
Innocent Voices Analysis

Decent Essays

Yesenia Barrera English 1B Claire Nava 27 August 2017 War in the Eyes of Innocence A young boy, attempting to have a normal childhood in 1980's El Salvador, is caught up in a dramatic fight for his life as he desperately tries to avoid the war, which is raging all around him. This is a sad reality of many people, who are immersed in a society full of violence and without values, where innocent families including children, lose their lives unfairly by a conflict in which they are not participating, affecting notably their emotional well-being and quality of life. However, despite these conflicts, they seek ways to get by living with the war despite limitations in health, education and expression. Voces Inocentes (Innocent Voices) is a Mexican …show more content…

A heavy downpour falls in the muddy streets. Zoomed in close-ups of soldiers’ boots stepping in muddy puddles and water splashing. Tall and short silhouettes move in slow motion toward the camera. As they move in closer, we can clearly see soldiers. Among the soldiers, are four smaller children with their arms raised and hands crossed behind their necks. They are being pushed and shoved by the soldiers. The rain falls on their dirty faces, at a standstill, as if paralyzed by an obscure resignation of expressions. Their march continues in sluggish motion. We then hear the thoughts of one of the boys, Chava, on the soundtrack: “Tengo mucha sed ... Me duelen los pies ... Tengo piedras en los zapatos ... Seguro nos van a matar ... ¿Por qué nos quieren matar, si no hicimos nada.” (I am very thirsty ... My feet hurt ... I have rocks in my shoes ... I’m sure they are going to kill us ... Why do they want to kill us? We’ve done nothing.) (Tovar Canelo) The fates of the four boys’ dawn on the audience. The suspense is almost unbearable, wanting to be able to jump into the film and save these poor and frightened children. The screen then turns white and the story begins in flashback. We got a glimpse of the ending and now we are hooked and crave for the whole

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