Influential people say things that are very inspirational to a lot of people. Simone Biles said, “ I’m not the next Usain Bolt Michael Phelps, but I am the first Simone Biles.” First,This quote is inspirational because she is trying to say that you should just try to be yourself and not try to be anyone else. “When I’m faded I forget what you mean to me. I hope you know how much you mean to me.” Said the Weeknd. Then, this quote is inspirational because he lost someone he loved and now he regrets it and he wants to let her know that he really cared. Kehlani said “ Boy, you know all I do, is stay up all night losing sleep over you, ALL I DO, Is drive myself crazy thinking ‘bout my baby.” Lastly, She wants him to know how much she loves him no
The first person in the novel Peak who demonstrated a great deal of courage was Sun-Jo’s father, Kitar. A group of climbers were stuck beneath mounds of snow, because of an avalanche. The weather was too intense for anyone to rescue them, therefore Kitar determined he would go up the treacherous mountain to try and save these climbers. Sadly, only one climber survived. This one survivor was Josh, Peak’s father.
Imagine this. You’re a young teenage girl, in which was just informed that your father was shot and killed in cold blood. Nobody did anything to stop the culprit, nobody intervened. The guy got away without any question. How does that make you feel?
“In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart,”, Anne says in lines 1928-1931. You’re probably mentally conceiving, how could anyone still believe that all people are civil? It’s quite simple, Anne was an exceptional puerile girl, thirteen to be precise, at the time she was driven into obnubilating. She left a place where she could run and play and make as much noise as possible, she just wanted to do that again. Another reason is, she was highly optimistic. When reading the play you learn quite expeditiously that Anne is genuinely ebullient. She was the type of gal who could never sit “buttoned up”, you could say.She was always endeavoring to find the effulgent sides to her situations. She was always trying
Throughout The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford, I sympathized with Keiko and Henry the most. Although both are minority races, they are discriminated against differently. Keiko identifies as 'American', but that does not seem to matter as her family and the rest of the citizens of Japanese descent are whisked into armed, prison-like camps by U.S. officials. I can relate to her since I have been discriminated against because of my ethnicity. It seems easy for some to make stereotypes about other races, especially in a time where everyone is looking for somewhere to place the blame. For example, the discrimination is evident when Keiko and Henry try to buy a record- Keiko is not even acknowledged because she is Japanese.
The Help, a compulsive 2011 movie adapted from Kathryn Stockett’s novel . The quote that I want to direct you to is : "You know, courage seemed to skip a generation. Thank you for bringing it back to our family". This quote I think can refer to the theme courage and how it seems to skip a generation. In this essay, I will explain Courage in general, how we can relate this to the book, and how we can relate this to our current world.
When she sings “Your words were supposed to get me through my hard days and your words were supposed to get me through my heartache before my heartbreak” she is singing about and too her mother. When we are young the first love we receive is from our parents. It is what makes us grow. Kehlani didn’t have that love. Her mom was never there for her. She didn't have anyone to comfort her when she got hurt, to help her up when she was down. In this song it’s clear that she can’t help but feel like she’s missed out on an important relationship. It left her as line 7 says with “an emptiness that only few ever feel” This first verse of the song conveys her sadness. She visualizes what could have been when she sings “I can hear your laugh”, and reflects on all she missed out on.
“Of course she knew him; everyone knew him, he was Alex Rivers, for God’s sake,” (30). Celebrities are the big deal around any place in America. People just love to get into their lives and know everything about them. But what if their lives are just made up? In Picture Perfect, by Jodi Picoult, that is exactly what happens. Everyone loves Alex Rivers, as he is the most known celebrity out there. Cassie, his beloved wife, however, doesn't just see his celebrity side, she sees his abusive side too. In the beginning of the book, Cassie has lost her memory, having no clue who she is or how she lives. As the book progresses, Cassie regains bits and pieces of her memory, but with her memory coming back, she starts to remember the abuse her husband,
Whether positive or negative, influential people change our lives, society, and maybe even habits, with just their words. To build up self esteem, Christina Grimmie said, “Confidence is not ‘they will like me’ Confidence is instead ‘I’ll be fine if they don’t.” Clearly, Christina Grimmie wants people that were around her, to know that it’s okay if not everyone likes someone, because the people who do, will always be there for support. From personal experience, Gabby Douglas stated, “Hard days are the best because that’s when champions are made.” Obviously, Gabby wants people to understand that when they have tough times, life will always get better, since she doesn’t have good days everyday. “You don’t have to be afraid because we’re all the
th (15)A long while ago a great warrior faced a situation that made it necessary for him to make a decision which insured his success on the battlefield. He was about to send his armies against a powerful enemy, whose men out numbered his own. He loaded his men into boats, sailed to the enemy’s country, unloaded his soldiers and equipment, then gave an order to burn the ships that had carried them there. Addressing his men before the first battle he said ” You see the boats going up in smoke. That means that we cannot leave these shores alive unless we win. We now have no choice..we win or..we perish.” They won.
In the novel “ The Breadwinner” My theme is “Courage.¨ It is about a girl named Parvana and her family is in danger she is losing money and now Parvana's has to make a big commitment. Not only that, but her dad got taken away and now he is in Jail. Parvana has to do something very brave and she must have a lot of courage to this, she has to act and dress like a boy in order to get money and take care of her family. Every day Parvana would go to the market and work, One-day Parvana was walking and Parvana saw a girl in an alleyway sitting there with no burqa on and Parvana told the girl to come to her house. The parts of the book show that this theme for this book is courage and for sure it will make you believe that theme is a good theme for this book.
“He’d do what he always did, find the sweet among the bitter” (265). In the book the Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, the Panama Hotel is on the corner of Chinatown and Japantown. The hotel is located between the two cultures Henry is tied to, the Japanese and the Chinese. The story takes place in Henry’s past when he first meets Keiko and the present, after his wife, Ethel, has died. The hotel acts as the connection in between the two cultures and the two time periods, and symbolizes how Henry does too.
Sometimes life lessons are learned the hard way. Unfortunately for me, this is how I learned mine. I do not mean to make this sad and depressing, but this is the truth.
Hi Peeps, Today's Quote "Look at how we ACT, knowing that God is in Complete Control, yet we choose to ignore God's Commandments and Good Choices for our lives too often." ~ Jon Barnes ACT of Hope Since we know how to exercise our right to choose Good over evil, it seems logical to choose God's perspective and lifestyle to reap the rewards of eternal life with Him in Heaven. Giving up the right to choose evil should be easy and obvious. Why should we believe the lie of evil, when the blessings of Good from God are so apparent and simple to obtain? If you are serious about your Hope and Love for God, then you will activate your Faith, go to Doctor Jesus, get your prescription filled, and take you spiritual medication.
Personal pride must control emotions because if not this can lead to unstable thoughts and conditions. Emotions can display characters vulnerable, caring, hopeful and wild. Therefore, emotions should be controlled by pride because it can make a person suffer. In Bronte’s novel, Mr. Rochestor was married to a Bertha Mason. However, Bertha was loose in exhibiting her emotions as she had “neither modesty, nor benevolence…. Her refinement in her mind or manners” (465). Bertha was the opposite of an ideal Victorean women because the women did not display or reveal their emotions and were definatley not passionate. Therefore, she must suffer for being free and going against society rules as she turns into a, “strange wild animal” (446). Therefore
Today's Quote "An evil mind is at the root of a corrupt heart, which beats like a poisonous spray of chemical pesticides inside the body, into the air, onto farmlands, into the oceans, from your mouth, into your job, business, corporations, governments, schools, churches, and the likes, throughout the world." ~ Jon Barnes The Mist As a partner with evil, greed seems unstoppable in the face of unnecessary increased pricing for basic goods and services. Resources are withheld from the working population to become independently responsible, accountable, and rewarded for honest work. Fake words, fine print, and fabricated stories lure people into the waters of entrapment, full of hungry crocodiles ready to feed. Misinformation is sprayed into the public to market the mist of profit inflation, poverty, unfair housing cost, ridiculous rental rates, slave labor, and incarceration of Good Ideas.