
Informative Speech On Makeup

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Makeup {“ Makeup ~ cosmetics such as lipstick or powder, used to enhance or alter the appearance”}.
Did you know that makeup has been around for 12,000 years. The ancient Egyptians were the ones that invented the beautiful work of art …. Makeup. Studies show that about 44% of women are “ dependent on makeup”. What’s the purpose of makeup? Why do so many people wear it? How do you even put it on? For beginners, It’s good to know the purpose of wearing makeup, the different types of makeup, and the proper application to create a fresh- faced work of art.

Accordingly Makeup can be used for many things. The ancient Egyptians used makeup made from oils and cream to help clean and …show more content…

Eyeshadow the bright or dark colors that help your eyes look bright or dark. Mascara, The life saving black or brown colored creamy like thing called mascara. Mascara helps your eyelashes be fuller, thicker, or have more volume. All things needed for your fresh face work of art.

Moreover, How do you put all this on yourself ? Well first you start with a Makeup {“ Makeup ~ cosmetics such as lipstick or powder, used to enhance or alter the appearance”}.
Did you know that makeup has been around for 12,000 years. The ancient Egyptians were the ones that invented the beautiful work of art …. Makeup. Studies show that about 44% of women are “ dependent on makeup”. What’s the purpose of makeup? Why do so many people wear it? How do you even put it on? For beginners, It’s good to know the purpose of wearing makeup, the different types of makeup, and the proper application to create a fresh- faced work of art.

Accordingly Makeup can be used for many things. The ancient Egyptians used makeup made from oils and cream to help clean and protect their faces from the hot mild wind. Today we are using makeup for a totally different reason. Makeup isn’t to cover up what's underneath, but it can be a work of art. Most of women are so unhappy with their look and they want to change it. You want these sleepy under bags to disappear? You want to cover the freckles? No problem!! All thanks to makeup.

Notwithstanding Ever

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