
Innovation Pc Executive Summary

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Innovation PC is a fast growing company that focuses primarily on providing quality computer cases and accessories for a wide range of consumers from a normal everyday user to avid computer gamers as well. This marketing plan will focus on Innovation PC's new product line, an environmental friendly computer case that can appeal to a wide array of PC users.
Mission Statement
Innovation PC's mission is to provide every user with not only a quality computer case fit to their specific needs but also a case that reduces our environmental footprint on the world.
Product Description and Classification
Our new product will focus on providing an environmental friendly computer case that will focus on providing a computer case for all consumers. We will be providing a computer case made from 100% recyclable plastic that can be traded in for a discount on a new case. These cases will come in two styles for the common household user as well as three styles focused on computer gamers'.
By using 100% recyclable plastic for our computer cases we are lessening our environmental impact on the world while also giving consumers the opportunity to feel better about their purchase knowing they are getting a quality product at the same time that will fit their needs.
Consumer Product Classification
Our product will be considered …show more content…

People of all ages have become more aware of the environment and what is happening to it. They are willing to actually spend the time to look at items they buy instead of blindly buying them. Our target market will focus on the pc gamer as they tend to purchase and upgrade computer cases more often than the regular end user. We will be focusing on people between 26-40 years of age, both male and females as the average age of PC gamers is 38 with 51% being male and 49% being female with household incomes in the $30 - $60k

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