
Informative Speech On Deer

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Deer By:Abbi Would you like to learn about deer ? I am going to tell you about deer meat cuts, population, deer hooves,and why they raise their tail. So grab your gun and lets go!
This is a albino deer.

Deer meat cuts

I will tell you about deer meat cuts
And these are what they are.
-Neck is called the the stew or loaf.
-Chest is called the chuck roast.
-Middle back is called the chops.
-The loin is called the steak chops roast.
- The rump is called the roast.
-The back is the steak.
- Stomach there is the spare ribs and the flank.

This is the deer meat cuts.


Just centuries ago there were 1 million deer now there about 30 million deer in some parts of the world. Female deer stay together in groups male deer go off to find one female to the next. bucks fight over females with other bucks . …show more content…

And it is very rare to see bucks together. And a group of deer is call a herd of deer.
This is very rare to see these beautiful deer to together.

These deer came for a midday snack.


size is based on their age. If it was a baby it would be really small. These are the different sizes of deer hooves. It Depends on how old they are what size they are and what tips of deer they are. A fawn has the smallest hooves.If you see a deer print in the mud or snow if it is big it's probably a bigger deer. Deer also make love marks they snap off a branch and they dig up leaves until there is a big circle in the dirt .Deer also they eat minerals in the dirt.

These are sizes of the deer hooves.

This is a deer

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