
Inside Job

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ID NUMBER :05048569

INSIDE JOB: Inside Job is a 2010 documentary film about the late 2000’s financial crisis . The film is in five parts the film explores how changes in the policy environment and banking practices helped create the financial crisis. The movie starts with showing the Iceland bank where it all started from the land scape is shown green and fresh but then as the corporations moves into the country it becomes muddy and dry land with pollution.
In a context of global economic crisis, everyone appears to be blaming the other in order to find who is responsible for such a global decline in growth, important rate of unemployment, rising protectionism... Thus, it seems …show more content…

The next day, Paulson and Fed chairman Ben Bernanke asked Congress for $700 billion to bail out the banks. The global financial system became paralyzed. On October 3, 2008, President Bush signed the Troubled Asset Relief Program, but global stock markets continued to fall. Layoffs and foreclosures continued with unemployment rising to 10% in the U.S. and the European Union. By December 2008, GM and Chrysler also faced bankruptcy. Greenbury report:
During1990's, there have been considerable concerns about the remuneration packages of the directors in the UK companies. These concerns were mostly widespread among shareholders, employers, politicians and the public. The concerns related to the basic pay increase and the remuneration to the current chief executive directors or the departing directors. In response to these concerns, in 1995, the UK Government requested Sir Richard Greenbury to set up a committee in order to recommend some directives for the UK larger listed companies.
Sir Richard Greenbury, who was the chairman of the Marks & Spencer, established a committee in the M&S headquarter. According to the Greenbury Report, their terms of reference were as following:
“To identify good practice in determining Directors' remuneration and prepare a Code of such practice for use by UK PLCs." (Para 1.2, Greenbury Report, p.9)
The Study Group on Directors' Remuneration who was set up in January 1995,

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