Cancer is something that most of us have been affected by in one way or another. Whether you are currently fighting it or know someone who has, it's known as a very difficult disease that can oftentimes be impossible to beat if not caught soon enough. But, here are the top eight miraculous stories of people diagnosed with cancer that were inexplicably cured to give you some much needed hope in miracles.
Number Eight: 74-Year-Old Woman Is Cured From Skin Cancer Naturally
When a 74-year-old woman came in with advanced carcinoma, a type of skin cancer, her options were bleak. Rather than subjecting her to radiation or amputation that she might not survive, the doctor decided to wait on it. While waiting, the patient's tumors started shrinking.
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discovered a tumor between her rectum and uterus that had kept her from getting pregnant. Miraculously, she conceived and once the healthy baby was delivered doctors found no sign of the tumor. Nine years later and she is still cancer-free.
Number Six: Man With Inoperable Head And Neck Cancer Cured By Church
Inoperable head and neck cancer left 56-year-old Greg Thomas thinking he wouldn't survive much longer. After numerous failed radiation and chemotherapy treatments, the doctors told him to start planning his funeral. He started volunteering at church to help restore it and somehow the doctors were amazed to find not only did he not need the intense pain relievers they were prescribing, but the tumors were shrinking. Today, he is fully recovered and the church has been restored thanks to his efforts.
Number Five: Man Tries Experimental Therapy As Last-Ditch Effort And Lives
Joseph Rick had accepted that he would die from the cancer in his body. After 15 months of treatment, nine surgeries, and numerous chemotherapy and radiation sessions nothing was working. As a last-ditch effort he tried an experimental therapy, only to have it save his life. His doctors were shocked, as was Rick, since he had already bought a cemetery plot and begun planning his
The odds of beating cancer are 10.5% but throw in an entire school, county and city, your odds a greatly increased and a teacher at my old school had cancer although he would end up losing the battle with the deadly disease he still managed to inspire me and the entire city of Yulee Florida, this is the story of Mr.O.
In 2009 my uncle was diagnosed with Cancer. Much like Sundiata, he did not display and fear in the face of danger. No matter how much his condition worsened, he stayed strong and shed no tears. For the sake of his family and friends, he did not want to show weakness. After his diagnosis, he underwent chemotherapy as well as many surgeries. He continued to work and support his family for as long as he could.
The article, written by Susan Berger, posted in The Washington Post reveals the two stories of the people who survived a blood cancer and the method of treatment that helped them.
Nearly 10 years after her first diagnosis, the cancer came back in her left breast. Sharpe shares that cancer changed her life in a big way. She now has a different way of looking at things. If she was never diagnosed with the disease, Sharpe wouldn’t have even thought of starting her own philantrophy.
“’So what’s your story?’” she then then replies “’I already told you my story. I was diagnosed when-‘” He interrupts and says “’No, not your cancer story. Your story. Interests, hobbies, passions, etcetera… Don’t tell me you’re one of those people who becomes their disease. I know so many people like that. It’s disheartening. Like cancer is in the growth business, right? The taking-people-over business. But surely you haven’t let it succeed prematurely’” (Green, 32).
She has had cancer two times throughout her whole life and always stays true to herself; she had breast cancer back in 1991 with a stage two cancer. She had already at this time had two older sisters who also had cancer themselves but had died from it. The doctors had her go through chemotherapy and she had to get a mastectomy, a procedure to remove the breast. After a long 6 months she had finally have beaten cancer, or what they thought.
Cancer on the one hand can be called as a disaster of life for most people;it affects brings death to some and depression and sadness for families and friends who were involved.Lots of people are mentally broken down by such a terrifying disease but some chose to fight against it.Terry Fox is a great example of a hero which has such life threatening illness still remains positive towards and always inspires other to cherish their lives.He tried to run all across the country with an artificial leg after his right leg was amputated six inches above the knee. He showed the whole world that it is still possible to gain hope and happiness even when life is dogged with illness or cancer; he raised money for cancer research in order to improve the medical techniques as same as to figure out a possible cure to save people’s life and to lessen their pain; he motivated people just
Terminally ill patients sometimes have misinterpreted life expectancies or even experience unexpected healing. Sharyn MacKay, a forty-six year old diagnosed with a kidney tumor, was told the cancer had spread and was incurable. Her doctors believed that chemotherapy would only add a few weeks to her life. However, MacKay strongly believed that she could win her battle against cancer. Three months later, after prayer and determination, her tumor had disappeared.
When I was a kid, I always wondered why it took so long for an ill person to become well again. I always thought that if the ill person went to the doctor they would be back to normal the next day, but that’s not the case. For some people it took several days, weeks, months, and even years to conquer an illness but as a child I never could understand that. I don’t know how many times I’ve asked my mom or dad how come the doctors don’t get together and make a “miracle” drug that could heal anything and everything. It wasn’t until the age of 15 when my grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer that I understood why it took so long for others to heal and the process that they had to endure in order to be healthy again. Shortly after my grandmother’s diagnosis, I started looking into what it would take to get a drug that would cure cancer through the approval process on the shelf to save some many others just like my grandmother. But I kept running into a dead end. Everything seemed to keep pointing towards chemotherapy and radiation. Although I wanted something to heal my grandmother fast, chemotherapy and radiation was the only solution if I had wish to see her watch me graduate high school. I went to almost every appointment with her to watch how it helped strengthen but also watch as it drained her energy. A month of chemotherapy and a few weeks of radiation and my
During those six months she went through twelve treatments. I saw my young, energetic, happy mother lose weight and be fatigued. Thankfully, after a year of battling she came out on top and beat cancer. Now, nine years later she is cancer free and healthier than
One of the many of the world's problems is sickness, but some diseases have no cure which can result in death. Cancer is a code we just can’t seem to crack and it has taken hundreds of thousands of lives. Everyone knows of someone who has died of or had cancer in their life. It’s a hard sickness to beat but many strong people do beat it, some being children. I have personally seen my family members go through this and of course, some didn’t make it out alive. If you have seen anyone who has cancer, you’ll see how it can take over your body, how that person doesn’t even look like themselves anymore.
About a year after being diagnosed, his doctor told him that he was cancer free. He was so happy; his face was all smiles. I had never seen him so happy in his entire life. It was such a beautiful sight seeing my old mans face that lit up, he told everyone that he was cancer free. I was so proud of my father for being that strong, cancer couldn't even bring him down.