Makeup {“ Makeup ~ cosmetics such as lipstick or powder, used to enhance or alter the appearance”}.
Did you know that makeup has been around for 12,000 years. The ancient Egyptians were the ones that invented the beautiful work of art …. Makeup. Studies show that about 44% of women are “ dependent on makeup”. What’s the purpose of makeup? Why do so many people wear it? How do you even put it on? For beginners, It’s good to know the purpose of wearing makeup, the different types of makeup, and the proper application to create a fresh- faced work of art.
Accordingly Makeup can be used for many things. The ancient Egyptians used makeup made from oils and cream to help clean and
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Eyeshadow the bright or dark colors that help your eyes look bright or dark. Mascara, The life saving black or brown colored creamy like thing called mascara. Mascara helps your eyelashes be fuller, thicker, or have more volume. All things needed for your fresh face work of art.
Moreover, How do you put all this on yourself ? Well first you start with a Makeup {“ Makeup ~ cosmetics such as lipstick or powder, used to enhance or alter the appearance”}.
Did you know that makeup has been around for 12,000 years. The ancient Egyptians were the ones that invented the beautiful work of art …. Makeup. Studies show that about 44% of women are “ dependent on makeup”. What’s the purpose of makeup? Why do so many people wear it? How do you even put it on? For beginners, It’s good to know the purpose of wearing makeup, the different types of makeup, and the proper application to create a fresh- faced work of art.
Accordingly Makeup can be used for many things. The ancient Egyptians used makeup made from oils and cream to help clean and protect their faces from the hot mild wind. Today we are using makeup for a totally different reason. Makeup isn’t to cover up what's underneath, but it can be a work of art. Most of women are so unhappy with their look and they want to change it. You want these sleepy under bags to disappear? You want to cover the freckles? No problem!! All thanks to makeup.
Notwithstanding Ever
What is makeup? What is its purpose? Why do roughly 83% of woman wear make up? Why do some woman not where makeup? While reading this essay you will be givin some answers to these questions. What is makeup to most women, it is the path to beauty to some and other people it is considerd the shackles of a never ending battle to be the perfict woman in the world.
Although makeup has been used since 1370 B.C., when the Egyptians began using copper and lead to make eyeshadow, there have been many new makeup trends since then. From the caking on of eyeshadow and blush in the 1960s to the overuse eyeliner in the 2000s, makeup has become quite evolutionary. Today’s teens and other makeup lovers in the world are fascinated with the idea of contouring. The modern trend of contouring and highlighting surprisingly has been around much longer than we would think and has had a deep impact on society.
Everyone has their own favorites when it comes to makeup. There are so many colors, brands, and styles to choose from. However, there are certain steps, and techniques that will help anyone have perfect make up each day.
When watching t.v. we see ads or commercials that tell us what we need to do and how to do it. Makeup industries have came a long way to show us that we need to
Makeup has always been a major part in a woman’s daily life. It is a part of most
Makeup has been around for thousands of years. In places such as Egypt, woman used kohl to imitate what we now call eyeliner. In China people stained their nails with beeswax, gelatin, and eggs to represent social classes. Blood, flour, rice, and various plants such as mint leaves, were other ways people achieved the look of wearing makeup. Cosmetics can be used to clear up your skin, hide imperfections, and enhance the faces natural features. I started wearing makeup in fifth grade. I saw my mom using it and wanted to try too. I started with the basics and eventually developed a love for makeup. It is fun to go shopping for makeup and try out new products. Some of my favorite makeup brands are Too Faced, Benefit, and Maybelline. I use to wear makeup to school everyday, but now, to save time i just wear it on special occasions or to go out with my friends. Woman and men use makeup to express themselves and to feel more confident. In Ancient times both woman and men used “makeup”. Today, it is much more rare for men to use it. However, recently young men such as James Charles have made appearances in famous makeup magazines including
The simple definitions that I found on the word “makeup” is 1. Substances that people put on their faces, Including their eyes and lips, in order to look attractive or to change their appearance. 2. The art or result of applying such cosmetics. I can tell you that there a lot of ways you can define “makeup” because it could be used on how to create beautiful look or mind blowing artwork so it would look amazing. Makeup has it ways to make creative and stunning but you have to poke around find way you could used it as. What I like that it gave me simple definitions on the word of makeup kind of hint to let me know what make kind of is and what is used for as well not only for one thing but for others too.
The majority of us wear at least some makeup every day, even when we aren’t leaving the house. It’s a costly habit with the increasing prices of makeup and the various products that come with it. In fact, the rise of contouring has made things that much more complicated as it requires more makeup just to pull off a look that’s on trend.
Have you ever thought about who created makeup? Or how it was created? When, where and how? Why was it created? How has it changed over time? Has it affected anyone? Well I’m going to tell you some of it. Make up wasn’t just created by powder or anything small and simple like that, no. Makeup actually has a lot of its own differences. In 180 BCE was when makeup had first had started but it wasn’t commonly used as much as then. People would limit the use of makeup because it was so expensive and hard to get and or find. The women who actually had it or used it were the prostitutes and the wealthier women. The “Cheap Knockoff’s” were the ones who were sold to the poorer women. The people didn’t really care if the slaves used makeup but
Eye make-up was one of the earliest forms of females enhancing their beauty with make-up. It was told that women in Ancient Egypt would put eye makeup on to make their eyes look larger and to show more of the color of eye. The most used colors were black and dark green. The material used to make this eye product was a rock, copper, galena, and a sulphide of lead. This is a chemistry compound.
foundation and adding eyeliner. Many people have commented on it, saying things like, “Wow, your makeup looks on fleek today,” or, “Are you wearing eyeliner? That is so cool.”
Makeup artist are usually not recognized as serious artists, and some people tend to think they have an easy job. Whereas, makeup artists have a difficult role to play– understanding the color wheel, and interpreting what colors compliment hair, eye, and skin colors of different shades. Having a large assortment of makeup, and makeup brushes doesn’t make anyone a makeup artist, it is the skills, education, and practices that establishes the beauty of art, and grants makeup artists with the freedom to express themselves. Being a makeup artist is more than just a dress-up little girl game, being a makeup artist is being able to make art with a face; on a face you have to learn to work with what is on there, it is like painting on divergent canvas structures. Most people do not show
The main purpose of cosmetics is unmistakable- to make you prettier. Women wear varying amounts of makeup depending on the occasion, the time of day, or just personal preferences. Makeup can be broken down into categories. Skin makeup consists of foundation, concealer, powder, and blusher. Eye makeup includes: mascara, shadow, liner, and brow definer. Lip makeup is comprised of products such as lipstick, lip gloss, and lip liner.
The word “cosmetics” comes from the Greek word kosmetikos meaning “skilled in adornment” (Sage 33). The evolution of cosmetics has truly changed through the centuries. The way people wear makeup and the reasons why they wear it have changed dramatically over time. The Roman philosopher, Plautus, once wrote, “A women without paint is like food with out salt.” The attraction of a beautiful face did not appear yesterday; painted ladies and even gentlemen have been known through time in artwork and illustrations. The art of cosmetics has definitely changed over time and through different cultures including: Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, French, Italians, and Americans.
Every woman has their own preference on what kind of make up to wear and how to wear it. Lucky for me, I can get away with not wearing any makeup and still being beautiful, but I enjoy wearing makeup ever once in a blue moon. Over 50% of woman wear makeup on a daily basis, which boost the confidence of many. Even though, I like applying and wearing this beauty ware, it brings a few difficulties for me. Three reasons I don't wear make up often is the time consumption, lack of beauty knowledge and taking it all off my dainty face.