
Innovate America

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In 2005, three controversial reports on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education were published. These reports brought attention to the reality of STEM careers and education. Our nation was told to gravitate towards careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to help boost the morale of Americans and our global economy ranking; however, recent studies reveal that there are not enough jobs available for the amount of STEM graduates the U.S. is producing each year. In May 2005, Innovate America was published addressing a majority of the issues regarding the Global Economy. In July 2005, Tapping America's Potential (TAP) was published by a handful of corporate leaders and presidents of universities; …show more content…

science is in trouble, this is because there are too many scientists, not too few. Newly trained scientists have glutted the scientific labor market and contribute low-cost labor to organized science but are unable to become independent and, thus, highly innovative. Proponents of the second view, mostly economists, are quick to point out that claims concerning a shortage of scientific personnel are often made by interest groups—universities, senior scientists, funding agencies, and industries that employ scientifically trained workers—that would benefit from an increased supply of scientists.(Is US Science in …show more content…

seems to be overfunding the STEM programs and trying to keep up with other world powers which may be too much for the U.S. to handle. The idea that the U.S. is not in decline but rather, other countries are catching up, means that the U.S. should not be putting so much pressure on its citizens to move into STEM fields. Heather B. Gonzalez reports that more U.S. STEM degrees are being acquired by foreigners rather than natives. “Although the number of degrees awarded in STEM fields has increased over time, many analysts are concerned about the percentage of STEM degrees that go to foreign students. For example, foreign students earn roughly one-third of all U.S. S&E doctoral degrees and earn half (or more) of U.S. doctoral degrees in the specific fields of engineering, physics, computer sciences, and

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