Every living thing on this planet has evolved from the same original specie. Having this information, could it not be concluded that all living things are, to some degree, related? Yes. To further explain, evolution is a theory that states that organisms have diversified or in other words, have changed into a more complex living thing. In the book Inherit The Wind, the townsfolk of the play disagree heavily with the theory of evolution. Common ancestry is the theory that states that all living things share a common ancestor or common descendent, which then ties into evolution. Speciation, both allopatric and parapatric, show evidence for common ancestry. Speciation is when new species arise due to an evolutionary process. There are multiple and observable accounts that are used to support the theory of common ancestry. Charles Darwin’s book, The Descent of Man And Selection in Relation to Sex, goes into specifics with these accounts with placental mammals. Placental mammals are mammals that nourish their embryos using the mother 's blood supply. Common Ancestry in placental mammals provides sufficient scientific evidence, such as the similarities in bone structures and genetic coding between animals, to support the theory of evolution.
One of the biggest arguments against the theory of evolution and the theory of common ancestry is that they are theories. A scientific theory is an explanation for something in the natural world supported by facts and has successfully gone
One of the most controversial plays of its time is hands down, Inherit the Wind. The main debate throughout the play is the debate between science and religion. A bit of a background for those that are naive to the topic in this time period to follow. Small towns such as Hillsboro were very prone to streamlined views in every possible topic of extremities such as religion to minor topics relative to eateries, gossip, and small town politics. Lawrence and Lee do an exceptional job representing and setting the scene of this town by painting the history of the play’s main characters. They make a strong point about the lack of strayed opinion as everyone is primarily religious in views and science is taught according to the bible. In a sense it is wrong for one to have a mind or speak about views that clash with what has been widely accepted in Hillsboro.
Alexander Von Humboldt was a Prussian naturalist whose work has helped shape and define our modern understanding of nature. He used enlightenment rationalism to navigate his way through life and his deep connection to his natural environment inspired a visionary movement in ushering out the monotheistic creationist worldview. “Humboldt’s books, diaries and letters reveal a visionary, a thinker far ahead of his time. He invented isotherms...discovered the magnetic equator...came up with the idea of vegetation and climate zones that snake across the globe…and revolutionized the way we see the natural world.” (Invention of Nature, 5). Although his work was extensive, author of ‘The Invention of Nature, Andrea Wulf suggests that his work has largely been forgotten due to his polymath approach of including art, history, poetry and politics that made him unfavorable. While Humboldt gave us our concept of nature itself, “the irony is that Humboldt’s views have become so self-evident that we have largely forgotten the man behind them.” However, although his work individual work may be overlooked, Humboldt’s success in making science more accessible work and as a result, his legacy lives on as the source of inspiration for many influential thinkers throughout history.
When scientists compare embryo similarities we discovered that humans embryos and animal embryos are almost exactly alike. We go through the first two stages as the same embryos as the animals but when go to the third stage we start to differentiate and grown into the animal or human. Scientists also look at similar DNA structure that gives us evidence that evolution occurred and shows us what similar ancestors we have. When we look at analogous structures we see that the structure is not common and is not evidence of evolution but when we look at homologous structures we see that there is evidence that evolution occurred. For example cats and humans have the same arm bone structure. When scientists looked at homologous molecules they see the alike DNA
In Name of the Wind, Patrick Rothfuss gives life to The Four Corners of Civilization through his storytelling. Storytelling gives the author an opportunity to show their experiences and reflect their beliefs within the world they are creating. During the time this book was being written, there was the Iraq and Afghanistan War taking place which had been sending many soldiers back home with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Rothfuss parallels this disorder within his book through the main character, Kvothe, when he experiences trauma and he shows how Kvothe copes with the persisting trauma through grief theory, “four doors of the mind” (135) . His four doors of the mind is similar to the Kubler-Ross Model, which is widely accepted by practitioners, but challenges it by believing the mind copes with pain through the central idea of numbing. However, this mindset of categorizing emotions experienced within grief can be destructive behavior towards any griever rather than helping them cope; stages of post-loss grief do not exist.
From the tiniest microorganisms to the biggest animals, all life on Earth includes a common antecedent. Everything is connected to everything. therefore, however, is it that our species
One main reason why intelligent design is not a scientific theory is because it does not have enough evidence to support the claim that an intelligent agency created biotic creatures. On the other hand, evolution has a lot of evidence to support the theory, like the birds discovered on the Galapagos Islands by Charles Darwin, for example. Evolution can be considered scientific since it is “supported by a broad range of
“During the time men live without a common power to keep them all in awe, they are in that condition which is called war; and such a war as is of every man against every man.”1 Here Thomas Hobbes portrays the state of nature; in which life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.2 He then proposes a social contract where people of the state enter into a commonwealth governed by an absolute power. Through this social contract, the people give up their right to “everything” to the sovereign in exchange for security, thereby, giving the sovereign absolute authority over the entire commonwealth. However, Hobbes’s theory presents an exception to this “unlimited power.” He states that Leviathan, the sovereign, does no wrong unless he violates a subject’s right to self-preservation.3 In other words, a subject of the sovereign is not obligated to obey that sovereign if that sovereign threatens the life or person of the subject. But isn’t this retained right of self-defense incompatible with the absolute sovereignty that Hobbes claims for the commonwealth? Susanne Sreedhar argues that with the help of varying interpretations of Hobbes’s theory, in addition to the Razian model, she can find a solution to this puzzle. By treating the sovereign’s commands as “exclusionary reasons,”4 Sreedhar maintains that instances of disobedience can be justified in cases where subjects have nonexcludable first-order reasons for an action.5 However, her Razian model is in some measure too
One of the significant reasons for the ascent of the Fundamentalist development happened when Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection was distributed in the mid-nineteenth century. Fundamentalist Christian evangelists trusted the work was an immediate assault on the creation stories in the Bible.
The theory of a common ancestor has plenty of fossil evidence to back it up. Throughout the years fossils from different human ancestors from different ages have been found. In 1856, the fossils of neanderthals were found. Neanderthals lived from 200,000 to 300,000 years ago, they had a big brain made of 1400 cc’s, they were social, big creatures that learned to use and make tools and made cave art. Neanderthals also buried their dead, like modern day humans. In 1892, the fossils of homo erectus were found. Homo erectus lived about 1.8 million years ago. They had a brain of 600 to
Evolution has been a widely known discussion that many people have had over the past century, the theory of evolution has been welcomed by many scientists yet by some religious people it has been a taboo topic. The thought or the motion to entertain that humans evolved from primates is what some people would shudder and state that it goes against all their religious beliefs. However, scientist have pushed on the fact that evolution is not just a hypothetical or an outlandish theory but a theory that has multiple hard evidence to back it and that to ignore is ignorance and just plain stupidity. Four types of evidence of evolution are fossil records, genetic changes, the geographic distribution of species, and the similarities in embryos of species.
Neil DeGrasse Tyson once said “The theory of evolution, like the theory of gravity, is a scientific fact”. Neil DeGrasse Tyson is an acclaimed astrophysicist, cosmologist, and science communicator and has influence in the scientific world we live in today. “Biological evolution, simply put, is descent with modification” (“An Introduction to…”). “This definition encompasses small-scale evolution and large-scale evolution (the descent of different species from a common ancestor over many generations)” (“An Introduction to…”). There is now enough evidence for the theory of evolution that many consider it a fact and as such are turning away from the idea of creationism as a whole. Because of evolution you can trace just about every living thing on the Earth back to its ancestry billions of years ago. Darwin believed that all life on Earth descended from one primordial form (Naff 61). Darwin didn’t discover evolution or come up with the concept, but he was the frontrunner in research and a public endorser of the theory. The theory of evolution is correct because of homology, progressions of species changing over time, and natural selection.
Arguing for evolution by natural selection to be stated as a fact is a wholly misplaced argument. Evolution by natural selection is a theory and theory is just a five letter word for an idea that cannot yet be proven. Such is the case in the arguments for and against evolution by natural selection. Looking at the weakness of the theory of Darwinian evolution is the perfect place to start to argue against evolution by natural selection. Two weakness of Darwinism in relation to creationism are, according Joseph Kuhn, the irreducible complexity of the cell, and the limited data on transitional species given the multitude of transitions that must have been involved (Kuhn, 5). With those weaknesses found they can be developed and one of the standpoints that best develops this argument is that of creationism. Creationism says that the universe was created by the specific acts of a divine being, i.e. God, and not by random or natural gradation. The theory of creationism often gets discounted as the theory of radical religious persons but creationists are just as willing to continue to work with their theory as new evidence comes to light. Discounting the entire theory of creationism by stating that the problem is a basis in religious fanaticism paramount to stating that evolution by natural selection is unfounded because many have used it to further racist ideologies. Theories must be taken with a grain of salt and must constantly be examined and debated in order for a
The foundation for the theory of evolution was laid by Charles Darwin (Rose, n.d.). He developed hypotheses about natural selection which helped scientists develop the theory. Evolution is a theory and not a hypothesis because evolution has been proven by vast amounts of scientific data, research, and testing. The definition of a hypothesis is an educated explanation that needs to be researched and tested but has not yet been proven (Earman, 1984). There has been no scientific evidence to disprove the theory of evolution.
The storming of the Bastille, is one of the first deadliest battles of the French Revolution that was on July 14,1789. The result of this protesting action, brought 17,500 people fast into their graves. “The Tale of two Cities”, by Charles Darwin gives a good historical backround on this period of time.In the story, the main characters are desperatly fighting for their love , peace and hope over a devastational life in two diffrent cities. Not only men are striving for a happy life, but women too. No one knows the reason why, but is it because a character is in crisis with himself, God or government? Or is it because a human being is in need of love, selfhood, and power in society?
This point is where the third concept of evolution comes into play. The concept of speciation or splitting brings out the idea of diversity in evolution. Speciation depends on various conditions which allow populations to develop abundant variances that are no longer able to interbreed. This translates to majority of species going nonexistent without leaving any progenies. Additionally, the idea of a common ancestry can be confirmed through the idea of a common ancestry. This means that if evolution is traced back in time by the use of fossil fuels and various DNA sequences, then the descendants can be traced back to the ancestors. This means that by analyzing the various DNA sequences and measuring how similar the sequences are, evolutionary relationships can be reconstructed. The component of natural selection can also not be ignored throughout the revolutionary process. This is because natural selection explains the ostensible designs in nature over a materialistic progression that does not entail creation or control by supernatural