I picked Ovarian Cancer because I feel like it is not really looked upon like the rest of the cancers. Ovarian Cancer is caused by cells dividing and multiplying in an unregulated way, nobody completely understands why cancer of the ovary occurs. The 2 tests used most often to screen for ovarian cancer are transvaginalultrasound (TVUS) and the CA-125 blood test. Pain in the pelvis, back, stomach, or during sexual intercourse are all early symptoms. If it progresses, the symptoms would be nausea, weight loss, tiredness, and loss of appetite.
The type of treatments are surgery, chemotherapy, targeted therapy and hormone therapy. Ovarian Cancer often goes undetected, at a late stage it can be difficult to treat and can be fatal. Another symptom
To reduce the risk of ovarian or breast cancer some choose to have a procedure done known as an oophorectomy. This is a removal of your ovaries on each side of your uterus that contain eggs and secrete the hormones that control your reproductive cycle. This greatly reduces the amount of hormones estrogen and progesterone circulating in your body which is the hormones breast and ovarian cancers need to grow. Though a generally safe procedure with small risk complications
After review of system, physical examination, and pelvic examination, which was noticed a swelling on one of her ovaries; therefore, a pregnancy test, a CA-125 blood test, and an ultrasound test were ordered to confirm suspicions of an ovarian cyst or ovarian cancer. Furthermore, the ultrasound test will help to determine the size, correct location, shape, and composition of the cyst such as solid or fluid filled. If it is an ovarian cyst most likely the composition of the cyst will be fluid filled, which most of the ovarian cysts are benign and do not require surgical intervention. It can be treated with birth control pills, treatment to shrink
Cancer in the ovaries spreads quickly to other parts of the body and “is the most lethal gynecological malignancy, with an alarmingly poor prognosis attributed to late detection and chemoresistance (Brachova).” The ovaries are composed of three different types of tissue: epithelia, germ, and stromal, with tumors being named for the kinds of cells the tumor started from and whether the tumor is benign or cancerous. The American Cancer Society’s estimates for ovarian cancer in the United States in 2014 are about 21,980 new cases and about 14,270 deaths. A woman’s risk of getting invasive ovarian cancer in her lifetime is about 1 in 72 and about half of the women diagnosed with ovarian cancer are 63 years or older (American Cancer Society).
Ovarian cancer is one of the most common types of cancer among women. It is considered to be one of the most common types of cancer of the female reproductive system. According to McGuire and Markman (2003), “despite advances in treatment over the last 40 years, ovarian cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed gynaecological malignancy, and causes more deaths than any other cancer of the reproductive system” (p. 4).
If cervical cancer is found treatment will be dependent on the type of cervical cancer and the stage of the cancer. There is a surgical treatment which is where the cancerous tissue is removed, such as by a hysterectomy, Chemotherapy to slow down or stop the growth of cancer cells. Lastly, there is radiation treatment to kill the cells and control the spreading of the cancer. These options can be used independently or altogether. There are constantly new treatments becoming available and sometimes a patient can be able to become part of this new treatment through clinical trials. The second test which can be done concurrently with the Pap test is the HPV test.
I. Attention: There are a number of researches done about breast and ovarian cancer. Breast cancer is the second largest cause of death in women. Ovarian cancer is the fourth largest cause of death in women, but there isn’t a lot of attention brought to the public by the media. There needs to be more awareness about these types of cancers for better
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. (2013, June 19). Patient education: Ovarian cancer. Retrieved February 8, 2016, from
Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the United States and other places all over the world. Throughout all the years of basketball there have been some very talented players that have become superstars in the basketball world. Between all these fantastic players, everybody has to have their favorites. For example, my three favorite basketball players are Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, and Steve Nash. These three basketball players are some of the most talented players to ever play the game.
Most cancers are named for where they start. For example, Ovarian cancer begins in the ovaries and breast cancer starts in the breast. Breast cancer is the most common cancer that happens to affect women worldwide. Women can still get Ovarian cancer even if their ovaries have been removed.
The difficulty in catching ovarian cancer early lies in the elusive nature of the signs and symptoms. The most common symptoms reported are increased fatigue, needing to pee more often, persistent bloating, and stomachaches. Because ovarian cancer can become so large as to obstruct other organs in the body, women can sometimes feel unusually full only after a small meal or snack. This can cause some patients to lose their appetites as well. When working women and full-time mothers are bustling around the house or office, it can be easy to miss these changes in your body.
This speech was an informative one. The speaker did inform us of ovarian cancer through her entire speech very clearly. Her introduction was heartfelt, and she opened up with her own experience… her mother having ovarian cancer. I could relate with this speaker because my mother also had cancer, just not as serious as ovarian cancer. But, cancer is very serious no matter which one you have.
Ovarian cancer is a fifth most common cancer in women in the UK (NICE, 2011). Ms LG is currently in treatment phase which comes under stage 4 of
Etiology: uterine tumor is caused by excess estrogen from two different sources first one is exogenous sources such as replacement therapy of estrogen or tamoxifen use. Endogenous sources like obesity ]1[ and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) with an ovulatory cycles, or tumors that secrete estrogen such as granulose cell tumors.[2] The symptoms: [3] uncommon bleeding of vaginal or discharge, dysuria, pain in Pelvic region, Pain during , Weight loss and pain during sexual contact . Diagnosis: 1) a uterine biopsy, dilatation and curettage, 2) using specialized viewing scopes to that detect the tumor of the uterus and tissues that surround it by observing the reproductive tract, digestive tract, and urinary tract.3) Internal imaging procedures, X-rays, ultrasound, computed tomography (CT) scans and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).After diagnosis, determine its stage to indicate the progression of the cancer. First stage cancer is located within uterus, while second stage tumor spread to the cervix. Then in Stage three malignancy spreading to vagina, lymph nodes present in the same region, or peritoneum. Stage four cancer spread to different organs such as the bone, lungs, bladder or digestive tract. After
Ovarian cancer is less common, with a projected 22, 440 new cases. However, it carries a much higher mortality rate.
Ovarian cancer is a type of cancer related to the ovaries. It currently accounts for approximately 3% of all cancers in women. Ovaries are comprised of three types of cells, each of them being able to differentiate into a type of cancer. These three types are epithelial, germ, and stromal cells. The most common type of ovarian cancer is derived from the epithelial cells. According to the American Cancer Society, ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death from all types of cancer that are related to the female reproductive system. Moreover, it is estimated that approximately 55% of women diagnosed with ovarian cancer die in the first 5 years of diagnosis. However, if the tumor is diagnosed before the age of 65, this percentage decreases.