
Inhalation Sedation Essay

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This should include obtaining medical history and reviewing baseline vital signs including heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory rate. Patients should be advised against heavy meals, although gastric emptying is not necessary for inhalation sedation. Contact lenses should be removed prior to sedation and patients should be requested to void, if necessary before beginning the procedure.(7)
Using a well-fitting nasal mask, the patient is first given 100% oxygen at 5–6 L/min, which is usually acceptable to the majority of patients. Vitals signs including oxygen saturation should be monitored using a pulse oximeter and electrocardiogram. Observe the reservoir bag’s inflation/deflation and accordingly adjust the gas flow control to match the patient’s tidal volume.(8) …show more content…

There are other risks associated with the use of nitrous oxide sedation that will be discussed below.

Diffusion hypoxia. The low solubility of nitrous oxide in blood causes it the gas “pool” in respiratory alveoli and rebreathed. As described in the inhalation sedation technique, this can be overcome by flushing with 100% oxygen once the nitrous oxide is terminated. Hypoxia is also prevented by the failsafe mechanism that ensures not less than 30% of oxygen is administered at all times.(6)
Oversedation. As mentioned, there is a risk over-sedating the patient beyond the level of sedation required for the procedure; this could in turn, risk the loss of consciousness and reflexes. This can be avoided by maintaining the recommended level of nitrous oxide and oxygen ratios while monitoring the patient for any signs of deep sedation, which have been described

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