
Integrating Spirituality Into Counselor Training: Article Analysis

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“A Constructivist Perspective for Integrating Spirituality into Counselor Training” This article talks about how Spirituality and Religion can be integrated into counseling. I believe that people training to be a counselor should have religion. The scripture 2 Timothy 3:16 says “All scriptures is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.” In order to counsel someone that person have to have God in his heart. To be an educational counselor as well that person should have God in their heart. I also believe in the old saying that you should be quick to listen and slow to speak when conversing with someone. Counselors have a lot of people who would like …show more content…

Counselors have to approach all situations delicately.
In the article it states that a counselor have to have an understanding of what spirituality is and what religion is. According to the article spirituality is something that can touch everyone and something that is bigger than life. Also stated in the article religion is worship, belief in God, and having faith. According to this article it states that “The professional counselor should actively explore his or her own attitudes, beliefs, and values about spirituality and religion (Cashwell & Watts, 2010).” The article also says that there are issues regarding integrating spirituality and religion into counselor training. It stated that it is hard to incorporate spirituality and religion into counsel training because of all the diversity. With that being said there is a lot of diversity in the school systems as well as in the world. There are many issues that affect integrating spirituality and religion in schools but one of the issues is that students having different beliefs. School counselors should be equipped to handle students that have different religious belief. As an educational counselor you have to have

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