Many people accuse IQ tests to be biased against an assortment of cultures. Intelligence has been proven to be affected by environmental factors (Cherry), and typically this includes one’s culture and upbringing. One’s culture can influence many things, as simple as what intelligence is to how people look at the world around them. According to Dr. Robert Serpell, in the some of the more rural areas of Africa, when parents talk about the intelligence of children “they prefer not to separate the cognitive speed aspect of intelligence from the social responsibility aspect” (Benson). The Luo tribe in Kenya has four aspects to their views on intelligence, these aspects include academic intelligence, practical thinking, comprehension, and social
IQ tests measure cognitive ability, but they usually assess cultural learning more than pure, natural intelligence.
Furthermore, it could be argued that other skills such as the ability to work as part of a team, or the ability to show empathy correspond to more “real life” sources of intelligence that determine a person’s ability to achieve in life. Such cognition is arguably more complex which leads to the suggestion that other sources of variance such as cultural, environmental and other non-cognitive factors effect and shape a person’s ability to understand and evaluate the world. The idea that IQ differences reflect cultural “distance” rather than a cognitive “strength” is simply recognising these factors and implementing contextual testing of a person’s ability through more than one testing basis.
Ashley Weigand November 15, 2015 Chapter 9 The intelligence of a person is influenced by a number of factors both biological factors and environmental factors. Environmental factors that affect intelligence include health, nutrition, income, season of birth, birth order, and education. On average children with affluent parents have higher IQs than children living below the poverty level. I grew up in Olathe which is part of Johnson County, the richest county in Kansas.
The issue of cultural bias in intelligence tests sparks debates every time the latter is created or administered, resulting to many researches into how the reliability and validity of an ability test may differ when assessed on groups from different cultural-linguistic backgrounds. The aim of this study is to test the reliability and validity of the PSYGAT Verbal IQ Test on university students from English-speaking backgrounds (ESB) and non-English speaking backgrounds (NESB) in relation to the Queendom Verbal IQ Test and Cultural Fair IQ Test. 445 third year psychology students aged 19 to 62 were involved in this
Most IQ tests are English oriented and based a lot on American culture which foreigners never learned in their country. They are many foreigners who are not native English speakers and for them taking the intelligence tests is against them of scoring higher. For instance, " A historical researcher has shown that for instance whites folks has scored higher than blacks folks, the rich score higher than the poor. In some tests, women and men score differently from task to
For cultural factors, biased IQ test would be interconnected to substandard schools. These tests measure a student's school achievement. And if there are substandard schools, the students who are placed into the higher groups, the will do better than those who are placed in a lower group. And thus these IQ tests would lead to the deficiency theory, which suggests that 'the poor are
A study intending to emulate the results expressed in the original study was performed on preschool aged children exposing them to similar variables as those in the original study (Hui, 2007). The study showed no empirical evidence that listening to Mozart is more beneficial for children than ulterior conditions (Hui, 2007). This disproves the belief that listening to Mozart makes a child smarter also making the generalization from the Rauscher et al (1993) inconclusive. There are also a number of other factors that have been overlooked when comparing the finding of the original study to the Mozart effect in children. Another discerning factor expressed in the original study was the test used to assess intelligence between the participants. The portion of the Stanford-Binet test used in the original study focuses on one aspect of intelligence, namely, spatial reasoning (Rauscher et al, 1993). Therefore, it would be invalid to assume that high scores on this specific test delineate an increase in overall general intelligence. The test itself is also bias as specific cultures outperform others, as cultural environment has an influence on intelligence, which may lead to deficits in the results found (Weinberg, 1989). Sternberg (2004) found that IQ tests are effective at predicting academic success in western individuals but are not conclusive measures of overall intelligence or ability to succeed. Gardner (1999) also proposed that IQ test also
Knowledge isn’t all about what people know or how well they are in school. IQ tests test the intelligence of the person; however they test the pure thinking capacity rather than what people know. This means that intelligence comes from the entire cognitive thinking ability and not what they
Globalization has made it paramount for businesses and individuals that want to venture into a different country to have cultural intelligence of that country. Cultural intelligence is defined as capability to successfully adapt to new cultural environments and unfamiliar settings attributable to cultural context (Earley, Ang, and Tan 2006). Obtaining cultural knowledge allows business relationships to flourish, provides feasibility and sustainability for the business. It also shows cultural sensitivity, which is important when trying to win over locals of a specific area.
When you hear the words American Culture what to do tend to think about? When I hear the words American Culture I tend to think about society, and how it has influenced my life. Society itself is influenced by the people and the culture within it. When actors or actresses dress differently or try something new, other people will do the same thing. When you have a culture that heavily populates an area, that culture will be heavenly influenced in that area. There may be restaurants or stores that will carry the cultures products. Therefore, Americans do not realize that American Culture impacts them every day. When they go shopping for new clothes at the store that a friend posted about on their Snapchat and when they decided to try something new to eat at a new restaurant they found on Yelp. These are just a few of the ways that American culture impacts Americans but, there are three things that impact American Culture the most. Pop Culture, Technology, and Family Constructs. I believe these topics highlight American Culture.
Intelligence tests are inaccurate to measures true ability of a person because genes affect how a person responds to their surroundings, the tests cannot measure the person biological makeup or his true potential for being “smart”.
For the most part “intelligence norms” are still serving the purposes for which they were designed to fulfill. However, the intelligence community (IC) is not currently post-cold war which is where these norms may have been exactly what was needed in order to protect our national security. The treats that our national security faced during the cold war are not the same as the advanced technological tactics that are threatening our national security today. With the early on perceived intelligence community failures that are still looming such as the Chinese Embassy bombing, 9/11 and weapons of mass destruction (WMD), the transformation of the IC21 process needs to be transparent as a step to reestablish trust with the public.
Intelligence is used by everyone to help them in everyday life. Where people get their intelligence, however, is debatable. A person is born with an amount of inherited intelligence; this intelligence is considered nature, genetic, or heredity. Then there is intelligence that comes from the ability to learn from experience; this intelligence is impacted by nurture or the environment. It is known that both genetic and environmental factors determine intelligence, but the subject is controversial among professionals. Does nature or nurture have a bigger impact on intelligence? Is it true that some people are born with high intelligence, but are limited by their environment? Given the proper tools, can a person increase their intelligence? How accurate are IQ tests?
There are a slew of tests that attempt to measure how intelligent human beings are. They all measure different aspects and those factors will be covered here. One of the misconceptions is that the tests measure inborn intelligence. Few of the activities are designed for that purpose. They actually measure a person’s interaction with the environment and what they have learned from that interaction. The most common tested aspect is critical thinking. Instead of straightforward questions, intelligence tests offer questions with a twist. It is assumed that the most intelligent people will see obvious flaws in the obvious answers (Steinberg & Williams, 2015). Some intelligence tests also measure reflexes, both mental and physical. The assumption is quick reaction times reflect an active brain and in the line of thinking, a more intelligent person.
The measures of the cultural general nature adversely affect the capacity of the scale to tap the CQ construct essence and moreover the format of self-report is a cause for the concern. The limitations of the self report instrument for the intelligence evaluation have been discussed in relation EQ where the measure of performance based have been proved to have a predictive validity and greater concurrent (Zang, 1969). Cultural Intelligence is independent of ability of general ability of cognitively.