Globalization of industry has been growing at an astonishing rate and as a result the need for second language acquisition has also increased severely. The interaction between second language learners and first language speakers does not always happen physically, so intensive and extensive reading is used to help second language learners communicate with the first language speakers more effectively by building strong reading skills. In the last couple of decades the intensive and extensive reading approaches have been researched and it has been said that both of these approaches are beneficial for second language learners to obtain fluency in reading. It is also clear that some of the researchers prefer one approach over the other,
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(2006). Why extensive reading. Journal Of School Of Foreign Languages, 30(Nagoya University of Foreign Studies), 1-16. Retrieved from https://nufs-nuas.repo.nii.ac.jp/?action=pages_view_main&active_action=repository_view_main_item_detail&item_id=245&item_no=1&page_id=13&block_id=17
Ponniah, R. (2011). Incidental Acquisition of Vocabulary by Reading. The Reading Matrix, 11(2), 135-139. Retrieved from https://s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/3631574/ponniah.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIWOWYYGZ2Y53UL3A&Expires=1511604216&Signature=AkKYgu5CqWE%2Bv8lDjD6CgjWYouc%3D&response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3DIncidental_acquisition_of_vocabulary_by.pdf
Rashidi, N., & Piran, M. (2011). The Effect of Extensive and Intensive Reading on Iranian EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Size and Depth. Journal Of Language Teaching And Research, 2(2), 471-482. http://dx.doi.org/10.4304/jltr.2.2.471-482
Robb, R., & Susser, B. (1989). Extensive Reading vs Skills Building in an EFL Context. Reading In A Foreign Language, 5(2), 239-251. Retrieved from http://www.cc.kyoto-su.ac.jp/~trobb/robbsuss.html
Tamrackitkun, K. (2010). Extensive reading: An empirical study of its effects on EFL Thai students’ reading comprehension, reading fluency and attitudes (Doctoral dissertation). University of
Many students who struggle with reading ask why should we read, what is the point? The point is that being able to read opens you up a whole new world of knowledge and imagination. But to have that new world opened up you need to be able to comprehend what you are reading. The primary goal of reading is to determine the meaning of
However, new language learners most face some difficult and boredom in reading, so teachers should try to give students books that can attract students interest and curiosity. Reading stories and novels can create great interest and suspense that ELL student’s need. Through my reading to this book ‘Their Eyes Were Watching God’ I strongly recommend it as one of these books that can benefit ELS students. According to Krashen (1993) reading is an effective way to increasing and improving improve spelling, grammar, and writing for ELL students, especially reading for pleasure. Krashen also said that students who read for pleasure have better reading comprehension, writing style, and increasing vocabulary. The author also emphasized that the best way to develop Vocabulary is through real encounters words within context (Krashen,
It is crucial we consider reading fluency instruction to support our struggling students in the classroom. Fluency instruction is one of the critical components of a comprehensive reading program, needed to promote overall good readers. Research supports implementing, effective fluency instruction in the students’ daily reading routine. Struggling readers make significant improvements in their overall reading experience, when presented opportunities to practice reading fluently. Hence, encouraging frequent reading and promoting the love of reading. Reading fluency is a good overall indicator the efficiency of the reading process (Nathan and Stanovich, 2001). Readers who demonstrate difficulty in maintaining fluency often
The benefits English language learners (ELLs) receive from Guided Reading are the same as all other students. However, when a modified approach is used ELLs benefit the most. Language learning opportunities gained by ELLs are those that native speakers acquire implicitly. Language and literacy learning opportunities including detailed vocabulary instruction, variables concerning second language (L2) text structure, such as semantics, syntax, and morphology are enhanced and enriched by modification. Some researchers have determined that ELLs are not generally ready for English reading instruction until they are intermediate stage of English language acquisition, while others advocate that reading and a second language are best acquired simultaneously (Avalos, Plasencia, Chavez, & Rascon, 2007, 319). In working with ELLs at
Presently there is a rising number of English Language Learners (ELLs) entering into classrooms all over the country. According to the three research studies that I utilized, there are several varied assessment approaches for teaching ELLs in reading (Davis-Lenski, Ehlers-Zavala, Daniel, & Sun-Irminger, 2006; Dreher, & Letcher-Gray, 2009; Ebe, 2010). English Language Learners (ELLs) consistently struggle with some aspects of reading because, they lack background knowledge in terms of the generalized text selections, which they are often given (Davis-Lenski, Ehlers-Zavala, Daniel, & Sun-Irminger, 2006; Dreher, & Letcher-Gray, 2009; Ebe, 2010). The data across all three journal documents agrees that there is an achievement gap where ELLs
The article concluded that “reading development starts before formal instruction” (Mol, 2011, p. 22) and that print exposure coupled with examples of leisure reading to model after were factors in literacy success and leisure reading habits of the student (Myers, 2014, p. 261). Also, in order to narrow the gap between strong readers and struggling readers, more needs to be done to put leisure reading materials in to the hands of struggling readers.
Many popular theories of second language acquisition have been analyzed throughout history. The socialization of L2 learners, their present emotional state that is present at the time of acquisition, as well as the comprehensible input and output with the use of scaffolding play a major role in second language acquisition. Kirsten Hummel states, “The one most effective way to increase L2 competence was by exposure to ‘comprehensible input’.” (Hummel, 2014, p. 73) Let us also not forget the importance of written expression as well as reading comprehension with these L2 learners. Each plays a role in language development. However, I believe that to acquire language one must use a variety of techniques that work together to create a balance within the learning environment. Furthermore, all L2 learners acquire language differently and so using a variety of resources that are based on the ability of each student is neccesary. There are many theories that have been developed by highly qualified experts in the field of linguistics. However, I will address those areas that I agree with as I present my personal theories on second language acquisition.
Extensive reading is a reading strategy that read longer texts for global understanding. This study was assessed the culture of extensive readers and the difference between extensive and non extensive readers speaking fluency. Additionally, assessed that students who read extensively could speak fluently and the role of extensive in developing speaking skill was well assessed. The study was delimited on third year English language and literature student of Wolaita Sodo University. The researcher also used purposive sampling by non- probably sampling technique due to the number of subjects were 52. To gathered information researcher used questionnaire for students and interview for teachers and analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively through table and percentage. Based on the data gathered through questionnaire and interview the culture of extensive readers and main role as well as level of importance of extensive reading in developing speaking skill was identified. Through the research finding, extensive reading has significant impact to develop speaking skill and students who read extensively have better vocabulary ability than others and this situation help them to speak their idea freely. Researcher conclude that extensive reading major role to learners and the mode of teaching speaking is more use full to students thought reading as a means of facilitating them about the acquisition of English language and recommend that most student considered them as responsive only
Reading is believed to be an easy task, something we all learning and develop through the years as we grow, however, is it really that simple? To reading and understanding are both essential when a student begins to read. It is a complex action that requires a multitude of different actions/components, all working at the same time, to become a successful reader. The components that are pertinent to reading are: comprehension, oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, fluency and vocabulary. Without these components, reading may very well be irrelevant because it does not make sense to read and not understand what is being transmitted/relayed. According to the National Reading Panel (NRP), “a combination of techniques is effective for
Vocabulary plays a significant role in English as second language learning process. For the majority of English as Second Language(ESL) learners, the ultimate goal of learning the language is to understand (read and listen) and communicate (write and speak) with little difficulty and the lack of sufficient vocabulary may be the constraint of such goal (Folse, 2004). As the bedrock of English and as well as language, vocabulary also facilitates the development of other language skills: lexical richness leads to the progress in the use of language, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing skills (Nation, 1994). Reversely, The improvement in such skills may enhance learners vocabulary size as the exposure to more learning materials improves the capacity to acquire new vocabulary. (The importance of learning vocabulary/ why vocabulary?)
When data from students who had average accuracy and fluency scores, but lower comprehension scores were compared to data from those with similar accuracy and fluency but average comprehension, the consistent differences were found to be lower oral language and vocabulary skills in the poor comprehenders upon entry into formal schooling. (Nation, Cocksey, Taylor & Bishop) Thousands of dollars each year are spent on intervention, trying to improve the reading of children that show delays. When one reads, the clear goal is comprehension of what is read. Without communication of ideas between the author and reader, decoding texts is pointless. Most intervention programs are focused on phonics and word decoding. Oral language interventions concurrent with vocabulary and comprehension tasks at age eight have been shown to lead to significant improvements in reading comprehension. (Nation, et al., 2010). Reading comprehension is not merely a product of being able to decode words and sentences. How we teach children to process and integrate the ideas found in text can have a large impact on their ability to function in a world of ever expanding knowledge and information.
Several researchers in the area of input modification have examined the effect of this technique on second language learner 's comprehension (Oh, 2001; Brewer, 2008; Maxwell, 2011) and others investigate its effect not only on comprehension but also on vocabulary learning (Urano, 2000; Kim, 1996). Some studies showed that there was no significant difference in learning second language vocabularies between using reading elaborated text with unmodified texts (Chung, 1995; Kim; 1996; Silvia, 2000).
Reading is an act of perception, analysis, and interpretation done by the reader to get the message to be conveyed by the author in media writing. According to Farr (in Dalman, 2013: 5) suggests that "Reading is the Heart of Education, the reading of reading comprehension is an essential prerequisite for mastery and enhancement of students' knowledge, so after reading the text the reader should be able to understand the text. First, give information, for example by reading newspapers and magazines, secondly, give entertainment, for example by reading a novel.The third one, most importantly reading can provide new knowledge.The book can provide understanding as well as entertaining and providing information.
Reading has at all times and in all ages been a source of knowledge, of happiness, of pleasure and even moral courage. In today's world with so much more to know and to learn and also the need for a conscious effort to conquer the divisive forces, the importance of reading has increased. In the olden days if reading was not cultivated or encouraged, there was a substitute for it in the religious sermon and in the oral tradition. The practice of telling stories at bed time compensated to some extent for the lack of reading. In the nineteenth century Victorian households used to get together for an hour or so in the evenings and listen to books being read aloud. But today we not only read, we also want to read more and more and catch up
This article was very interesting and had my attention throughout. The author that completed this case study was interested in reading fluency for ELL students. He began by first and foremost examining different research about the topic. A brief summary of reading accusation was provided which talked about the basic components of reading, which are decoding and comprehension (Lorence, 2015). The focus was based on direct instruction and how it would influence Arabic speaking ELL. The reason the