
Insanity In Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper

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In Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”, the narrator stays at a house with her husband John, and his sister Jennie, to help cure her nervousness. The narrator is under strict regime during her stay at the house, due to her husband, who is also her physician. You would think that a physician would treat an ill patient with the upmost care, but that is not the case in this short story. John forbids her to write or have any visitors that are too stimulating. He makes all the decisions for her, and eventually, she’s driven insane. The cause of her insanity seems to be the yellow wallpaper in her room. And although the story revolves around the narrators’ obsession with the yellow wallpaper, Gilman uses the word creep towards the end of the short story when the narrator begins to lose her sanity. My view is that the word ‘creep’ is used when the narrator’s insanity climaxes, which is brought on by the way her husband, John, oppresses her and her illness in the household. After spending a lot of time alone in her room, the narrator begins to see a woman inside her wallpaper, then outside in the yard. The narrator creates these images because of her inability to conform to her proper role. The narrator writes, “I see her on that long road under the trees, creeping along, and when a carriage …show more content…

The narrator uses the word creep in this quote to show what her life is like at home. She explains that she locks the door when she creeps around the room during the day, in fear of being caught by John. The narrator is supposed to rest, but forcing her to do nothing but rest causes her to creep around and hide from others. She cannot show John how she truly feels, she suppresses her illness symptoms when he is around by doing what he tells her to do when he is home. When he is away, she locks herself into her room, being very careful to make sure she is not

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