
Intensive And Extensive Reading

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Globalization of industry has been growing at an astonishing rate and as a result the need for second language acquisition has also increased severely. The interaction between second language learners and first language speakers does not always happen physically, so intensive and extensive reading is used to help second language learners communicate with the first language speakers more effectively by building strong reading skills. In the last couple of decades the intensive and extensive reading approaches have been researched and it has been said that both of these approaches are beneficial for second language learners to obtain fluency in reading. It is also clear that some of the researchers prefer one approach over the other, …show more content…

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Rashidi, N., & Piran, M. (2011). The Effect of Extensive and Intensive Reading on Iranian EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Size and Depth. Journal Of Language Teaching And Research, 2(2), 471-482.
Robb, R., & Susser, B. (1989). Extensive Reading vs Skills Building in an EFL Context. Reading In A Foreign Language, 5(2), 239-251. Retrieved from
Tamrackitkun, K. (2010). Extensive reading: An empirical study of its effects on EFL Thai students’ reading comprehension, reading fluency and attitudes (Doctoral dissertation). University of

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