
Intelligence Core Competencies

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A great emphasis has been placed on transforming the Intelligence Community (IC) since the catastrophic events of September 2001, as the tragedy highlighted the requirement for the collective organizations to transform in the face of emerging threats and to support new security agencies. A range of instruments such as the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (IRTPA), the 9/11 Commission Report and multiple Executive Orders, directed the IC to become more collaborative. However, any organizational change has issues and the IC is no different in this respect. Two specific factors are key to successful intelligence collaboration. Firstly, the method in which information is shared across the community is of vital importance because each organization relies on discoverable and accessible information to complete their roles in national security. Secondly, relationships between agencies need to be nurtured to foster a cooperative rather than competitive environment because the information flow is promoted within an organization that is not restricted by vertical integration—that is, information can flow across departments at various levels rather than be …show more content…

Contained within the strategic document are two specific goals aimed at increasing in information access by intelligence professionals. The first goal is aimed to achieve information sharing policy and governance across the community, while the second objective is to improve universal information discovery and

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