
Informative Speech On Panda

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Have you seen a animal that’s big and it’s fur is black and white?
Well your probably looking at a panda.In general I’ll be sharing some interesting facts with you about panda’s. So I hope that you learn something new and interesting about theses pandas.

In addition I’m gonna talk about they’re Appearance. The giant panda is black and white it has a black circle around its eye. Giant pandas are like bears in a smaller size, and body shape. They can also stand on there back legs. The pandas can be up to 5- 6ft tall almost as tall as me. They can weigh around 220- 250lbs. But the males can weigh 350lbs . The male pandas always weigh more because they eat a lot more. The female Pandas don’t eat as much as the males do.The question is why are the pandas fur black and white. So up to date the reason is actually unknown. But they said that the color helps them camouflage for the giant pandas in their natural environment.Until now, every 2-3 years the female panda have 1-2 baby cubs. The cubs usually weigh only 5 ounces at birth. They are every tiny but they need to be taken care . …show more content…

And different kind of panda but kinda the same.The red panda has a long ,and soft furry bushy tail. And has rings like a raccoon. The red pandas are very similar to the raccoon because of the line they have on their back. The red panda is no where near what the giant panda weighs. The red panda is small and weighs less. They weigh 6 to 12 pounds . And will probably grow 2 feet. And it’s not including their tail.The red panda tends to sleep all day in a tree. They search for food at Dawna and dusk. Red pandas are most likely than giant pandas to ear floss other than bamboo. They usually eat fruits and berries.The similarities are that they have the long line like the raccoon. They also tend to walk like them to. They’re face looks like it

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