The Path to the Caffeinated Coffin
Good morning dear friends. today I am going to speak to you about energy drinks. How many of you present here consume caffeinated drinks?
Ah ha almost everyone present seems to be hooked on to them. I can see all hands are raised. Well, I too was once an addict like you, I have been through the same phase, some of you might feel a strong resistance to this statement initially, some might relate me to their parents who constantly nag you, others may just plain hate me. But for me, I just need one thing from you which is to believe me. Why ? Because I have spent the last few months reading, researching and experimenting with energy drinks and any statement I will be making today has been backed up by research
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Ever since Red Bull entered the market in 1997, there's been a boost in the sales of these caffeinated energy drinks. These are marketed to increase energy, aid weight loss, improve stamina, concentration, and athletic performance, some even claim to give you superpowers. But not a slight hint is given to the consumers about the high caffeine amounts in them which can lead to serious consequences in both adults and …show more content…
With 600 million litres of these being consumed annually in Britain alone, with 30-50% of these being consumed by the adolescents and young adults, we can say we are endangering our own future. It has been proved that it is much more fruitful to have your body be energised by the use of natural remedies such as having a balanced breakfast, exercising regularly and sleeping for at least 7-8 hours per day.
Energy drinks have no curative benefit, and many components have not been studied deeply and not monitored. The reports of toxicity raise concern for potentially serious unpropitious effects in association with energy drink use. For the temporary period, paediatricians need to be aware of the likely consequences of these beverages on the vulnerable groups and share the adverse effects of its consumption to educate individuals. Long-term research should intend to comprehend the effects in at-risk groups. Toxicity inspection should be enhanced, and ordinances of energy drink sales and consumption should be based on suitable
The consumption of energy drinks is common throughout college students for many reasons, such as a need for energy while studying and working on major projects. Plus, now that they are gaining popularity, these issues are getting worse “...since the 1997 debut of Red Bull. More than 500 new energy drinks were launched worldwide in 2006 and beverage companies are reaping the financial rewards of the 5.7 billion dollar energy drink industry” (Malinauskas 2). Energy drinks have certainly grown in the past decade, causing college students to take advantage of this phenomenon. Although, they need to realize the long term effects they have on their bodies, especially when using them to stay awake.
After reading the article “Are Energy Drinks Really That Bad?” I somewhat agree that energy drinks are the liquid cocaine to the youth, working class and modern society of 2015. There are so many different varieties, flavors and amounts; the different brands offering elongating hours of extra energy of phenomenal. With all the different varieties there is no end to the amount of energy drinks that can be taken in by one person. Including minors there is no legal drinking age on these drinks, even though if someone drinks too much it could have the same effect as alcohol. As noted in (its normal for the average adult to in take at least
• Determine under what conditions each of the “energy drinks” might be useful to the consumer.
Despite all the controversy, most people can agree how useful a jolt of extra energy can be some days. Energy drinks can help a doctor be more alert during surgery during a graveyard-shift, help college students get that “A” they have been working towards all semester, or keep police officers vigilant and energized on the job. There’s no way of knowing exactly how many college students that graduated owe their diploma to caffeine, but it sure didn’t hurt to be able to pull all-nighters while being alert. People that enjoy exercise can lift-weights or do cardio way more effectively by drinking one before the work-out. Energy drinks are not only safe but they are making people more effective workers, students, or athletes.
People around the world drink energy drinks on a daily basis not knowing of the ingredients and how they affect your body. more than 200 milligrams of caffeine can be dangerous, and energy drinks can include up to 500mg
(Citations, expert) The International Journal of Health Sciences says there are many potential adverse effects of energy drinks in relation to their ingredients such as:
Energy drinks are a kind of refreshments that are advertised as soft drinks that boost energy. The truth is these kinds of drinks are full of many harmful ingredients, such as sugar, stimulants, and other herbal supplements. Energy drinks are targeting high school and college students who may use this kind of drink to keep them awake for a midterm, or even give them a hallucination feeling any other alcoholic beverages will do. Many studies showed the disadvantageous of these drinks, yet this industry has wildfire between underage kids who used it to show their rebellious side through a safe and cheap way. A new study shows that 34% of youth between the ages of eighteen years old and twenty- four years old consume energy drinks regularly
Energy Drinks should deny. Drinks are hazardous, and numerous purchasers do not know about the energy drink. Caffeinated drinks have murdered numerous blameless individuals. The most exceedingly bad part about it is that promotion designed for teenagers. At the point when a high scholar drinks something they couldn't care less about dealing with their body yet rather looking cool before their companions. (purplejasmine, 2011) Caffeinated drinks have sent youngsters to crisis rooms with hustling heart thumps. A few youngsters have depended on them to stay conscious for a considerable length of time at once, running just on caffeine and apprehensive vitality. These if all precluded until studies can be attempted to inquire about their security. Required for managed mental and physical movement. This implies just the vitality required not more than is required which may have awful impacts. The beverage is a fluid that can be gulped as sustenance and refreshment. Caffeinated Drink I trust falls under the word drug. There are numerous reasons that these beverages have to be banned particularly due to impacts and side effects of caffeinated beverage utilization. (BionicKofi, 2015). This essay discusses the disadvantages about the drinking energy drugs.
Trenier, Theresa. “Energy Drink Dangers.” Newsletters for Mental Health. Milwaukee School of Engineering. January. 2007. <>
In the past few years, according to Diana Koelliker from Telluride Medical , a number of energy drinks have entered the market to provide all of us with a quick boost of energy, easily. These drinks usually contain high levels of caffeine and other additives that act as stimulants. Sometimes we need the extra pick me up to get us through the rest of the day or to help us stay awake while studying for an exam. So, what better way to do that then to grab a Red Bull or a Monster? Well studies have shown that energy drinks just may not be our best option.
Based on data obtained from limited English sources dated 2005 to 2010, energy drinks have become more popular among teenagers and young adults (Rath, 2012).’s (2008) article “What is really in a hot dog?” provided evidence that just because the product is purchased by the public does not automatically mean it is beneficial long term (Wyrick). This new craze of energy drinks has the world consuming them at a staggering rate. The debates concerning the effects among energy drink consumption in all age groups are real and impacts most of us in some shape or form. Some people will argue there are benefits found in some of the ingredients that enhance the psychological and physiological mental and cognitive performances such as
Energy drinks are bad for everyone’s health because it increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, cause energy crashes, and insomnia.
Today, I hope to persuade you, not to consume energy drinks as it adversely affects the health.
Sylvia Nena (2011) also stated that “Manufactures of these products claim to increase energy, endurance, burn fat and improve athletic performance. According to experts, many of them state that it is untrue that energy drink helps to increase energy. This is due to drugs that can be found in the drinks such as caffeine. Caffeine with high levels of consuming can cause some problems to the human body like palpitations, hypertension, vomiting, convulsions and even worst heart failure which can lead to death. Roland Griffiths (2012) a caffeine specialist said that high caffeine in use by young people can cause a cycle of rushes and crashes that can add “a degree of variance to their moods and psychological well-being that they don’t really need. Joao Breda(2014) from WHO’s Europe wrote that caffeine has a proven negative effect on
Energy drinks are a growing commodity among individuals who desires a boost of energy for various reasons. In today's fast paced society, most people are looking for a way to increase endurance and stamina. Many suffer from a lack of energy to get them through daily responsibilities. This is why many have turned to energy drinks as a means for extra fuel. These quick pick-me-ups promise to give an energy boost that lasts for hours.