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Decent Essays

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Plan
Cap-Net International Network for Capacity Building in Sustainable Water Management
November 2009

The purpose of this document is to improve learning from the Cap-Net programme, ensure adequate monitoring of the project and assist our partner networks monitor their own activities. This monitoring, evaluation and learning plan (MELP) has been developed as a guide to monitoring and evaluation within the Cap-Net project and the tools listed are applied by the project management team and network partners. The tools will be adjusted to meet the needs of partner networks and used as a basis for addressing monitoring needs at network level. It is expected that the tools and strategy presented in this …show more content…

To improve water management practices by: using effective networks of capacity builders to impact on the ground, and developing partnerships with international agencies to improve their outreach and collaboration on capacity building To develop and implement knowledge management systems that ensure access to the best of international and local knowledge, measure the effectiveness of capacity building services, and establish indicators and monitoring systems.






Cap-Net works with capacity building networks around the world loosely connected in the Cap-Net Global Network. The Cap-Net secretariat’s main work is to support the development and implementation of capacity building activities arising through the networks from the ground. In addition, Cap-Net identifies key evolving areas where increased attention is required and stimulates action in these areas by the networks. Three basic principles guide the Cap-Net programme:


Local Ownership

Local ownership of the capacity building process is essential for relevance and sustainability. Capacity development is an ongoing process that has to be anchored in local institutions and knowledgeable individuals. Cap-Net supports local experts to further develop their knowledge and to increase their exposure and activities in capacity

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