1. Financial Ratios---
• Liquidity Ratio: measure the availability of cash to pay debt.
Current Ratio = Current assets/ Current Liabilities
262,515/ 285,030= 0.92
There is a problem meeting its short term obligations
The best way to improve this ratio and better position the business to cover its short-term obligations is to better manage current liabilities (accounts payables). Generate more profit (cash) out of each sale by increasing profit (as long as it is competitive within the industry), reducing costs of goods sold (making the product with less cost or providing services with less costs) or finding efficiencies throughout the operating cycle.
• Asset Management Ratio: indicate how successfully a company is utilizing
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- Lag between time when they are paying their suppliers and employees versus time it takes to collect receivables from customers (30-60 days)
• Opportunities:
- Expand product range: go after different segments,
- Purchasing a computer to organize data and reduce needless paperwork,
- Increase market share by taking large orders,
- Hiring professional salesmen to ensure consistent growth and accountants/ consultants to identify problems and solutions: Lower cost of goods sold, lower expenses due to Walsh’s salary, and lower bad debt.
An organization’s current ratio shows how liquid the assets of the agency are by comparison to the short term debts that the agency must pay to continue its operations. This ratio is calculated by taking the assets that can be converted to cash within a year (current assets) and dividing it by the liabilities that are either currently due or will become due within a year (current liabilities). The current ratio, ideally, should be at
In 2016, the company has 8,970,824 US Dollars in Long Term Assets (Current Assets: 7,036,578), 146,947,000 US Dollars in profits, and 6,959,225 US Dollars in Total Liabilities (Current Liabilities: 2,689,770). The problem with Labilities is that it is debt that has to be paid off over a certain period of time and in this case for current liabilities, it is a year. Labilities are expected to be paid off with cash but that’s a problem for Cabela’s. Cabela’s has a cash flow of -51,241,000 US Dollars and a long term debt value of 3,158,085 US Dollars which means cash is limited for Cabela’s. The current Ratio is at 2.616 which means the company is not managing its assets a properly and in turn could be having financial issues. [2] What is also not a good sign is the debt to equity ratio is 3.460 and this value is a sign that the Cabela’s has a high debt level and is having financial troubles. [3] Then the Return on Sales Ratio is .04 or 4% which terrible because this percent should be over 10%. Another sign that a company is having trouble is that the Acid Test Ratio is 2.30 because the ratio value should never be over 1. These troubling financial records shows that Cabela’s is having troubles but the real certain are in the direction of the
This ratio indicates whether it can respond to the current liabilities by using current assets. As many times, we can cover short-term obligations, as better for the company. This indicates that significant and high improvement in the liquidity. The increase in the current ratio 11.5 % will result in an increase in current assets where the current liabilities increased by 2.1%.
The decline of inventory turnover presents the incresed possibility of inventory obsolescence which is likely to be assessed as higher business risk. In debts to equity part, the ratio in current year is much higher than that of preceeding year, which means the extent of use of debt in financing company is much higher than before. Pinnacle has used most of its borrowing capacity and has little cushion for addional debt.This action brought high business risk to Pinnacle. In addition, Pinnacle puchase more inventory in current year that that of preceeding year, and net sales are increasing also compared previous year. However, the net income is decreased significantly. These changes show expenses (maybe direct or indirect) have increased dramaticly. The company uses more expensive materials and labors to manufacure and sell products.
Working capital is the money that a company has after paying off its current liabilities and with which it can finance its operating and working capital requirements. The higher a number the better a company is able to pay off its debt and have cash for meeting its financial obligations. The current ratio is used to gauge a company 's ability to pay back its short-term liabilities (debt and payables) with its short-term assets (cash, inventory, receivables). The higher the current ratio, the more capable the company is of paying its obligations. A ratio under 1 suggests that the company would be unable to pay off its obligations if they came due at that point. The current ratio denotes the efficiency of a company 's operating cycle or its ability to turn its products into cash, which is a key requirement for business success. Quick ratio is an indicator of a company 's short-term liquidity. The quick ratio measures a company 's ability to meet its short-term obligations with its most liquid assets, essentially cash and cash equivalents. The higher the quick ratio, the better the financial position of the company in terms of its ability to meet its liabilities.
For my first course of action I must determine the cause of this liquidity problem. The current ratio is the ratio of current assets to current liabilities; therefore a decrease in the current ratio is due to either a decrease of current assets or an increase of current liabilities. As shown on the balance sheets both current assets and liabilities are increasing, but the liabilities are increasing at a quicker rate. From 2002 to 2003 current liabilities have increased by over 100%, whereas current assets have only increased by about 35%. Mackay has accumulated more accounts payable. Taking a look at the efficiency ratios I can see why these accounts payable have increased so dramatically. The two ratios I saw a big change in were the age of receivables and age of payables. In the last year age of receivables has increased from 3 to 7 days and age of payables has increased from 98 to 154 days. This means that Mackay isn’t able to pay off his trade debt as quickly and in turn it accumulates faster. The more trade debt Mackay has the
Liquidity ratios show how well CanGo can pay its creditors as the debts come due.
This ratio is similar to current ratio, except that it excludes inventory from current assets. Inventory is subtracted because it is considered to be less liquid than other current assets, that is, it cannot be easily used to pay for the company’s current liabilities. A company having a quick ratio of at least 1.0, is considered to be financially stable. It has sufficient liquid assets and hence, it will be able to pay back its debts easily (Qasim Saleem et al., 2011).
With the diversity of cultures in America that makes this country very mysterious and interesting for the foreigners to understand all these cultures in America. However, in the YouTube video named "Alabama's Homeboy," people are living in a ghetto including with bullying, gang, and even murdering. People have been living there for many generations which causes a vicious cycle of poverty in that community. Although many reporters from other countries only talk about how Americans are living their peaceful, and abundant lives, yet for the inner cities part is still a mystery for many foreigners. From the video, which introduces how the ghetto affects the younger generation in Alabama.
This data set is divided into three categories, this paper compares only three ratios for each category; Solvency Ratios: Quick Ratio, Current Ratio, and Current Liabilities to Inventory Ratio; Efficiency Ratios: Collection Period Ratio, Assets to Sales Ratio, and Accounts Payable to Sales Ratio; Profitability Ratios: Return on Sales Ratio, Return on Assets, and Return on Net Worth.
In the 1900s and now, having a nice home in a beautiful community shows that your family can afford and keep affording to live at a high standard of living, shows power. During this time period for a african american family to own a home that is in a nice neighborhood would be a very big deal. Many white people were afraid that if black people moved into their neighborhoods their houses will decrease in value, crime rates will go up, and they were just scared. For an african american man having a home was a sign of success because they could afford a home and could keep it up. If a black family moved into a white neighborhood many times their white neighbors chased them out. Housing is a great way to show success, wealth, and power and the white communities are willing to do anything to keep their neighborhoods the same.
additional sales and above the annual growth and be able to broaden the firms current
CURRENT RATIO show a company’s ability to pay its current obligations that is company’s liquidity. The current ratio position is lower for Honda at 0.33 than for Toyota at 1.22 in 2010. Honda has a large portion of receivables in assets both in trade, notes receivables and finance receivables. It has a huge portion of cash as well. This indicates the company has no problem in terms of generating a positive influx of assets. But in terms of liabilities it has a large portion of short term debt which makes almost 1/3rd of total Current liabilities. Also there is a significant portion of Long Term debt. The higher level of liabilities in the denominator reduces the overall ratio.
The company's inability to receive payments from customers in a timely manner created a severe impact in the company's cash flows. The age of account receivables increased each year. In 1995 it took 49 days on average to receive payments from customers. Because of the delay in accounts receivable, Clarkson Lumber's ability to pay suppliers on time is also impacted. In 1995 it took Clarkson 38 days on
A Slum refers to informal settlements within urban areas or cities. The informal settlements depict inadequate housing and miserable condition with reference to living standards (Meade p 43). In the slums, numerous individuals seek housing facilities within small living spaces. The slums also lack basic local authority services such as sanitation, collection of waste, water, drainage systems, street lighting, and emergency roads. Most slums also lack schools, hospital, and public places that might offer adequate environment for social amenities. The experience of France illustrates the essence of slums within the modern society (Oberti p 58). Crime and unemployment are on the rise within the slums because of the poor