
Inmate Health Care In American Prisons

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The rising cost of inmate health care in American prisons has been a topic of discussion for many. What has not been discussed as attentively, though, are the rising mental health costs for the aging inmate population. The mandatory sentencing policies instituted in the 1970s have caused a dramatic increase in the nation’s prison population, with 125,000 of 1.5 million inmates being aged 55 years or older in 2010, according to a Human Rights Watch report. Annual health care costs for an inmate aged 55-59 are approximately $11,000, while the annual costs for an inmate aged 80 and higher are nearly four times that amount. Compare these figures to the $5,500 annual health care cost for a younger inmate and the issue becomes undeniable – it is essential that our nation discovers a way to both decrease health care costs for inmates and address the growing population of elderly inmates. …show more content…

Nursing homes with trained staff members are better equipped to handle the increased care needs for individuals with mental health issues. These partnerships would not only provide better quality of care for these individuals, they would also decrease the costs of providing similar services in the prison itself, where in New York the annual cost for a specialized unit for cognitively impaired inmates is more than double the cost per inmate compared to inmates in general population. Partnerships with nursing homes would allow prisons to transfer inmates suffering from dementia to a more suitable environment with better-trained staff while simultaneously lowering the health care expenses for the partnered

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