
Innocence Quotes In To Kill A Mockingbird

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To kill a mockingbird represents innocence because as we see throughout the novel, innocent characters are persecuted on the basis of race. Perhaps the biggest instance of innocence being persecuted is the Tom Robinson case. Tom Robinson, a black man is accused of raping a white woman named Mayella by the woman's father Bob Ewell. Tom Robinson Is clearly innocent in this case and that is shown multiple times when Atticus gives concrete examples of how Tom Robinson could not have raped her, which is shown in chapter 17 because she had a mark around her neck and a bruise on her right eye. Bob Ewell claimed Tom Robinson grabbed her neck and punched her, but Tom Robinson lost his left hand when he was younger and does not have part of his left arm. Atticus was the defendant in the Tom Robinson case, and he proudly stood up for Tom. He was called a “Nigger lover” throughout the book because he defended Tom. “What kind of parent would I be if I didn't defend him, sure I was assigned his case but if I didn't try my best to defend him then I couldn't tell anyone else what to do.” Throughout the whole thing Atticus resembles a mockingbird, he is innocent and he is defending an innocent man. Jem and Scout also experience this in a way many people including …show more content…

Jem and Scout are the kids of Atticus, and Bob Ewell holds Atticus’s own choices against Jem and Scout. One night Bob Ewell got very drunk, and when he drinks he gets abusive, as shown back in chapter 18 “Is he good to you? Easy to get along with?” “He’s tollable ‘cept when” “except when what? When he drinks? Mayella nodded her head” This scene from the book gives the reader a hint that Bob Ewell is not a nice person when drunk. Bob followed Jem and Scout home one night and attacked them, he grabbed them and had a knife in his hand. Jem pushed him off and he landed on the knife and

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