Intentional Living Plan
I. Prior to this interim, I did not realize or understand what my personality type meant or that it had anything to do with my spiritual formation. I am an ENTJ and after reading Invitation to a Journey I understand that as a strong intuitive type I will continue to be strongly tempted and inclined to primitive sensual ways unless I balance it with my sensing side. To do this I think my practices need to be two-fold. I need to relinquish my false-self to God in intentional Solitude and pursue God’s voice through Lectio Divina. My time prior to this interim has not been intentionally planned to set aside time for being with God and having that quality time, that is a love language, to grow my relationship with Him. My
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I believe that my relationship with God needs to exemplify the relationship that He wants with me. If I am not spending “quantity” time with Him, there won’t be any space for quality time. Having fallen short in this area so many times in the past, I know I need to do something different. Out of these times with God, I should learn more about God and myself, and that should drive my extroverted “doing” efforts in the Kingdom of Heaven. My life will not be stuck in the selfish desires of my heart, but will wrestle with those desires and with God until I hopefully have an inner peace with God that dramatically affects my lifestyle. By practicing examen along with these two other disciplines, I will have a way to not only keep myself somewhat accountable, but also be able to see how far I have come since the onset.
II. As far as the description of the disciplines, examen was first explored by St. Ignatius and is meant to lead the practitioner into a place of honestly looking at his life and noticing what causes him to feel certain emotions. This allows one to recognize God’s presence in his experiences and fosters a spirit of gratitude. The main benefit for optimists is that it helps them name what is difficult for them in life. Specifically, it calls the practitioner into
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Benedict. Divine reading can now be broken into the five movements of silencio, lectio, meditatio, oratio, and contemplatio. Each stage fosters and promotes a different part of a person’s personality, allowing the most broad nurturing of the soul. This practice should be especially balancing for strong intuitive-thinking or extrovert types. It is more than simply reading, it takes the time to mull over, respond, and contemplate the Word. These aspects lead to the ultimate benefit of making scripture come alive to the practitioner. A pitfall could be that the practice becomes too rigid or does not allow God to move in the moments of reflection. If the reader only allows his own thoughts and attitudes to shape what he is reading, he will severely damage his relationship with the
Personally, I enjoyed this article because I look forward to being able to integrate the Bible and Scriptures into my own counseling practices. I feel that both my knowledge of psychology and the Word of God will allow me to help people through anything. God’s word will be the basis of my treatment plans; I will also need my background and insight from psychology.
There have been many works of literature written over time that would be classified as ‘religious’, but only a portion of these pieces are graced with the approval of the Catholic Church. In 1536, John Calvin published his Institutes of the Christian Religion, which both criticizes and reforms various aspects of the practices that make up the Christian religion. St. Teresa of Avila also published a religious piece in regards to Christian meditation practices in 1588. Rather than reforming the religion, in Interior Castle, St. Teresa illustrates how Christians can reach a final destination of a union with God through seven stages of spiritual development. Although Calvin and St. Teresa have both written religious pieces of literature; Calvin’s
As a human being, I am aware that I am learning new things daily but as a trained counselor, I will have an open mindset to understand what triggers people to act and behave a certain way, and the basis of my understanding will come from both theology and psychology. I must look profoundly into the reasons as to why I picked a career that requires me to help others during their time of anguish. The reading puts into perspective how I need to be able to assess my true values in regards to how can I set the balance between psychology and Christianity which will allow me to intake my accomplishments and disappointments in life before I can start to counsel other people. Throughout the years, due to my surroundings and lifestyle, I have lost my religious beliefs, but I have kept my religious
Dr. Entwistle published IntegrativeApproaches to Psychology and Christianity with the intent of using the text for undergraduate
I’d like to state the most obvious observation that I’ve made about spiritual formation; that is that I will always need to be seeking for ways to nurture my personal spirituality throughout my life. I know that to most people this may sound like a “duh” statement, but for me it has truly become a reality and one that I must admit I have been struggling to embrace. I was brought up in a church that, like most traditional churches, stayed happy living in the “comfort zone” of their Christianity. They took everything that the Bible said at face value without digging in to find out why they believed what they believed. I had never been challenged to look deeper into the text. In the past few years I have felt the need to tunnel out of this
This was the fourth activity plan I implemented at the Child Development Lab. I implemented the group time activity where I read a book to the preschoolers. Knowing that I was going to be exposed to reading to the preschoolers for the first time, I was preparing for the past two weeks. The reason I was preparing myself was because I did not want to do a mistake during group time. As I was about to begin the activity, I felt nervous and afraid because I was not sure if they children would like me conducting the group time. To get the children interested in the group time, I started to sing their favorite songs. This was another reason why I was nervous because I did not know the songs that well. Thankful the children were so excited that they
The information that was most helpful to me was the Life Careen Planning Pyramid. Why? Since it is giving me an idea how to plan on how to reach my goals in life. Starting with the bottom of the pyramid is the foundation, which is the values, skills, personality, and interests. Relating this to myself is knowing if I am actually meant to be a child psychologist. I will get to know my personality more by taking time into knowing my self. For instance, by taking a personality test. Meaning I will be discovering myself and finding out more about my inner interest that I never knew. From understanding yourself, you develop your long term goals for your life and career. To illustrate, I will be choosing if the career I am taking as a child psychologist
Reading the book by John Ortberg has helped me realize how essential and important it is to meditate on the Word of God. The Lord has been good to me and has been morphing me gently into the person he wants me to be. For this week’s assignment, I have chosen to discipline myself what Ortberg calls having the “simplicity of heart”. Ortberg describes this word as the “alternative to duplicity and to multiplicity” (p 177). Simplicity of heart in other words means setting your heart and your mind on one thing instead of chasing several different things.
Rooted and grounded in love with all the same attributes of any other human. I can still be quick to judge sometimes but do not speak until I have settled it in my heart. I am kind and loving and have a great care for all creatures on this earth as well as the earth itself. I am often times misunderstood whether it is the way I articulate things or the way I speak it. I know I can be very direct and to the point which others find hurtful or even spiteful. This is an issue I have tried to bring to a resolution however I have not had much luck. Since I have developed a relationship with our Father I don’t feel he wants me to be quiet, meek or humble. I know we are created in his image and there is no one alike. I believe he has given me many gifts and talents and I am blessed. Although, I am sure of many things and I believe the Bible to be complete truth. I find it difficult when the Church suggests otherwise and that I must let go of all things that I love, music, theater, movies etc. because of the message that is behind all of these art forms. My Pastor believes that no good can come from these things because of the evil behind them. This is why in order to love God we must let go of all things, in essence lose ourselves. I have done this for a year and am having
The personality assessment inventory tests provide results on my individual personality, values, motivation, decision making, communication, team skills, conflict skills, organizational structure preference, and stress. These results are broken down briefly in three parts and do not include any personal speculation or analysis as to their meaning. The application of these results are further applied and explains how the results noted from the tests and in the first step will make me a better employee, co-worker, and manager within my organization. These tests mentioned above are applied in conjunction with particular examples on how I can achieve becoming a better employee, co-worker, and manager. An explanation of how my personality and experiences were affected by the Holy Spirit is also discussed. Particularly, how potential weaknesses have become strengths with the guidance of the Lord.
As I read this text by Dr. Crabb, I was very challenged in my deficit motivations in which I have been functioning under since my divorce. My fear of rejection causes me to allow others to treat me negatively way beyond that which is healthy. I realized that my motive for leaving my spouse was biblical in that I believed then and now that it was the only way to help point him toward true repentance and wholeness in Christ. I was challenged to face my patterns of attempting to find happiness, soothing of self, rather then joy, godly contentment in the midst of trial (NIV, James 1:2-8). Although due to the spiritual abuse my spouse had imparted on me created a fear in me to trust my faith or my ability to understand God’s will for me an area that would be defined as a new motivation deficit under Dr. Crabb’s theory. I believe I would need to process and redefine everything that happened rather then just claimed as a deficit to untangle it from the truth faith I have, which consequently led me to seek the counsel of a church counselor this week.
In preparation for week six paper on the selected topic “How does God call”, there are many ways the broad principles of reading and thinking skills enriched research. Many students come into different universities and college and take courses having knowledge, beliefs, and attitude to get there class assignments done. When students bring this awareness to the inside of a classroom, it not only influences what they are willing to accept, but it then blocks the way they look at what is being taught. One thing I love from Thielicke is when he stated “During the period when the voice is changing we do not sing, and during this formative period in the life of the theological student he does not preach.” In other words, when one comes into a new area of life they must then remove and forgot all things in which they have learnt for just a little bit and seek to go higher; but they must open their ears and shut their mouths. If students prior knowledge is healthy, precise and actuated at the appropriate time, it provides a strong foundation for building new knowledge. However, when knowledge is wrong, inadequate, and or inaccurate, it can affect with new learning.
I have been into the practicum for two months now. It is an appropriate time for me to reflect on my learning and practice in spiritual direction in the past few weeks in the areas of the journey of faith, emotion in spiritual direction, the purgative way, triads, meeting with directees in the sessions and supervision.
The book is divided into seven parts. The book focuses spiritual growth and it is a manual for building a Spirit-filled life in a world where perfection can only be found in God’s loving vision. Ortberg helps us gauge your spiritual health and measure the gap between where you are now and where God intends you to be. As the author emphasizes on
I. Personal Profile: As I ponder over my thoughts and reflect on where I am in my journey of spiritual growth, all I can do is just thank God for all He has done. My spiritual journey has been full of ups and downs, but I would not change any of it because I had to go through the things I have went through to get to where I am today. Before I started living fully for Jesus, I was just existing and living my life without a purpose. I was lost and was seeking validation from everyone but God. My spiritual journey did not start until I realized that I was searching for happiness in all wrong places, and that my happiness was found in God. Once I discovered that and began building a relationship with God, my love began to increase for Him and all He has done. I began to see things clearer and God started removing toxic people out of my life and molding me into what he created me to be. In this season of my journey, I believe God is taking me through the pruning phase. In john 15:2 it says, “Every branch in me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it do that it may bear more fruit.” Jesus is stripping me from everything that no longer serves a purpose in my life. He is setting me apart and preparing me for my purpose on earth. God is changing everything about me from the inside out, and removing anything that is not of him and making me more like him. He is making me very uncomfortable, so that I have no choice but to learn to fully