
Inpatient Injurious Falls

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The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has identified eight adverse conditions, and inpatient injurious falls continues to be the most common adverse condition (as cited in Tzeng, Hu & Yin, 2016). The inpatient falls in the “US hospitals range from 3.3 to 11.5 falls per 1,000 patient days” (as cited in Bouldin et al, 2013, p.13). Roughly 25% of patients are injured when they fall (Bouldin et al, 2013). Since 2005, the USA’s National Patient Safety Goal listed fall prevention as a goal (Bennett, Ockerby, Stinson, Willcocks, & Chalmers, 2014). Since 2008, hospitals no longer receive payments from CMS for health care cost connected to inpatient falls (Bouldin et al, 2013). CMS views inpatient injurious falls as injuries that should never occur (Bouldin et al., 2013). There is no doubt that quality improvement must continue to address inpatient injurious falls. Preventing falls and implementing interventions to lower the rates of falls is a major concern for hospitals and must be included in any quality improvement measure. Contributing elements of patient falls include patients’ balance, gait, impaired cognition, and a history of falling (Tzeng & Yin, 2015). Studies have proven there is a correlation between “nursing staff and adverse patient …show more content…

The use of centralized video monitoring (CVM) has proven to be successful (Sand-Jecklin, Johnson, & Tylka, 2016). Nursing stations and patient rooms are equipped with CVM and webcams to keep high risks patient under surveillance. However, patient’s privacy protection options are available. Alarms inform nurses of patient’s movement. When such systems were implemented in a hospital, a decrease in falls were noted (Sand-Jecklin, Johnson, & Tylka, 2016). This method is relatively new so additional studies are needed to examine the best practices of

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