
Informative Speech On Autism

Decent Essays

Today I attended the Student Education Association Conference opening with the keynote speaker Lori Thompson and the Autism Spectrum, Interviewing 101 with Steve Horrell, and Block to First Year Teaching Q&A with Sarah Saenz, Elizabeth Parker, Montana Rice, & MaryBeth Stewart. I learned a lot throughout the day and got to ask all the questions that went unanswered or I never thought of. Overall, I found this conference informational and put on perfectly by those who put the time in to make in all happen. I started off my day bright and early with Lori Thompson, an Autism Consultant for the West Central Special Education Cooperative in Western Illinois University's home of Macomb, IL. Lori was asked to come in and talk to us about Autism and give us future teachers more of an insight on this anomaly in the classroom. Autism is all to familiar to me and my family, we have several children diagnosed and a few others who aren't. 1 out of every 68 children will be diagnosed with Autism, that’s 3.5 million in the United States alone and 70 million worldwide. …show more content…

Girls are less likely to be diagnosed due to taking everything inside, rather than how boys being more outward with their episodes. There is no cure for Autism but some diets are said to help, but most who have it suffer from other costly problems as well such as allergies, epilepsy, anxiety, and depression due to introversy. Lori was very kind and answered all of our question with a story, told a lot of how rewarding it is to work with the kids she does, and showed the joy she receives when the children grow up and are able to go to college and live their

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