The Intel in China case presents a valid issue. But deep beneath the surface, this case has many other issues associated with the one presented. At the surface it is evident that Li is an emotional worker who puts his whole hearted effort into his job. This presents a challenge for any manager because of the emotional attachment that the employee presents. But the question is whether it is just Li that feels this way in the organization. Perhaps, this behavior stems from other organizational issues.
From the onset of this case, it is evident that there is a form of organizational culture that is dwelling at Intel. While Tang understands this, he fails to maneuver his management skills to accommodate the change that he is bringing forth.
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I would make sure that Li and I would find a middle ground in this issue. Primarily Li should know that he is an asset to his company, and his value should not feel underestimated. I would tell Li, that since we are going in a new direction, we need him on board to help our organization reach the next level. As long as I can convince him that we need him more than he needs his project, then I will have solved the issue.
Another issue at hand is the issue of whether communication is poor internally between the organization. Prior to Tang’s arrival, employees were used to the organizational culture that previous top management had set in. I honestly don’t feel that there were internal communication issues. I just believe it is Li and his emotional attachment to his project. Perhaps it is Li, who is new to the different organizational structures between the East and the West. Tang is more familiarized with a Western organizational style, in which they seek to have more open discussions. In contrast, the East is vertical with a process for approaching issues. Tang needs to sit down with Li and communicate the structure that he is attempting to use which is a little of both structures. Tang must ask Li that he need not feel like a “ Lost Face” during this transition. As long as Tang communicates his transition tactics he must also explain to Li the type of structure he plans
Describe the characteristics of the industry in which Intel operates. How is Intel positioned in the industry?
1. What are the lessons useful for their future microprocessor business that you think Intel should have taken away from their experience in the DRAM industry?
Women are portrayed in three distinctive ways in The Crucible, by Arthur Miller. Some are appeared as great, moral, upright people, while others are the opposite. Miller is not a feminist, his intentions are not to make women appear to be spotless, however, he is also not a misogynist, he does not condemn all women for the sins of their sex. He demonstrates a balance between various individuals, with a specific end goal to make the story more believable. There are three distinct women in the play with three different personas.
The case of Karen Leary illustrates the implications cultural conflict can have on business organizations and office culture. A common mistake managers make is undermining the power of cultural constraints at the organizational level. After six years as a financial consultant at Merrill Lynch, Karen Leary was promoted to general manager at the Elmville branch in Chicago. Leary wanted to achieve success at the branch office by building high-producing, successful group of professionals who work together to provide clients with complete service in meeting long-term financial goals.
In the case of Innostat, the main issue on the culture of the organization has led to a bad productivity and has affected its effectiveness and efficiency. This portrays that Innostat has overlooked the importance of culture which claims by Schein (2004) as powerful energy for the organization in order to reach the goals. Hence, Innostat is now struggling to bring back its innovating edge. By referring to the Burke-Litwin Model (1992), it can be seen that there is an interconnectedness of four factors including leadership, culture, work unit climate and motivation which the effects will be analyze using the same model shortly. Ultimately, this analysis proposes that the most crucial issue to be addressed in the case of Innostat is
Within organizations, large and small, there exists a sense of identity among its members that separates it from other organizations. This sense of identity is known as organizational culture. All over, managers seek to influence and change this into something that can be beneficial for the organization. In his article, “The Six Levers for Managing Organizational Culture”, Professor David W. Young defines the different elements that can influence and change the culture within the organization and how the reader can use these “levers” to their advantage. While the author does present a decent explanation for changing the culture of an organization, he leaves many questions unanswered that leaves his argument incomplete.
In the case “Managing a Global Team: Greg James at Sun Microsystems, Inc. Tsedal Neeley states that lack of inappropriate communication, leadership and decision-making is root of the crisis of HS Holdings. Overall, cultural diversity is based on the idea that cultural identities should not be discarded or ignored but rather maintained and valued. In view of this, diverse cultural differences can result in organizational problems. Firstly, identify your techniques to manage his global team and recognize the root of problems. Secondly, identify you should be responsible for the crisis of HS Holdings because of miscommunication and improper leadership. Thirdly, defining the important role of open work environment and diversity play in the case in order to focus on improvement of this two. Fourthly, finding out short-term development and long-term development for James to match solving organizational problem. At the end, summing all findings in a conclusion . Mentioning Greg, he is an unquestionable technical elites. After he earned a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering from Stanford University, he chose to work for the Sun Inc. Within four years, he had risen in the Data Protection and Recovery Department. Five years later, he achieved the Sun outstanding Manager award. (Neeley and Delong 5) Now, James works on a global team management position where he is struggling with team management. Within the team there was a lot of stress being built up
The OCI Circumplex showed that the company has a culture with moderately strong Oppositional and Humanistic-Encouraging styles. It also significantly displays Avoidance and Self-Actualizing styles. The two least prominent styles are Perfectionistic and Approval. At first glance, the organization may seem to be working against itself, since the styles are on opposite sides of the
Peter Browning’s dilemmas are the urgency/necessity to change White Cap’s organization’s operations to become more competitive with actual markets and customer’s necessities but there are some organizational culture factors that would need to change in order to make White Cap a more proactive corporation. Some factors in particular are the seniority of some key manager positions (under his supervision) that represent the true identity of White Cap and the importance of their role in earlier years with the company, however their performance in those particular areas had led White Cap to their actual situation, also the company image at corporate levels was particularly ask to be
In your judgment is Intel a “monopoly”? Did Intel use monopoly-like power, in other words, did Intel achieve its objectives by relying on power that it had due to its control of a large portion of the market? Explain your answers.
Intel excels at top-down innovation, where highly differentiated components and electronics command a high gross margin relative to competitors, enabling faster design wins with Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and development partners. This top-down innovation flow within Intel is so dominant, that the product design teams are significantly more productive than even the most advanced business process management teams (Segerstrom, 2007). Microprocessors and the follow-on Internet, networking, security and integrated motherboard products are all predicated on this top-down innovation cycle that leads to product line proliferation in Intel (Zimmerman, 2010). DRAMS were undifferentiated in structure, lacked industry standards that could create differentiated performance or compatibility based on adherence or alignment to standards or customer requirements (Nicholson, 1997). Intel chose to compete on the only other area of their core strength as a company, which is quality management and yield levels (Clark, Walz, Turner, Miszuk, 1993). Getting the yields for DRAMS to 60%, which for a brief period of time lead the global industry, only served to accelerate a very high level of commoditization in the industry (Voss, 1998).
The culture that the executives wished to maintain is one of big ideas, large thinking, and a strong emphasis on creativity. It is one that opposes bureaucracy and rigidity without cause, and despises formality without passion. And it is one that strives to stay relevant, fresh,
The modern business culture must, by necessity, be fluid if it is to succeed globally. There is interaction between employees, between stakeholders, and between global environments. In fact, this environment is formed through multiple interactions between the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities presented through the organization's unique culture. Since truly the one constant in business is change, it is how we adapt to such changes; as individuals and part of groups, that helps manifest behaviors as he culture evolves. Indeed, many believe that one of the templates that make up this fluidity is the concept, even more popular in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, of mergers and acquisitions (Horibe, 2001).
The three invention I believe mark the importance and impact of changing technologies on the U.S. that would change the country making it move forward into became a more technological advance. The first invention that I believe to be the Typewriter invented in 1829 by William Austin Burt who he called Typographer but, he is mostly known for inventing the Solar Compass. The second invention that revolutionized the U.S was the Telegraph invented by Samuel Adams in 1837 and a year later he invented the morse code which was use to break down the message. The impact from these inventions was the people would get done thing more faster and getting things faster meant the there would be many good to sell more and the result was earning more money.
Biomimicry is an approach to the design and production of structures, materials and systems based on nature’s processes and strategies. It is inspired by the understanding that animals, plants and microbes have already solved many of the complex problems faced by humans.