INTRODUCTION Hamlet play is one of the most honored best known, most analyzed work by great English writer William Shakespeare, which has been studied by many scholars. Hamlet is a play rich in incident and possesses a complex plot, with not only subsidiary action, but also a play with in a play. There is a great deal of suspense and a fair amount of sensational matter. There are elements like supernatural visitation, incestuous marriage, and feigned madness. The story line of Hamlet follows a vein of madness that begins with Claudius murdering king Hamlet and ending with the tragic killing of almost every main character. …show more content…
He is clearly a sensitive and idealistic young man, he is a scholar, a philosopher and a poet, he loves Ophelia’s he is a young noble man who conceives the finest thoughts and has a high intellectual quality, but because of his father’s death and his mother’s hasty marriage he is grievous and want to take revenge from his uncle king Claudius. Walley describes Hamlet as``A sensetive gentleman scholar disillusioned in his social contacts and oppressed with the villainy and futility of life” . (WALLEY …show more content…
He discovered the truth from a supernatural being, at the time, he questions whether it is evil or something he can trust. The instruction from the ghost to avenge his fathers death was immediately taken into action.
Hamlet from the very start acted mad to challenge and manipulate other characters. There is much evidence in the play that Hamlet deliberately feigned fits of madness in order to confuse and disconcert the king and his attendants.
Walley asserts that Hamlet uses his madness only in certain circumstances and in the view of certain characters, for the purpose of facilitating his revenge”. (Walley,
Many people have seen Hamlet as a play about uncertainty and about Hamlet's failure to act appropriately. It is very interesting to consider that the play shows many uncertainties that lives are built upon, or how many unknown quantities are taken for granted when people act or when they evaluate one another's actions. Hamlet is an especially intriguing production, both on the set and on the screen because of its uniqueness to be different from what most people expect to be in a revenge themed play. Hamlet's cynicism and insane like behavior cause him to seem indecisive, but in reality he is always judging and contemplating his actions in the back of his mind in order to seek revenge for the murder of
Insanity can be defined as a mental illness that causes a person to have difficulty distinguishing fantasy from reality. Whether Shakespeare’s Hamlet was insane or feigning insanity is a controversial topic. Gregory Shafer argues that Hamlet is not insane and that he uses insanity or madness for his own political purposes (42). In William Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, Prince Hamlet’s circumstances force him to seek revenge for the murder of his father King Hamlet. He creates a plan that he believes will give him an opportunity to kill Claudius, and the main part of this plan involves him faking insanity. Further and further into the book, his actions of a madman become more believable. However through his thoughts and actions it is clear that he is not truly insane, and his is only acting in this way in order to reach is ultimate goal of revenge.
Instead of taking immediate action, Hamlet declares to devote himself to the cause. Eventually, Hamlet becomes incredibly contemplative, and decides to feign lunacy in order to research the happenings surrounding his father’s death.
There is a fine line between sane and madness that everyone can teeter on in some point in their lives. Sometimes this is the result of a broken relationship, a loss of a job, confusion about the future, anger, or can be a result of countless other events or reasons. This theme of insanity is present in countless pieces of literature due to its relatability to everyone, not just people with a diagnosed mental illness. People tend to do crazy things and act crazily without being completely insane. Along the same lines, when people linger in their crazy actions and start to do it purposefully, it can lead to something that is real and more permanent. Hamlet’s madness, in Hamlet by Shakespeare, is a complex idea that is constantly developing throughout
Insanity is an interesting topic to explore, tricky to determine and potentially deadly to those around the affected person. Although most people in society are sane beings, many argue that Hamlet in Shakespeare’s play Hamlet is not sane. His actions are not that of a sane person, but rather of a grieving man who is driven to his death by his insane lust for revenge.
The insanity of a person can be contributed through the trauma that is caused by a few events in a person’s life, but in the play Hamlet, William Shakespeare wrote the main character prince Hamlet experiences a few dramatic events from the play which his attitude changes throughout. In order to figure out whether hamlet is insane is by figuring out what the characteristics of his insanity. Characters see Hamlet in different shades of gray, each side more or less sane than others. His sanity can be his truth or his lie.
Many criminal suspects today are found guilty by them attributing their insane actions to society by breaking human laws. In return, they are to make a contribution to in horrendous places such as place of confinement, guardhouse and correctional facility with their labour, effort and time. Nonetheless, what are the punishments for someone who feigned his or her madness and sparks off the death of the entire royal family? Shakespeare's Hamlet significantly demonstrates the consequences of dissimulating, in a way of dishonesty, but is Hamlet's madness simulated or real? This question is often left unanswered among the fans of Shakespeare's Hamlet. The idea of a character impersonating the concept or motif of insanity is not foreign to great literary works in modern days although many authors in ancient time use it to convey the sanity of the humor. There is much evidence in the play of Shakespeare's Hamlet, which Hamlet deliberately feigned fits of madness to confuse and plan to disconcert the king until he reveals his secret that he is responsible for Hamlet's father murder. However, the majority of the professors continue to argue that Hamlet's anti-decomposition is purely innocent and that he is not pretending. Nevertheless, with the similar saying of “One bad apple spoils the whole bunch”, in Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Hamlet: Prince of Denmark, Hamlet’s fatal flaw of
Hamlet is a young man who has become crazy from his trials and tribulations in life. He lost his father due to his uncle murdering them and then had to watch his mother marry the killer. Hamlets insanity can be demonstrated by his crude language and disregard for the well being of his mother. It can also be shown by his depression, which causes him to second guess everything including his life and finally his love, Ophelia helps to justify his absurdness by acting as a mirror. His foolish behavior worries many in the kingdom and creates a hostile and paranoid environment for those around. While some in the castle may believe that Hamlet is putting on an act, he proves that he is mad through his violet actions, his mental health and Ophelia.
Hamlet's madness is not in vain. As Polonius says in Act II, "Though this be madness, yet there is method in't" (109). The reason Hamlet is pretending to be insane is to exact revenge against his father's murderer, the King. He is aware that the King will be concerned about his behavior and he is right. After the play all the characters attend, the King is very disturbed. His reason for being disturbed is that he just witnessed a play which depicted the murder he committed against his own brother, the former King of Denmark. The King knows Hamlet knows of the murder and is aware that Hamlet may not be completely insane. Because he is afraid of losing his power and title of King, the King decides that Hamlet should go to England.
Have you ever been minding your own business just doing the normal routine that is everyday life and all of a sudden you hear a noise or see something out of the corner of your eye that wasn’t there in the first place, and then you think to yourself, am I crazy. Then you just realize that it was you overreacting because we see things that aren’t there all the time. Well sometimes that is not always the case. In Shakespeare’s magnificent play “Hamlet”, insanity and lunacy are the main driving points for Hamlet making the decisions that he chooses since he has gone mad due to the murder of his father and the treachery of his mother. Which to me sounds like a good reason to go a little crazy, but in Hamlets case he goes off the deep end.
Throughout Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, the main character, Hamlet, must seek revenge for the murder of his father. Hamlet decides to portray an act of insanity, as part of his plan to murder Claudius. Throughout the play, Hamlet becomes more and more believable in his act, even convincing his mother that he is crazy. However, through his thoughts, and actions, the reader can see that he is in fact putting up an act, he is simply simulating insanity to help fulfil his fathers duty of revenge. Throughout the play, Hamlet shows that he understands real from fake, right from wrong and his enemies from his friends. Even in his madness, he retorts and is clever in his speech and has full
The play “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare is about a guy named Hamlet going through a hard time in life, after the death of his father, and the remarriage of his mother to his uncle. Throughout the play were are able to get a greater understanding of who Hamlet really is. The actions of Hamlet in Shakespeare's master piece “Hamlet” proves him to a revenge seeker, emotional, and crazy.
The play Hamlet is a play about the Prince of Denmark and all the drama that is occurring after the death of his father. The play is mainly based on the actions and motives of Prince Hamlet and Claudius who is Hamlet’s uncle and King of Denmark. So although Hamlet is the rightful heir to the Danish throne, the play tries to answer the question “Who’s there” by highlighting all the roles Hamlet has in his life including those that he has thrust upon himself after his father’s murder and his mother’s relationship with Claudius. In this play Hamlet plays the role of the prince, lover, and young adult searching for answers and then ultimately looking for revenge. In all these different sides of Hamlet the two consistent qualities shown are his emotions and his intellect.
Hamlet, the titled character of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, William Shakespeare’s most prominent play, is arguably the most complex, relatable, and deep character created by Shakespeare. His actions and thoughts throughout the play show the audience how fully developed and unpredictable he is with his mixed personalities. What Hamlet goes through in the play defines the adventures encountered by a tragic hero. In this timeless tragedy, despite Hamlet’s great nobility and knowledge, he has a tragic flaw that ultimately leads to his ironic death.
In this play, Hamlet is constantly beside himself wondering what is real and what is fake. He thinks he sees his father in the form of a ghost which makes him wonder, “Are ghosts actually real?” “Is this ghost who it actually says it is?” The actions that we expect from Hamlet in the play, are postponed at times to show us that he is trying to get the information himself about what he is trying to do in terms of what to believe. This is what separates the play, Hamlet, from all of the other plays about revenge out there. The ghost in this play also raises questions for the audience about how the ghost actually knew about its own death (Hamlet: Themes, motifs, and symbols par. 1). This play is not mostly about avenging Hamlet’s father’s death, it is about how Hamlet deals with the issues he is dealing with internally (Theme of Revenge par. 1). The fact that his father comes to see him and that he can actually talk to him, doesn’t help Hamlet’s case any by