
Intentional Living Plan

Decent Essays

Intentional Living Plan
I. Prior to this interim, I did not realize or understand what my personality type meant or that it had anything to do with my spiritual formation. I am an ENTJ and after reading Invitation to a Journey I understand that as a strong intuitive type I will continue to be strongly tempted and inclined to primitive sensual ways unless I balance it with my sensing side. To do this I think my practices need to be two-fold. I need to relinquish my false-self to God in intentional Solitude and pursue God’s voice through Lectio Divina. My time prior to this interim has not been intentionally planned to set aside time for being with God and having that quality time, that is a love language, to grow my relationship with Him. My …show more content…

I believe that my relationship with God needs to exemplify the relationship that He wants with me. If I am not spending “quantity” time with Him, there won’t be any space for quality time. Having fallen short in this area so many times in the past, I know I need to do something different. Out of these times with God, I should learn more about God and myself, and that should drive my extroverted “doing” efforts in the Kingdom of Heaven. My life will not be stuck in the selfish desires of my heart, but will wrestle with those desires and with God until I hopefully have an inner peace with God that dramatically affects my lifestyle. By practicing examen along with these two other disciplines, I will have a way to not only keep myself somewhat accountable, but also be able to see how far I have come since the onset.
II. As far as the description of the disciplines, examen was first explored by St. Ignatius and is meant to lead the practitioner into a place of honestly looking at his life and noticing what causes him to feel certain emotions. This allows one to recognize God’s presence in his experiences and fosters a spirit of gratitude. The main benefit for optimists is that it helps them name what is difficult for them in life. Specifically, it calls the practitioner into …show more content…

Benedict. Divine reading can now be broken into the five movements of silencio, lectio, meditatio, oratio, and contemplatio. Each stage fosters and promotes a different part of a person’s personality, allowing the most broad nurturing of the soul. This practice should be especially balancing for strong intuitive-thinking or extrovert types. It is more than simply reading, it takes the time to mull over, respond, and contemplate the Word. These aspects lead to the ultimate benefit of making scripture come alive to the practitioner. A pitfall could be that the practice becomes too rigid or does not allow God to move in the moments of reflection. If the reader only allows his own thoughts and attitudes to shape what he is reading, he will severely damage his relationship with the

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