in 1828, and his decision to remove Native Americans to land west of the Mississippi. His victory over the British in the Battle of New Orleans lifted his popularity exponentially. He was a newfound American hero, and this pushed his political ambitions towards the White House. In 1824 Jackson was defeated in a close presidential
Andrew Jackson, born on March 15,1767 was the 7th president of the United States, who was a self made man, rising to money and power. He is viewed as a controversial historical figure in American history between being a hero or villain. Andrew Jackson is a villain due to his controversial decisions during his presidency, such as the spoils system, the nullification crisis, the Second Bank of the United States, and lastly the most impactful decision, the Indian Removal Policy. Jackson may have been seen as the common man leader,and did many things to benefit the people, but that can not justify his unacceptable actions.
The United States has had 43 Presidents, each president has left behind a legacy. Some were more notable than others. I believe the best president we have had is Abraham Lincoln. There are several reasons why I can believe Abraham Lincoln is the best president the U.S. has had out of the 43.
There have been over 40 presidents in the history of the United States. There have been 43 presidents to be exact. Of these 43 Presidents of the United States, there are only about 15 of whom the average American might know. However, the most famous of these Presidents are George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. These two amazing leaders of our country have shown the world what it really means to be a good example to those who follow them. They are men of honor and made this great nation a beautiful and free place to live. Their love for their country and the steps that they took to becoming amazing and passionate leaders are ideas that we, as citizens of the United States, should be aware of. The childhood, the steps they took to careers
For instance, he promoted slavery. He was extremely against abolition. He owned nearly 150 slaves, who he treated very poorly. There was once an incident of him offering rewards to anyone who would capture and torture runaway slaves. He also kicked Indian people off of their land in order to obtain the cotton fields that resided upon it. These actions made people think and feel differently about Jackson. Also, before Andrew Jackson became the President, he disobeyed orders that he was given, which resulted in tragic events. A couple examples of this is when he was given the orders to invade Florida. He was told to only capture runaway slaves, instead he took the opportunity to completely take over the territory and killed whole villages of Seminole people. He also went against a Supreme Court ruling and violently forced thousands of Cherokee Indians off of their territory by arresting them, and threatening to kill them if they did not leave. As a result of this, nearly 5 thousands Cherokee people were killed. Finally, Jackson basically ignored women's rights. He only supported the common man. The common man includes farmers, poor citizens, frontier settlers, and southern slaveholders. He never really commented on the issue. Therefore, there were no acts on women’s rights until later during another
In the United States so far, there have been dozens of presidents. To be exact, there have been 44 presidents. Every president has made his own, unique contribution to get the country to where it is today. Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United States, was perhaps the most controversial president America has experienced. Jackson was a successful president in his own mind, escaping difficult living conditions as a child in South Carolina and fighting for the nation in the War of 1812 to completing his goals as president. Some of his achievements, however, did not benefit the country and its people. His egocentric behavior caused for harsh and brutal actions towards Indians. Although Jackson was able to fulfill his goals